China Welding
- Prediction of tensile strength of friction stir welded 6061 Al plates
- Design and test of a protective structure for the double vertical explosive welding of large titanium/steel plate
- Study on microstructure and properties of 590 MPa class welding wire deposited metal on hull
- Cold cracking susceptibility of X100 pipeline steel
- Filling technique for keyhole of friction stir spot welding based on the principles of resistance spot welding
- Numerical analysis of influence of expansion joints on welding residual stress of an EGR cooler
- Effect of the heat input on microstructure and properties of submerged arc welded joint of 08Cr19MnNi3Cu2N stainless steel
- Microstructure and wear resistance of Fe-based and Co-based coating of AISI H13
- Thermal cycle and its influence on the microstructure of laser welded butt joint of 8 mm thick Ti-6Al-4V alloy