Computers Materials&Continua
- An Improved Method for Web Text Affective Cognition Computing Based on Knowledge Graph
- A Credit-Based Approach for Overcoming Free-Riding Behaviour in Peer-to-Peer Networks
- A Nonlocal Operator Method for Partial Differential Equations with Application to Electromagnetic Waveguide Problem
- The Prediction of Self-Healing Capacity of Bacteria-Based Concrete Using Machine Learning Approaches
- Computational Machine Learning Representation for the Flexoelectricity Effect in Truncated Pyramid Structures
- Deep Q-Learning Based Computation Offloading Strategy for Mobile Edge Computing
- Lever Arm Compensation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Fast Transfer Alignment
- Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Based on Block Classification Permutation
- An Early Warning System for Curved Road Based on OV7670 Image Acquisition and STM32
- Quantum Homomorphic Signature with Repeatable Verification
- System Architecture and Key Technologies of Network Security Situation Awareness System YHSAS
- CM-Droid: Secure Container for Android Password Misuse Vulnerability
- Anti-JPEG Compression Steganography Based on the High Tense Region Locating Method
- An Asymmetric Controlled Bidirectional Quantum State Transmission Protocol
- PMS-Sorting: A New Sorting Algorithm Based on Similarity
- A GLCM-Feature-Based Approach for Reversible Image Transformation
- Rayleigh-Type Wave in A Rotated Piezoelectric Crystal Imperfectly Bonded on a Dielectric Substrate
- Mechanical Response and Energy Dissipation Analysis of Heat-Treated Granite Under Repeated Impact Loading
- Image Augmentation-Based Food Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks
- Color Image Steganalysis Based on Residuals of Channel Differences
- DPIF: A Framework for Distinguishing Unintentional Quality Problems From Potential Shilling Attacks
- Artificial Neural Network Methods for the Solution of Second Order Boundary Value Problems