Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
- The Impact of Cut-off Lows on Ozone in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere over Changchun from Ozonesonde Observations
- Influence of Soil Moisture in Eastern China on the East Asian Summer Monsoon
- Trends of Regional Precipitation and Their Control Mechanisms during 1979-2013
- Temporal Statistical Downscaling of Precipitation and Temperature Forecasts Using a Stochastic Weather Generator
- A Microscale Model for Air Pollutant Dispersion Simulation in Urban Areas: Presentation of the Model and Performance over a Single Building
- Implementation of a One-Dimensional Enthalpy Sea-Ice Model in a Simple Pycnocline Prediction Model for Sea-Ice Data Assimilation Studies
- Evaluation of the Tropical Variability from the Beijing Climate Center's Real-Time Operational Global Ocean Data Assimilation System
- Application of an Artificial Neural Network for a Direct Estimation of Atmospheric Instability from a Next-Generation Imager
- The Impact of Deformation on Vortex Development in a Baroclinic Moist Atmosphere
- Dynamic Responses of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration to Global Temperature Changes between 1850 and 2010
- A Solely Radiance-based Spectral Angular Distribution Model and Its Application in Deriving Clear-Sky Spectral Fluxes over Tropical Oceans