- A comprehensive review on the chemical constituents,sesquiterpenoid biosynthesis and biological activities of Sarcandra glabra
Bailey (海南草珊) andChloranthus brachystachysBlume are two synonyms of this taxon and are sometimes used interchangeably [1].This subspecies differs from subsp.glabraby the length of its anther being almost as equal as the whole male
- The Taste of Summer
try soup海南西瓜煲:瓜皮配海鲜,海南独有的神奇美味No one knows fruits better than the people of Hainan. On this island where a wide variety of tropical plants are available all year round, fruits are not only healthy snacks, but also essential ingredi
汉语世界(The World of Chinese) 2022年3期2022-06-15
- A new snake species of the genus Gonyosoma Wagler,1828 (Serpentes:Colubridae) from Hainan Island,China
se name:海南尖喙蛇 (Bopomofo:hǎi nán jiān huì shé).Holotype:ANU20190002 (collection number:HSR2010074),adult female (Figure 1B–F),captured by H.Yang and M.Hou in the summer of 2010 from Diaoluoshan (N18°39′58.57″,E109°54′50.48″;elevati
Zoological Research 2021年4期2021-08-16
- A new species of the genus Micryletta (Anura,Microhylidae) from Hainan Island, China
me and “海南小姬蛙” (Hainan Xiao Ji Wa) for the common Chinese name of the new species.Diagnosis:The new species is assigned to the genusMicrylettabased on its possession of the following morphological characters, which are considered
Zoological Research 2021年2期2021-04-15
- 新时期海南话传承保护的探讨
,罗志刚(1.海南师范大学 教育学院;2.海南师范大学 信息科学技术学院,海南 海口571158)一、海南话传承保护研究的缘起方言日趋弱势甚至消失是当今人类语言生存状态的一个共同现象,进入21 世纪以来,世界上仅存有大约6 000 种语言,而且接近一半比例的语言正受到严重威胁或濒临灭绝①刘宝俊:《论语言的濒危和消亡》,《中南民族大学学报》2007年第6期,第23-27页。,人类社会原有语言的多样性面临着挑战。海南话是我国众多方言中的一种,为海南历代汉族岛
海南大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2020年4期2020-08-04
ainan (王海南)(Director, Division of Traditional Chinese Medicines and Ethno-Medicines, Department of Drug Registration, National Medical Products Administration, China)Let me introduce Chinese medicines. I will speak in Chinese, and
World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine 2019年3期2019-12-21
- 海南,海南
世纪大桥可以承载海南 那便是海南一种繁荣昌盛的希望在亚龙湾的碧波中荡漾在三角梅的芬芳中灵动在椰子树的摇曳中盎然在琼州海峡的汽笛声中飞扬海南 这就是海南一种锐意进取的精彩像万泉河一样沁人心脾像黄花梨一样不同凡响像五指山一样巧夺天工像崖州民歌一样耳熟能详海南 还是海南一种举世公认的神奇在不夜的明亮灯火中交相辉映在洋浦港的航线上乘风破浪在文昌卫星发射场的火箭升空中翱翔又仪态万方的呈展于博鳌论坛海南 還是海南一座魂牵梦萦的大陆岛应该是远在一方的游子感觉更为深切心中
草原 2018年10期2018-12-21
- A New Species of the Genus Sinomicrurus Slowinski, Boundy and Lawson, 2001 (Squamata: Elapidae) from Hainan Province, China
se name:海南华珊瑚蛇 (Hǎi Nán Huá Shān Hú Shé).HolotypeHUM20170001 (Figures 1, 2), adult male,was found at the forest edge on a path near a gutterway at the side of Tianchi Lake, Jianfengling NNR, Hainan island, Hainan, China (108°46′ E
Asian Herpetological Research 2018年2期2018-06-28