- Global interest in Chinese baijiu
吉林 何 斌Despite the ongoing pandemic, global interest in Chinese“white liquor” has barely faded, with dozens of cities around the world celebrating World Baijiu Day.Han Ling, the founder of Healer Bar in Shanghai, hosted a mastercla
疯狂英语·新读写 2021年2期2021-02-25
- The pursuit of desire between life and death
(长春理工大学,吉林 长春130000)一、IntroductionD.H.Lawrence is a remarkable British novelist in the 20th century.After reading Odour of Chrysanthemums ,I find that most papers analyzed this novel from the perspective of psychology focusing on
文艺生活·中旬刊 2019年8期2019-04-08
- 선어말 어미 ‘-더 -’의 의미에대하여
| 李银星 | 吉林工程技术师范学院|1.서론본고는 선어말 어미 ‘- 더- ’의 의미를 분석하는 데 목적이 있다 .선어말 어미 ‘-더 -’가포함된 구성들을 살펴보고 그 구성에서 선어말 어미 ‘-더 -’에 대해 분석이 가능한지를살펴본 후에 각 구성에 나타나는 ‘-더 -’의의미를 통시와 공시적 측면을 모두 고려하여기술하고자 한다 . ‘-더 라’와 ‘-던 ’의 ‘-더 -’에 대해 동일한 의미를 제시한 논의와 별개의의미
韩国语教学与研究 2017年4期2017-10-20
- 吉林冬季之旅
数学大王·低年级 2015年12期2015-12-16
- Is telepresence a reliable substitute for face to face presence?
吉林广播电视大学 徐 萌With the development of network technologies,people are no longer need to talk face to face;they can use telephone and internet.These telecommunication technologies develop very fast.It has already solved the problems
电子世界 2013年6期2013-08-15
- Electrophysiological disturbances of coronary heart disease and gene,cell therapy
中言,杨劲松 (吉林医药学院附属医院心内科,吉林 吉林 132013)·综 述·Electrophysiologicaldisturbancesofcoronaryheartdiseaseandgene,celltherapy李中言,杨劲松(吉林医药学院附属医院心内科,吉林 吉林 132013)More recently,gene and cell therapy as potential therapeutic treatment modalities
吉林医药学院学报 2013年1期2013-02-19