摘 要: 面料的原材料和组分对服装导湿、排汗性能影响较大。为探究面料混纺比与导湿、排汗性能间的关系,选择不同混纺比的涤棉平纹面料,通过电阻法评估汗液在各面料上的扩散及蒸发行为,采用动态水分管理测试仪和织物透湿量仪分别对面料水分扩散速率和透湿性进行测试。结果表明:混纺面料经纬向紧度是影响汗滴在面料经纬方向上扩散速率的主要因素,两者呈线性正相关;混纺面料中涤棉纤维混纺比、织物紧度和厚度影响面料的导湿及排汗性能,混纺面料中棉纤维含量越大,面料紧度值和厚度越大,则面料中汗液扩散速率和蒸发速率越小;随着混纺面料中棉纤维含量增大,面料的透湿性也会增大。研究结果对开发导湿、排汗面料具有一定参考价值,能够为夏季服装产品的选择提供理论参考。
关键词: 混纺比;涤棉面料;导湿排汗;电阻测试;滴液法;夏季服装
中图分类号: TS102.5""" 文献标志码: A""" 文章编号: 1009-265X(2025)01-0030-06
上述 研究说明面料的成分及混纺比对其机械性能和舒适性能都有影响,因此分析混纺纱线和面料的性能时,需结合产品实际使用需求,优选最佳混纺比。在面料舒适性上,如人体大量出汗后,混纺服装对吸收以及导湿性能很大程度受到面料成分及混纺比的影响,通过对混纺面料湿舒适性进行测试评估,优选合适的面料成分及最佳混纺比是夏季导湿排汗面料新品开发的关键。本文基于电阻法自制一套面料导湿排汗测试仪,使用该仪器测试分析涤棉混纺面料的导湿、排汗性能,总结面料导湿排汗的性能变化规律,以期为夏季服装产品的选择和使用提供理论参考。
1 实验
1.1 材料与仪器
1.2 测试方法
1.2.1 电阻测试法
将调配好的含0.9%质量分数的NaCl溶液的模拟汗液(简称汗液),通过可调式移液器精确量取0.2 mL,经注液管注入,随后开始计时。汗液沿服装面料由探针1渗透至探针2位置后,探针间电阻由GΩ数量级下降至MΩ,与探针串联的20 MΩ定值电阻两端的电压表出现电压信号,由于探针2位置固定,只需记录汗液由滴入时刻到迁移至探针2的时间,可间接获得汗液扩散速率。随着汗液蒸发,探针1和2之间电阻逐渐增大,电压表之间电压值减小,当趋近于0 V,则说明汗液已蒸发完毕。
以探针1为中心,沿着试样经向、纬向、30°、45°和60°(角度为与试样经纱方向的夹角),每间隔4 mm布置1根探针,探针分布如图2所示。沿着试样经向上下两个方向都设置探针,通过检测探针与探针1间电阻变化,可得汗液沿试样不同方向的导湿、排汗性能。
1.2.2 纺织品吸湿速干性测试
参照 GB/T 21655.2—2019《纺织品 吸湿速干性的评定 第2部分:动态水分传递法》,采用锡莱-亚太拉斯有限公司动态水分管理测试仪(MMTⅡ)测试试样面层与里层扩散速率,每个试样测试5次,取平均值。
1.2.3 织物透湿性测试
参照GB/T 12704.1—2009《纺织品 织物透湿性试验方法 第1部分:吸湿法》,采用上海际发仪器设备有限公司YG216G型织物透湿量仪测试各试样透湿性能,每个试样测试5次,取平均值。
2 结果与讨论
2.1 面料各向导湿性能差异分析
当插入面料的探针之间含有液态水时,探针间电阻值为MΩ数量级,不含有液态水或者液态水未 完全分布在探针之间时,探针间电阻值为GΩ数量级,标记探针板上各探针与中心探针1之间电阻值,可得汗液扩散情况。记录试样经向、纬向、30°、45°和60°方向上所有电阻值为MΩ数量级的探针,选取其中距离滴汗液落位置最远的探针,将该探针位置作为汗液扩散最前沿位置。汗液沿着试样扩散情况统计结果如表2所示。同时为定量评价试样不同方向扩散差异,引入各向偏差参数指标,其值以某一位置点角度数量最多的方向为标准位置点,如汗液沿着试样各向扩散前沿位置点相同,则各向偏差值为1,如汗液沿着某一方向前沿位置低于或者高于标准位置点时,则加0.5。如1#试样标准位置点为16 mm,12 mm位置点有30°和60°方向低于标准位置点,1#试样各向偏差为2;5#试样标准位置点取位于中间的12 mm,低于标准位置点有2个方向,高于标准位置点有1个方向,5#试样各向偏差为2.5。
2.2 混纺比对面料导湿排汗性能影响
由表2可知,各试样导湿扩散位置各不相同,但8 mm位置处,汗液沿着各试样不同方向扩散前沿位置都达到了,因此以汗液沿着试样各向扩散至8 mm时所需时间来作为评价面料导湿性能优劣的指标,其值越大说明面料导湿性能越差。随着涤棉混纺面料中棉纤维含量增加,汗液扩散至8 mm处所需时间如图4所示,其中最大值为汗液沿着面料5个方向扩散到8 mm处所需最长时间,平均值为5个方向扩散到8 mm位置处平均时间。
由图4可得,当棉纤维含量在0%~50%,汗液扩散时间总体变化不大,当棉纤维含量在60%以上时,汗液扩散时间有所增加,当棉纤维含量超过80%后,其汗液扩散时间明显增大,即面料导湿性能下降明显,主要原因是棉纤维比涤纶纤维吸湿能力强,当棉纤维含量超过涤纶后,可以明显抑制了水分迅速扩散,导致面料导湿性能下降。液态水分管理测试仪(MMT)评价面料导湿性能主要是通过测试样品面层与里层扩散速率,为便于与电阻法比较,将MMT仪器测得的面层与里层扩散速率取平均值,汗液扩散至8 mm位移除以汗液扩散至8 mm处所需时间最大值得到电阻法导湿速度,两者对比如图5所示。
由图1的探针分布可知,当注液管周围最近的探针处(4 mm位置)的水分蒸发后,残留在面料中的水分很少,可以这些探针位置处的水分蒸发时间作为评价基准,其值越大,说明面料中汗液干燥越慢。将面料中汗液蒸发时间用干燥时间来表征,分析混纺面料中汗液干燥时间与棉纤维含量之间关系,如图6(a)所示,其中最大值与平均值含义与图4中表示的含义相同。由图6(a)可得,随着涤棉混纺面料中棉纤维含量增加,汗液在面料上干燥时间也变大,蒸发速率下降。当棉纤维含量超过80%时,干燥时间明显增大,说明棉纤维含量越大,混纺面料中汗液蒸发速率越小。选择透湿性能评价混纺面料的舒适性,面料透湿量与混纺面料中棉纤维含量关系如图6(b)所示。由图6(b)可得,随着棉纤维含量增加,试样透湿量逐渐增大。当棉纤维含量超过50%时,试样透湿性提升显著,主要原因可能是由于棉纤维表 面天然转曲,易形成丰富的毛细孔;同时棉纤维内部孔隙也比涤纶多,当棉纤维含量多时,有利于水分透过试样。结合图3和图4可知,当棉纤维含量低于50%时,汗液扩散时间与干燥时间相对较小,表明试样导湿排汗性能优异。结合透湿性能以及导湿排汗性能综合分析,涤/棉混纺比为50/50时产品综合性能 最佳。
2.3 结构参数对面料导湿排汗性能影响
影响面料导湿排汗性能主要因素包括纤维成分、混纺比、纱线细度、捻度、织物结构和厚度等。依据表1中纱线细度和捻度数值分别计算经、纬纱特数制捻系数,得到10款试样 经纱捻系数范围为329.7~344.6,纬纱捻系数范围为327.0~345.7,说明纱线加捻程度差异不大;而经纬纱粗细和经纬向密度参数可合并到织物紧度参数中。结构参数对面料导湿排汗性能影响只需考虑面料中棉纤维含量、面料厚度及紧度,将三者相乘,得到面料结构参数值。以扩散时间和干燥时间作为面料导湿和干燥性能参数,两者与面料结构参数关系分别如图7所示。
3 结论
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Influence of the blending ratio on moisture diffusion and perspiration of polyerster/cotton blended plain fabrics
ZHANG" Caiqian1," MENG" Shaoni1," MA" Haiyan2
(1.Institute of Art and Art Design, Nanyang Normal University, Nanyang 473061, China;
2.Yuanpei College, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing 312000, China)
The most important factors affecting the moisture diffusion and perspiration performance of blended yarns or fabrics are the types of fibers and the blending ratio. In this paper, the resistance method was adopted to test the moisture diffusion and perspiration performance of summer polyester/cotton blended woven fabrics with different composition ratios. At the same time, the moisture diffusion rate and moisture permeability of the fabric were tested by dynamic moisture management tester and fabric moisture permeability meter, differences in moisture diffusion and perspiration performance of fabrics with different parameters were analyzed, and the performance variation law was obtained.
The test objects were ten polyester/cotton plain woven fabrics with different blend ratios. Some metal probes were inserted into the fabric sample as a resistance sensor. A precise volume of 0.2ml of simulated human sweat was measured by using an adjustable pipette and injected into the fabric through a dispensing tube. The data acquisition card was used to monitor the changes in resistance values between the probes after the simulated sweat diffused on the surface and inside the fabric. If the resistance value decreased from the order of GΩ to MΩ, the sweat had transferred to the probe position; if the resistance between the probes increased from the order of MΩ to GΩ, it indicated that the sweat had evaporated. The probes were distributed in the warp, weft, 30°, 45°, and 60° directions of the fabric. By detecting the resistance changes between these probes, the diffusion and evaporation properties of simulated sweat along different directions of the fabric could be obtained. A dynamic moisture management tester was used to test the moisture diffusion velocity of each fabric, and the drop diffusion time was compared with that of the resistance method. The fabric permeability meter was used to test the moisture permeability of the fabric, and the comfort performance of the fabric was evaluated comprehensively.
The conclusions are as follows: when the warp and weft yarns of the fabric are made of the same material, the tightness ratio between the warp and weft significantly affects the differences in moisture diffusion property in various directions. As the tightness ratio increases, the differences in sweat diffusion performance along various directions of the fabric also increase, showing a linear relationship; the fiber blending ratio, fabric tightness, and thickness of polyester/cotton blended fabrics have a significant impact on their moisture diffusion and perspiration performance. Due to the strong moisture absorption capability of cotton fibers but relatively weak water transport capability, as the proportion of cotton fibers in the blended fabric increases, the moisture diffusion and evaporation performance deteriorate, leading to longer diffusion and evaporation time for sweat along the fabric. Both the moisture diffusion and perspiration performance of the fabric worsen, and the fabric thickness and tightness also greatly affect its moisture diffusion and perspiration performance; as the cotton fiber content in polyester/cotton blended fabric increases, the moisture permeability of the fabric gradually improves. When the cotton fiber content in polyester/cotton blended fabric exceeds 50%, the moisture diffusion and perspiration performance lead to significant declines. Therefore, to ensure that the fabric has better moisture diffusion and perspiration performance, the cotton fiber content needs to be controlled below 50%. The results of this study can provide reference for the development of polyester/cotton fabrics, and also provide a basis for the selection and use of comfortable summer clothing.
blending ratio; polyester/cotton fabric; moisture diffusion and perspiration; resistance method; dropping" method; summer clothing
基金项目: 2024年度南阳师范学院博士专项科研项目(2024ZX034)
作者简介: 张才前(1979—),男,江苏盐城人,副教授,博士,主要从事纺织品测试技术及新产品开发方面的研究