Many birds make their homes out of sticks(树枝,枝条) in the tree. They can lay their eggs(下蛋) in the nest(鸟巢).
Storks(鹳) make very big nests.它们通常会结伴而居,并且一住就是很多年。
Opossums(负鼠) live in tree hollows.
They make their homes with leaves(树叶) and grass.
负鼠也有育儿袋哦!A mother opossum will carry(背) all her babies on her back when she goes out for food.
But some birds don’t make nests of their own, such as cuckoos(布谷鸟). They lay their eggs in other birds’ nests.
Where do gorillas(大猩猩) live? They like to play in the woods during the day, but sleep in the trees at night.它们的窝离地面的高度为8到12米不等,最高可达20米。To keep safe, they change homes every day!
Prairie dogs(草原犬鼠) make big homes under the ground(在地下).
它们的窝可达数十公里长,里面有许多不同的通道,不同的通道有着不同的作用。Some for sleeping. Some for bringing up(养育) babies.甚至还有专属的厕所呢!They use their homes for many years.