Dogs’tails are used for communicating4 with both humans and other dogs.But why did dogs start wagging their tails? Dogs came from wolves5, but they aredifferent in color and body size, as well as behavior6. Even from a young age, dogswag their tails more than wolves do.
In past studies, dog pups7 would often start to wag their tails for the personwho cared for them by their fourth or fifth week of life. But wolf pups, which werealso raised8 by humans, almost never wagged their tails.
Other studies found that dogs don’t wag them only when they are happy. Theywag their tails more on the right side when they feel happy, and more on the leftwhen they feel sad. And they wag them most when with their owners. Whenanimals are raised by human, some features9 are passed down because humanschoose to keep those features, or because the features help those animals liveamong us.
Studies also found that humans enjoy rhythm10. This might make us like tailwaggingdogs just because we liked the rhythm. It might even explain why dogswag their tails so much when they’re around us.
Future studies will look at types of tail wagging in different situations, alongwith things like heart rate and chemicals in the brain. It is to help us learn howwagging works, and why it began.