Roses are red and blueberries look blue. But the berry’s color is not reallytrue. The fruit’s waxy1 coat just masquerades2 as blue.
A waxy covering coats some blue-colored fruits—such as blueberries, darkgrapes and certain plums. This wax contains a host of tiny structures, each lessthan a thousandth the thickness of a piece of paper. Such nanostructures3 scatter4blue and ultraviolet5 (UV) light. To our eyes, that makes these fruits look blue.Birds—which can see UV light—probably see such delicious snacks.
Blue is not a common color in nature. While some fruits do appear blue, fewcontain pigments6 in that color. Blueberries, for example, contain a great amountof anthocyanin7. That skin pigment should leave each fruit a dark red.
But if you rub off the outer layer of wax, a blueberry no longer looks blue.Instead, it’s completely dark.
A research team managed to re-create this effect in the lab. They placed waxfrom Oregon grapes in a solution8. The wax dissolved9 and turned transparent10.After being spread on a card, the wax dried into a crystalline11 material. As acrystal, the waxy layer again appeared blue.
Creating materials that mimic12 a blueberry’s coating might be useful. Thiskind of coloring is cool because it doesn’t stain. It could provide a new way to tint13plastics or makeup blue.