Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling Competition库珀山追逐奶酪节

2024-10-09 00:00:00乔雪颜
中学生英语·中考指导版 2024年7期

Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling is a crazygame. In the past nearly 20 years, the eventhas been held regularly almost every year,typically on the last Saturday in May and ispresided1 over by a Master of Ceremonies.On that day in any given year, severalthousand people get together and watchabout between 20-40 contestants2 (in manyraces with different contestants each time) chase a 9-pound wheel of cheese down avery steep3 hill in the English countryside. The cheese can reach speeds of up to 70miles per hour, hurtling4 down the hill. If you’re the first one down the hill, youwin it.


The Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling Competition takes its name from the hilloutside of Gloucester, England, where it is held each spring. The rules are simple. A9-pound, round Double Gloucester cheese is rolled down the hill a one-second headof the players who chase it down the hill.

库珀山追逐奶酪节的名字来自英国格洛斯特郊外的一座山,每年春天该节在那里举行。规则很简单。一块9 磅重的圆形双格洛斯特奶酪先于追逐它的选手一秒钟被滚下去。

The first one to make it to the bottom and across the finishing line wins thecheese. In theory, it’s the one who catches the cheese that wins it, but giventhat it can reach speeds of up to 70 miles every hour, the chances of actuallycatching it are slim5.


Up until 2009, the Cheese -Rollingwas an official event. But it was called offover concerns for the safety of thespectators6. This, however, hasn’t stoppedthe locals from continuing the tradition.The concerns are not without reason andcontestants being sent to hospital are notunheard of.


In fact, Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling has been called the world’s mostdangerous competition and described as “twenty young men chasing a cheese off acliff7 and tumbling8 200 yards to the bottom, where they are scraped9 up byparamedics 10 and packed off to hospital”.

事实上,库珀山追逐奶酪节被称为世界上最危险的赛跑比赛,被描述为“20个年轻人追着一块奶酪,从悬崖上滚落到200 码之外的谷底,在那里他们被医护人员凑在一起,打包送往医院”。

Regardless of the risks and the pressure from local council to deal with them,Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling keeps coming back every year. As a safety precaution11,the cheese was replaced by a plastic replica12 in 2013.


What started as a competition for the villagers of Brockworth has grown, andtoday people from all over the world would participate in the cheese-rolling race.



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