If a traditional sport bores you, time to trysomething new! Cycling, but outdoors on city roads;surfing, but on the land; playing frisbee, but with agroup of people... New sports have been refreshingour minds, bringing more joy to physical exercise.
National fitness has been a part of the nationalstrategy for a decade, aiming to improve people’soverall physical health.
With great attention paid in support of nationalfitness, new sports begin to thrive. AccordinwXVWDTx8vnmTy0WVasyC+NWT1zy+FJ4tQc0kyh6EGAs=g to astudy by Houlang Research Institute which attractedmore than 1,200 young people to participate, morethan 93 percent of people born after 2000 areinterested in new sports.
Why do young people favor new sports?Houlang’s report claims that apart from keeping fit asa type of exercise, many young people pick them upto socialize, allowing them to build up their socialcircles. Players tend to have online group chatsannouncing their usual activities and simply sharingtheir lives.
随着国家对全民健身的高度重视,新兴运动项目开始蓬勃发展。后浪研究所的一项调研吸引了1,200 多名年轻人参与,结果显示,2000 年以后出生的人中有93% 以上对新兴运动感兴趣。
The CEO of a tourism website in China,told China News Service,“The new sportsare also great for taking pictures and lesslimited by places. Gathered together throughsocial media, people can enjoy new sports atmany places in the city, from parks tospacious greenways. ”
Qianjiang Evening News also commentsthat the new sports are easier for newplayers to start, unlike other traditionalsports, such as soccer and basketball, whichusually require strict and complicated rules.Thus, the new sports are less competitivebut could bring more fun.
New sports have unlocked new lifestylesin China as they represent diversity, youthand fun. This new trend is also proof that morepeople are exposed to and willing to enjoysports, according to China News Service.