Our Blue Ocean我们的蓝色海洋

2024-08-31 00:00:00
时代英语·初中 2024年5期

If we look at our planet from a long way away, it is not yellow like the Sun, nor white like the Moon—it is blue. Blue is the color of the oceans, and about 71 percent of the surface of our planet is ocean.

More animals live in the oceans than on the land. This is possible only because there is so much food in the oceans. Where does the food come from? The first food of our oceans is plants. If you take all the plants out of the oceans, very few animals can live there. To make their food, plants need water and sunlight. They also need minerals, and the minerals come from the land.

So life in the oceans is possible only with help from the land. But the opposite is also true: life on land is possible only with help from the oceans. We need water to live, and that comes to us from the oceans. Rain clouds take water from the oceans, and ocean winds carry the clouds over the land, where the rain falls onto our fields and into our rivers.

如果从遥远的地方观察地球,你会发现地球既不像太阳那样是黄色的,也不像月球那样是白色的。地球是蓝色的。 蓝色是海洋的颜色,地球表面约71%的面积都是海洋。



The oceans make our weather—but they also make our climate. Because of our oceans, our planet is neither too hot nor too cold. The waters of the oceans move around the world, bringing warm water to cold places and cold water to hot places. Life is possible everywhere on our planet because the water in our oceans is always moving.

Of course, the oceans can also be dangerous. We are all afraid of storms at sea. But for many of us, oceans are places of adventure, mystery and hope. It is always exciting to climb into a boat. We do not know what we will find on the other side of the ocean, or in the deepest parts of the ocean—a hidden world until 150 years ago. But we want to find new places and learn more about our world, just as the first ocean travelers did thousands of years ago.


当然,海洋也能带来危险。我们都惧怕海上风暴。但对我们许多人而言,海洋象征着冒险、神秘与希望。乘船航行总会令人激动兴奋。我们不知道我们会在海洋的另一边,或在海洋的最深处发现什么,毕竟海洋最深处是150年前才被发现的世界。不过,就像几千年前的第一代航海人那样, 我们仍然想尝试——我们希望发现新的领域,更加了解我们的世界。

Word Bank

surface n. 表面;表层

mineral n. 矿物;矿物质

opposite n. 对立面;反面

Hot and cold are opposites.

climate n. 气候

adventure n. 冒险;冒险经历

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