As students grow up, the phrase1,“Enjoy every high school moment, it willfly by quick”starts to be said quite often. I was first told this phrase when I wasa freshman2 in high school at the beginning of the school year in 2020. I neverbelieved3 anyone who told that high school would fly by fast, because in my headI thought,“How can four years just fly by fast?”
I went into freshman year scared. I didn’t know my classmates and teachers.I did not know where any of my classes were because I was in a new building.Thankfully, I had joined high school dance because I had upperclassmen4 thereto help me with all the tips and tricks5 to get me through high school.
My dance team would often stretch6 in a circle7 at the beginning of practice.We would talk about the coming school year as practices started in mid-July.During one of these practices the team decided to give me some advice8. BecauseI was the only freshman on the team at the time and I was afraid of what toexpect my freshman year. As we were going around the circle, a senior9 that Ihave looked up to for many years, told me, “Enjoy each high school moment, itwill go by before you know it.”This phrase stuck10 in my head. I did not believeher, but looking back, she was right. High school does fly by.
随着学生的成长,“享受每一刻高中时光,它转瞬即逝”这句话开始被人经常提起。我第一次得知这句话是在2020 学年开始时,当时我还是一名高一学生。我从来不相信有人说高中时光会过得很快,因为我脑海中想的是:“四年怎么会过得很快呢?”
Before I knew it my first year of high school was over and summer wascoming to an end. It told us that sophomore11 year was coming. Freshman yearwas a piece of cake, which was a lot like eighth grade just with more classes.Sophomore year then came along and was simple, but it also came with morehomework. Most students in my grade complained12 about it, but I didn’t feelthe same way as they did. Because for me homework in sophomore year is easyto finish, but junior year is when it started to become too difficult.
Junior year is when it started to get real, all the kids in my class started toknow they are turning into grown-ups. The start of junior year marks thebeginning for college13 meetings with counselors14. All the students of junior yearshould start thinking about what they want to do for the rest of their lives.Rounding out junior year really puts to me how much time I have left beforegoing out into the real world as an adult.
It comes to senior year at last—the year of the last. My last year of highschool has come, and it feels like just yesterday I was a scared little freshmanwalking into her first day of classes. Now in less than five months the class willbe graduating15 and going off in different ways. It is very difficult for us to seeothers. Graduating is sad to think about but also exciting as to what is next tocome. If I could give any advice to any new students, my advice would be thesame as everyone said to me, the old phrase, “Enjoy every high school moment,time flies by before you know it.”