The day when the tasks were handed out was one of the most exciting days forall the children in the class. It took place during the first week of the term. On thatday, every boy and girl was given a task for which they would be responsible for therest of that school year.
As with everything, some tasks were more interesting than others, and thechildren were eager2 to be given one of the best ones. When giving them out, theteacher took into account which children had been most responsible during theprevious3 year, and those children were the ones who most looked forward to thisday. Among them Rita stood out. She was a kind and quiet girl. And during theprevious year she had carried out the teacher’s instructions perfectly. All thechildren knew Rita was the favorite to be given the best task of all: to look after theclass dog.
But that year there was a big surprise. Each child received one of the normaltasks, like preparing the books or the radio for the lessons, telling the time,cleaning the blackboard, or looking after one of the pets. But Rita’s task was verydifferent. She was given a little box containing4 some sand and one ant. And eventhough the teacher insisted5 that this ant was a very special ant, Rita could nothelp feeling disappointed. However, Rita, who liked her teacher very much,preferred to show the teacher is wrong by doing something special with that taskof such little interest.
“I will turn this little task into something great,”Rita said to herself.
So it was that Rita started studying all about her little ant. She learnedabout the different species6, and studied everything about their habitats andbehaviour. She modified7 the little box to make it perfect for the ant. Rita gavethe ant the very best food, and it ended up growing quite a bit bigger thananyone had expected...
One day in spring, when all the children were in the classroom, the dooropened and a man who looked rather important appeared. The teacherinterrupted the class with great joy, and said, “This is Doctor Martinez. He hascome to tell us a wonderful piece of news, isn’t that right?”
“Exactly,”said the Doctor. “Today they have published the results of thecompetition, and your class has been chosen to accompany8 me this summer ona journey to the tropical rainforest9, where we will be studying all kinds ofinsects. Among all the schools of this area, without doubt it is this one whichhas best cared for the delicate10 little ant given to you. Congratulations! Youwill be wonderful assistants11! ”
That day the school was filled with joy and celebration. Everyone thanked theteacher for thinking of entering them in the competition, and they thanked Rita forhaving been so patient and responsible. And so it was that many children learntthat to be given the most important tasks you have to know how to be responsibleeven in what are apparently12 the smallest tasks. And without doubt, it was Ritawho was the happiest at this, having said to herself so many times“I will turn thislittle task into something really great”.