相比使用更传统的质子对撞机,物理学家希望通过碰撞被称为μ 介子(muons)的不稳定重亚原子粒子,更快、更便宜地获取到新发现所需的高能。但是这项未经证实的技术具有挑战性,因为μ介子会在不到1 秒钟的时间内衰变。在封面图展示的模拟实验中我们可以看到,碰撞产物极速穿过μ介子衰变产生的外来粒子薄雾。
Bycolliding weighty,unstable subatomic particle scalled muons, physicists hope toreach the high energies neededfor new discoveries more quicklyand cheaply than with a moreconventionalproton collider.But the unproven technology ischallenging because muons decayin a fraction of a second. In thesimulation shown here, collisionproducts streak through a hazeof extraneous particles from themuons' decay.
50 年前,古人类学家在埃塞俄比亚出土了距今320 万年前的“露西”骨架,改变了我们对人类起源的看法。通过研究她的骨骼模型,以及她所属的南方古猿阿法种其他成员的骨骼,科学家将露西身体上的肌肉一块块拼凑起来,最终将封面上的重建图像呈现在世人面前。如今,在针对我们直系祖先的争论中,露西仍是最佳候选人之一。
Fifty years ago in Ethiopia, paleoanthropologistsu near thed the 3 . 2 - million -year - old skeleton known as“Lucy” and transformed ourviews of humanitys origins.This reconstruction was createdb yrebuilding Lucysbody ,muscle by muscle, over a castof her skeleton and bones fromother members of her species,Australopithecus afarensis. Today,Lucy faces competition for therole of our direct ancestor butremains the best candidate.
A nitrogen-fixing organelle,or“nitroplast ,”has been identified in a marine alga on thebasis of intracellular imaging andproteomic evidence. This discoverysheds light on the evolutionarytransition from endosymbiont toorganelle. The image depicts thecell architecture and synchronizedc ell division of the al ga Braarudosphaera bigelowii withnitroplast UCYN-A (large brownspheres).
Researchers have developeddeep-learning methods to predictt h e s t r u c t u r e s o f p r o t e i n s i ncomplex with small molecules,n u c l e i c a c i d s , a n d o t h e rnonprotein components and todesign proteins to bind to smallmolecules. The illustration showsa background cloud of aminoacids and short peptides comingtogether to form the central blueprotein around a target ligand,heme, shown in orange.
(陶 陶 编译)