Rocky Raccoon was playing byhimself at the park. He noticed a groupof squirrels nearby, playing soccer withan acorn1. It looked like fun, and Rockywished he could play, too. However,thinking about talking to others made himnervous2 and he wasn’t sure how to start.
Why would they want to play withme? He thought. I’m not special. Maybethere’s a way I could makemyself different. Then theymight be more interested in me.Rocky scratched3 his headand wondered4 what he could do.If he pretended5 to be from anothercountry, the squirrels would thinkthat was cool. He could talk in a"different way. He looked around foranything to help him look different, too.There wasn’t much in the park except6for an empty7 potato chip bag. Rockypicked it up and put it on his head.
“Here goes nothing,” he said tohimself and went over to the squirrels.They stopped running after each other tolook at the raccoon. “Good day, mates,”he said.
“Uh, hi...” said a couple of theanimals, not sure what to make of Rockyin his funny hat and strange accent8.
“How’s it going? Fine afternoonfor a game of footy9, don’t ya think?”Rocky said.
The squirrels just looked at him.One of them shrugged10 his shoulders. Atlast, one said,“What did you just say?”
“Uh... nice afternoon for a soccergame, right?”Rocky said, embarrassed11.
“Oh, yeah, sure it is. Sorry, wedidn’t understand you at first.”
“That may be because I’m fromAustralia,”said the raccoon. “It’s reallyfar away.”
“Is that so? How did you gethere?”asked a curious12 squirrel.
“I’m kind of a world traveler,”said Rocky.
A little brown squirrel spoke up.“I have a squirrel cousin in Australia.He told me they don’t have raccoons inthat country.”
Rocky’s smile was gone.Was that true? Now theymust know he was faking13his accent. How embarrassing!Maybe he should just runaway from them. He took adeep breath14.
“I’m sorry. That wasn’t thetruth. I made up being fromAustralia so you would think I’minteresting and want to play withme. But I’m just a regular15raccoon.”He looked at the ground,afraid they would laugh at him.
But the squirrels did notlaugh. They came closer to him. Agrey squirrel reached out and patted16 Rocky on the shoulder.“Let me tell you something,buddy17. You may not be fromAustralia, but you are certainlyvery interesting! ”He smiled.
The little brown squirrel spokeup, “Yeah, you don’t have to pretendto be something you’re not. If youwanted to come play soccer with us,you could have just asked! ” Theothers said yes as well.
“Do you still want to play?”The grey squirrel tossed18 the acornto the raccoon.
Rocky said, “Yes, please. Thatwould be great.”
“Then come on! But first youmight want to take that thing off yourhead.” He looked at the chip bagRocky was still wearing.
With a laugh, Rocky took theempty bag off his head and ran off toplay with his new friends.
“ 是这样吗? 你是怎么来的?”一只好奇的松鼠问道。
棕色小松鼠大声说“: 是的,你不必假装成另一个人。如果你想和我们一起踢足球,你可以直接问我们!”其他松鼠也表示赞同。
洛奇说“: 想玩。太好了。”
1. acorn 橡子,橡实
2. nervous 神经紧张的,担忧的
3. scratch (用指甲)挠,轻抓
4. wonder 想知道,好奇
5. pretend 伪装,假装
6. except 除……外,不包括
7. empty 空的
8. accent 口音,腔调
9. footy lt;英gt;足球;(澳大利亚,新西兰)英式橄榄球
10. shrug (表示不知道或不感兴趣)耸(肩)
11. embarrassed 尴尬的,窘迫的
embarrassing 使人尴尬的,使人难堪的
12. curious 好奇的,求知欲强的
13. fake 伪造,冒充;假装,佯装
14. breath 呼吸,气息
15. regular 普通的,平凡的
16. pat 轻拍
17. buddy lt;非正式gt;朋友;老兄,兄弟
18. toss (轻轻地或随意地)扔,抛,掷