铁塔的风铃Wind Chimes of the Iron Pagoda

2024-06-10 15:23:24周领顺/文李爱华/译
英语世界 2024年6期

周领顺/文 李爱华/译


It was after I enrolled at Henan University as early as the year 1981 that I was fortunate enough to hear the wind chimes of the Iron Pagoda.


At the corners of this pagoda were wind chimes, which I never heard of before. I barely saw a train, not to mention wind chimes of a pagoda. To put it differently, nothing was not unusual to me, who just went out of a village of Wuyang County to go to university. Dribs and drabs that happened in the city of Kaifeng and at Henan University were what I could show off and made me confident of. I could hear in person the chimes of the Iron Pagoda because my dormitory was in Building 11, which sat right next to the south wall of the Iron Pagoda Park. When I was a sophomore, we planted a row of paulownia trees in front of this building. However, as these trees were an ideal construction material, they did not last for more than 20 years in this location.


When the wind blew at night, the wind chimes could oftentimes be heard tinkling. During the day, when looking out to the pagoda from afar, the chimes could be seen at its corners. These bells didnt ring loudly; instead, they produced a deep metallic noise, as if from a brass bell around a bulls neck. It was throughout the entire four years that I listened to the chimes, during which my dorm changed from Room 114, 121, to 122 and the wind chimes welcomed and bade farewell to me. Henan University students labeled themselves as the ‘Iron Pagoda Guys. For me, its more than that—the Iron Pagodas vibrant wind chimes moved me.


The then Henan University was in the name of Henan Normal University. The term “normal”, which students didnt appreciate, carried a grander connotation compared to its previous designation as Kaifeng Normal College, indicating a more advanced status. In my third year, it was rumoured that the school might change its name back to a more grandiose one—Henan University, which caused excited throngs of people to go around spreading the news in the dining hall, dormitories, and classrooms. It is human nature to be concerned about ones face, especially for youth. When filling out my university application form, I didnt choose Xinxiang Normal College (now Henan Normal University) just due to the character “xiang” (“countryside” in Chinese) in the name of the city that I rejected from my inner heart. Zhengzhou University ranked in the second round of college admissions, which led to a slight loss of face. In addition, the university admission process that previously did not occur online could require applicants to wait for a long time. I didnt apply to a key university not because I couldnt achieve high scores on the college entrance exam, but because I didnt have the courage to take risks. Through innumerable hardships, I anyhow couldnt miss out on this opportunity to get a secure job in cities. All in all, whether it was good or bad luck, this harvest happened to be what I wished for, leading to my close connection with Henan University.


For the first time when I sighted the campus, its grandeur went beyond my expectation. I heard that it was over 800 mu, bigger than that of several villages combined. This campus had buildings of quaint styles, each of which had its own tale. It had lush plants, with the main road lined with neatly trimmed cypress trees. The woods on both sides of the auditorium resembled two emerald wings, while the auditorium itself was like a giant bird, seemingly always ready to soar. Now, more concrete buildings have been added to the campus, particularly an art square on the auditoriums east side, impeding me from reminiscing about my good old days. The whole campus hid itself in the woods— “Our universitys like a park” was a consensus and embodied the way that many people frequently used to praise it. The campus was very beautiful, which made it an ideal place to study. Whether it was the mound with the museum, the pomegranate garden in front of the small auditorium, or even the wall along our schools east side and the area underneath the dim on-campus streetlights, all were where we left our footprints in that these were ideal haunts for us to read.


Speaking of reading, that really was “reading”. In the morning, I read aloud outside my dormitory, and in the evening, I read silently in my classroom. Reciting textbooks, the repetition of which expanded my understanding of what I read, brought me great benefits. It was obvious to all that members of the entering class of 1981 worked hard and their academic atmosphere was positive. Rarely getting up late, some of us sneaked back to our dormitories after our teachers morning roll call, but most of us did reading most of the time. Long as the time to study at night was, we would go to a 24-hour-lit classroom to continue learning if our craving for reading was not quenched. As the classs vice-monitor and commissary in charge of studies, I would equip myself with some spoken English before taking students workbooks to our foreign teacher, with a bid not to miss an opportunity to communicate with my foreign teacher. Besides the preparation in spoken English, I would write an English essay in advance to make the communication go in detail. I completed my graduation thesis during my junior year, a year ahead of time, for which my foreign teacher granted me a high grade. Both my graduation internship and exams also helped me earn excellent marks. As a junior, I published my first article in a magazine called English Coach, from which I earned 17 yuan, the exact sum for a pair of leather shoes—that was my first pair of leather shoes. It was my diligence and passion for writing that helped me earn “a special award”, which only three people in my entire grade were able to get, which inspired our classmates to call us the Three Figures. Limited entertainment options made it possible that industrious students like us laid a solid foundation for our future.


The Foreign Languages Department of Henan University had highly qualified faculty, of which I got informed in an enrollment brochure. My learning experience there demonstrated its teachers dedication and commitment. For this reason, Henan University, not a key university though, has a better reputation than key universities.


Sweet memories my days at Henan University has left me with are so many that I dont know where to start. Its no exaggeration to say that it would be impossible to mention everything thats happened there. Telephones were not much widely in use, letters from home were frequent, some of which between my father and me were well kept, waiting to be read page after page to turn out the sealed beauty of the past. Today, living in an alien city, as one of the top students from Henan University, I find it hard to conceal my pride about having studied there, with “I earned my Bachelors degree from the Foreign Languages Department of Henan University” at the tip of my tongue.


Unforgettable are all memories about Henan University, where even more unforgettable are my esteemed professors whose words seem to still ring in my ears, just as melodiously as the wind chimes of the Iron Pagoda.

* 博士,二级教授,博导,中国英汉语比较研究会副会长,“译者行为批评”理论创建者。

1文中的成“材”指的是泡桐长势良好,可用作上好的建筑木材,故而翻译为ideal construction material(理想的建筑材料),暗含讥讽之意。


3“第二批錄取”在当时指的是录取的时间更靠后,故而翻译为in the second round of college admissions。  4在计划经济时代,能够吃“商品粮”的人意味着工作有编制,有铁饭碗,有保障,故而译为secure job。  5文中的“鲲鹏”出自《庄子·逍遥游》,考虑到这一名词在西方并无对应之物,故而简化译为giant bird,以便于理解。

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