There was once a small and sleepy villagewith mountains all around. A tiger lived on themountain behind the village. Whenever heclimbed to the top of the mountain and shouted,people in the village were scared and trembled2.
On a winter night, when all the worldseemed to be covered with snow, the tigerclimbed down. He had not eaten for severaldays and was very, very hungry. As he waslooking for food, he came near the window of ahouse. Just then a baby began crying loudly.
Just as the tiger, looking around carefully,was about to get in the house, he heard the voiceof a woman, “Keep quiet. The fox... the bear isjust outside the window.”But the baby didn’tnotice the mother’s threats3 and went on crying.
Crouching4 down below the window ofthe house, the tiger thought,“That’s a strangebaby. I wonder5 what he looks like. He isnot afraid of a fox or even a bear.”Feelingvery hungry again, the tiger stood up. Thebaby was still crying.
“Oh, look, look...”came the mother’svoice, “here comes a tiger! He’s there,just under the window...” But the babywent on crying.
The tiger was so shocked6 and scaredthat he fell on the ground and almostfainted7.“How on earth does she know thatI am here?” the tiger said to himself.Taking a breath after a while, the tigerlooked into the house again. The baby wasstill crying. He did not show any sign ofbeing afraid of a tiger, either.
The tiger had never seen an animalwhich wasn’t afraid of him. He had alwaysthought that all the animals of the worldcould not but tremble at the very mention8of his name. But this strange baby did notcare. Nothing seemed to make him afraid,even a tiger!
Now, the tiger began to feel worried. Atthat very moment, the mother’s voice washeard again, “Now, keep quiet. Here youare... dried persimmons! ”The baby stoppedcrying at once. It was very silent9. Not eventhe sound of breathing was heard. The tigerwondered,“Who is Persimmons? He must bemore powerful10 and ferocious11 than me.”The tiger was both worried and scared.
Just then something heavy fell on hisback. The tiger ran for his life, sure thatwhat had jumped on his back was none otherthan the terrible persimmon.
Actually, what had jumped on hisback was a thief12 who had come to steal13the cow. He had jumped from the top ofthe house, mistaking14 the tiger for a cowin the dark.
The thief was taken aback15, too. Hewas scared to death16 when he realized thatthe animal he was riding was not a cow,but a tiger.
The tiger ran fast to throw the“persimmon” off his back. But the thiefheld on tightly17 to the tiger’s back, as heknew that the moment he fell, the tigerwould tear18 him to pieces.
Luckily, on the road, there came a treehe could reach out to. So he caught it,climbed up, and hid himself in the tree. Hehad at last run away from the tiger’s back,to his great relief19.
The tiger was relieved20, too.“Great,”said he. “My life is saved. The persimmonis really a terrible animal.”So he ran backto his home in the mountains.