
2024-06-01 00:00:00长庚
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2024年2期

Hogmanay is what Scots call New Year’s Eve—31 December—the big nightthat marks the arrival2 of the new year. Its origins3 go back to the celebration of thewinter solstice4 among the Vikings in late December.

About Hogmanay

There are many old Hogmanay rituals5 and customs6 that are celebrated inScotland to this day. The origins of many of them are unknown, but many arebelieved to bring good luck for the New Year.

“Hogmanay”is the Scottish word for the last day of the year, and hassomething to do with New Year’s Eve and the celebrations that come with it. It isstill not sure where the name came from, but it is believed that the word may havecome about during the reign7 of Mary Queen of Scots. It is thought to come fromthe French word“Hoginane”meaning“gala8 day”

Here are some Hogmanay traditions:

First-footing—to bring good luck, the first foot to arrive in your house on NewYear’s Day should be a dark-haired boy or man. The first-footer should also bringspecial gifts, such as coal, shortbread, salt, black buns or whisky. It is to makesure you have good luck for the year ahead.

Clean the house—to begin the New Year with an unclean house is thought tobring bad luck. Houses used to be cleared up to welcome the New Year into a tidyand clean house.

“Hogmanay”是苏格兰人所说的新年前夜———12 月 31 日,是标志着新年到来的重要夜晚。它的起源可以追溯到维京人在12 月下旬举行的冬至庆祝活动。







Sing Robert Burns’ after midnight—this custom is the mostimportant part of Hogmanay parties across Scotland. After the bells at midnight,join in a rousing9 rendition10 of to start the New Year in realScottish style. At the bells in Scotland, people usually shout“Happy New Year”before embracing11 friends and family.

Hogmanay is New Year’s Eve (31 December) and New Year is New Year’sDay (1 January). Hogmanay celebrations in Scotland often continue into NewYear’s Day and even to the 2 January.

Hogmanay has ancient12 origins in Scotland. Long long ago, Scots werecelebrating the arrival of a new year around the time of the winter solstice (theshortest day), which is the 21-22 December, but the arrival of the Romans andtheir calendars13 changed this.

The Celebrations

When it comes to Hogmanay, Edinburgh certainly knows how to put on ashow, whether it’s the famous Edinburgh Hogmanay Street Party, or live musicalperformances in Princes Street Gardens.

The family-friendly Red Hot Highland Fling14 celebrates again in Inverness.Meet on the banks of the River Ness in Northern Meeting Park, for music,fireworks and more at Inverness Hogmanay.

In Stonehaven they really turn up the heat at New Year! One of manywinter fire festivals unique to Scotland, the Stonehaven Fireballs parade15 inAberdeenshire is a great spectacle16 to behold17. It’s a free Hogmanay eventwhich has been celebrated for over 100 years and it always draws a largenumber of visitors.


Hogmanay 是新年前夜(12 月31 日),新年是元旦(1 月1 日)。苏格兰的跨年夜庆祝活动通常会持续到元旦这一天,甚至到1 月2 日。

Hogmanay 起源于苏格兰。在很久之前,苏格兰人在冬至(白昼最短的一天),也就是12 月21 日至22 日庆祝新年的到来。但是罗马人的到来和他们的历法改变了这个习俗。




在斯通黑文,他们真的会燃爆新年!苏格兰独特的冬季火祭之一,阿伯丁郡的斯通黑文火球游行是一个非常壮观的场面。这是一个免费的跨年夜活动,已经庆祝了100 多年,它总是能吸引大量的游客。

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