
2024-05-14 09:39张岚
疯狂英语·爱英语 2024年3期



smile v. & n. 微笑

laugh v. & n. 大笑

roar v. & n. 放声大笑

chuckle v. & n. 轻声笑

giggle v. & n. 咯咯笑

cackle v. & n. 咯咯笑

snicker v. & n. 窃笑

grin v. & n. 露齿而笑

hoot v. & n. 哈哈大笑

titter v. & n. 偷笑

howl v. & n. 欢笑

snort v. & n. 哼笑

burst out laughing 突然大笑

burst into laughter 突然大笑起来

laugh out loud 大声笑

crack up 哈哈大笑

choke with laughter 笑得喘不过气

can't help laughing 禁不住笑

laugh uncontrollably 无法自控地笑

laugh one's head off 笑得前仰后合

laugh up one's sleeve 暗中窃笑

laugh in one's face 当着某人的面大笑

have a good laugh 开怀大笑

laugh off 一笑了之

laugh a little 稍微乐一乐

laugh like crazy 疯狂地笑

laugh away one's problems 用笑解决问题

laugh like a drain 笑得合不拢嘴

laugh until tears flow down one's face 笑得泪流满面

laugh inside 暗自发笑

laugh like a child 像孩子一样笑

laugh away the awkwardness 用笑来化解尴尬

laugh like an idiot 笑得像个傻瓜

laugh in the face of adversity 面对逆境而笑

laugh till you cry 笑到哭

laugh in harmony 和谐地笑

laugh with joy 开心地笑


He chuckled at the funny joke his friend told. 听到朋友讲的有趣的笑话,他轻声笑了起来。

The children began to giggle when they saw the clown's antics. 孩子们看到小丑的滑稽表演时开始咯咯笑起来。

She couldn't hide her snicker when she saw her brother slip on a banana peel. 看到她哥哥滑倒在香蕉皮上时,她忍不住地窃笑起来。

He greeted me with a big grin on his face. 他露出了牙齿,笑着向我打招呼。

The comedians funny lines made the audience crack up with laughter. 喜剧演员风趣的台词让观众开怀大笑。

When he saw the surprise party, he burst into laughter and couldn't stop. 当他看到惊喜派对时,他突然笑起来,笑得停不下来。

The joke was so funny that everyone in the room laughed their heads off. 那个笑话太搞笑了,房间里的每个人都笑得前仰后合。

While her friends were arguing, she just laughed up her sleeve. 当她的朋友们争执时,她只是暗自窃笑。

The players were playing a game and laughing like children do. 选手们正在玩游戏,他们像孩子一样笑个不停。

Anna won the competition, and she couldn't help but laugh with joy. 安娜赢得了比赛,她情不自禁地乐起来。


I sat in the audience, eagerly awaiting the start of the comedy show. As the comedianwalked on the stage, his witty jokes started to work its magic. The laughter slowly filled theroom, and I couldn't help but join in. At first, I chuckled a little, but soon enough, I waslaughing my head off. The comedian's funny lines had me bursting into laughter, and Icouldnt control myself. The jokes were so hilarious that I felt like I was going to choke withlaughter. I laughed up my sleeve, not wanting to disturb the people around me. With everyjoke, I could feel my worries and troubles fading away. It was as if I was laughing them all off. I realized the power of laughter in the face of adversity. I laughed in the face of all myworries and problems, embracing the joy and positive energy that laughter brought. Butdeep inside, beyond the laughs and smiles, I cherished the warmth and happiness thatlaughter ignited within me. 我坐在觀众席上,急切地等待喜剧表演开始。当喜剧演员走上舞台时,他机智的笑话开始展现魔力。笑声慢慢填满了整个房间,我也情不自禁地加入其中。起初,我稍微笑了一下,但很快,我笑得前仰后合。喜剧演员风趣的台词让我大笑起来,无法自持。这些笑话太搞笑了,我感觉自己要笑得喘不过气了。我偷偷地笑着,不想打扰周围的人。每讲一个笑话,我就可以感受到我的忧虑和烦恼在逐渐消失。仿佛我在笑着把它们通通抛在脑后。就在那一刻,我意识到在逆境中笑对困难的力量。我笑着面对所有的忧虑和问题,拥抱笑声带来的愉悦和正能量。但在内心深处,除了笑声和微笑之外,我还珍视着笑声在我心中点燃的温暖和幸福。



1. 虽然他已是个成年人,但当他和朋友们在一起的时候,他会变得活泼而天真,笑得像个孩子一样。

Although he is an adult, when he is with his friends, he becomes lively and innocent,_____________.

2. 当他姐姐讲着她旅游的趣事时,他忍不住笑出声来。

He_______________when his sister told interesting stories about her trip.

3. 當他看到那些有趣的猫咪表情时,他笑得无法自拔。

He_______________when he saw those funny cat faces.

4. 那个喜剧演员的表演让我笑得前仰后合。

The comedian's performance made me_______________.

5. 她偷偷地笑着,期待这些人尽快离开。

She_______________, wanting these people to leave as soon as possible.

6. 当他看到了他淘气的小狗时,他开始疯狂地笑。

He started_______________when he saw his mischievous little dog.

7. 每次我遇到困境,我都会试着用笑声解决问题。

Whenever I face difficulties, I try to_________________.

8. 那部搞笑电影让我笑得泪流满面。

The funny movie made me_________________.

9. 他傻傻地笑着,因为他的妹妹在作怪。

He_________________because his little sister was being silly.

10. 当他收到生日礼物时,他开心地大笑起来。

He_________________when he received his birthday present.




Waiting for the exam results was a tough experience.____________________
