Whether you live in a house or anapartment, you have neighbors. You mightshare a morning coffee with your neighboron your porch. There was a time whenneighbors were always close to oneanother. We knew everyone's name andwhat they did for a living. Then we all gotbusy. Aside from the occasional wave, wedrifted away from our neighbors and be?came strangers. Our neighborhoods lost the“neighbor”. But we haven't lost hope yet.
Bud is 81 years old and lives nextdoor to a younger couple with a smallchild. Many might describe Bud as lonely,but we see him as neighborly. When hisyoung neighbor told him not to worry aboutthe lawn, Bud worried anyway. He wascaught doing the edging.
Bud isn't the only one though! Somepeople are trying to bring the neighborback little by little, one act at a time. Re?cently, we witnessed a disabled man takingfresh, home?made sausage to a neighbor.There are more people out there workinghard to bring back neighborly love.
Staying connected with our neighborscan be wonderful. If you dont know yourneighbors, introduce yourself to them. Talkabout the weather. Borrow a cup of sugar.Your interaction with them will make theirday!
Meg's husband, a firefighter, andtheir neighbor Bud have developed a greatfriendship. It is heart?warming when herhusband enjoys coffee on the porch, andthe neighbor Bud asks permission to joinhim. The conversation begins with, “Areyou busy?” Who wouldnt want a neighborlike Bud to share a morning coffee with?
What is the current trend regardingneighborly interactions according to para?graph 1?