
2024-04-30 10:05谢小波李斌江挺李昊朱晨辉
果树学报 2024年4期

谢小波 李斌 江挺 李昊 朱晨辉

摘    要:醉貴妃是从收集的槜李种质资源中选育出的晚熟槜李新品种。该品种在嘉兴地区一般7月上中旬成熟,有些年份在6月下旬成熟。醉贵妃结果性状好,产量稳定,成年树产量控制在9.0 t?hm-2左右即可;成熟时口感极佳,汁水丰富,符合槜李易化浆、可吸食特征;可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)16.0%左右,高达20%;果形大,平均单果质量69.5 g,呈扁圆形、较对称;成熟果实外皮深紫红色并密布灰白色果点,果肉黄色,黏核;少有细菌性穿孔病和流胶病;自交结果性较好,可单一品种种植;树姿稍显直立,需要拉枝并结合其他修剪措施塑造开心树形;进入结果期后以有机肥为主,需严格控制氮肥使用。该品种经多地试种,适宜在浙、赣、黔、川、渝、沪、苏等长江以南区域多省份种植。


中图分类号:S662.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2024)04-0786-05

Breeding of late-ripening Zuili variety Zuiguifei (Japanese plum)

XIE Xiaobo1, LI Bin2, JIANG Ting3, LI Hao4, ZHU Chenhui5

(1Horticulture Institute, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310021, Zhejiang, China; 2Agriculture and Fisheries Technology Promotion Station of Jiaxing City, Jiaxing 314050, Zhejiang, China; 3Agriculture Management and Service Centre of Jiaxing Nanhu District, Jiaxing 314001, Zhejiang, China; 4Forestry Technology Promotion Centre of Xinchang County, Xinchang 312500, Zhejiang, China; 5Fruit Trees and Silkworm Technology Promotion Station of Jiaxing Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing 314011, Zhejiang, China)

Abstract: Zuiguifei (Prunus salicina L.) was bred by systematic breeding method from Zuili germplasm collections. Zuili is one of Japanese plums, and has a high prestige in Chinese plum industry as one of the very delicious plums with the longest cultivation history of more than 2500 years at Jiaxing city, Zhejiang province, China. Zuiguifei was firstly found from a farmer yard in July, 1997 at Nanhu District, Jiaxing City. When the fruit was ripening, Mr. Lu found it. And it was late-ripening and 20 years old, with a good fruiting trait and a nice quality, comparing with other Zuili cultivars. Its branches were collected and were grafted on rootstocks, coded as J-31 in the winter of 1997. J-31 has an elite taste for its rich juice, high soluble solids content and aromatic smell. Its pulp is easy melting and could be sucked for eating when it matures. This is coincident with one of the typical characteristics of Zuili after maturity. There is a deep purple red peel covering with dense grey-white dots when J-31 fruits ripen with yellow flesh and clinging stone. Its fruit is oblate, more symmetrical and slightly big. J-31 was named as Guifei, which was borrowed from one title of ancient Chinese emperor wives, in 2018. We conducted the first-round variety test with Tongxiangzuili as the control from 2016 to 2018. Tongxiangzuili is a more popular cultivar of Zuili and generally matures around mid-June. As Tongxiangzuili often has a low yield with unstable fruit set, the new varieties are required to be bred. Experiments have showed Guifei fruits generally ripen in early July or mid-July at Jiaxing City, sometimes in late June also. Guifei has a higher yield than Tongxiangzuili. Guifei could be regarded as a late-ripening Zuili variety. Guifei was approved for a five-year field releasing by the Zhejiang Provincial Forestry Variety Committee with license No. ZHE-R-SV-PS-006-2019, and formally named as Zuiguifei in 2019. For getting a permanently field releasing approval for Zuiguifei, we carried out a new round variety test from 2021 to 2022 with Tongxiangzuili still serving as the control variety. Results showed that the whole fruit growth period of Zuiguifei was about 113 d from blooming to ripening. The variety test showed that the average yield of adult Zuiguifei trees was about 8.1 t·hm-2 with 37.3% increasing than that of the control Tongxiangzuili. Its average soluble solids content was about 16.0% with up to more than 20.0%. Its peel was slightly sour and the titratable acid content in flesh with skin was 1.03% while the pulp was only about 0.72%. The Vc content of Zuiguif was 8.01 mg·100 g-1 flesh. Its mean fruit weight was 69.5 g. There was no significant difference in the content of total soluble solids between Zuiguifei and Tongxiangzuili. Based on experience, it is recommended that its yield may be controlled to about 9.0 t·hm-2 by thinning flowers and young fruits as higher yield probably decreases fruit quality. Zuiguifei is resistant to bacterial perforation and gummosis. As it is self-compatible, Zuiguifei could be grown solely. Its tree is slightly upright and requires pulling branches or other pruning measures to shape an opening tree. Organic manures should be considered as main fertilizer resource and N needs to be limited for fruiting trees. Zuiguifei has been introduced and tested in many places and showed good adaptation in southern provinces of Yangtze River, e.g. Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing, Shanghai, Jiangsu etc.

Key words: Prunus salicina; Plum Zuili; New variety; Zuiguifei; Late maturation; Tongxiangzuili

槜李,也有写作醉李,是中国李(Prunus salicina L.)中的优质地方名李,口感极佳,原产于浙江嘉兴一带,距今有2500多年栽培历史。孔子著的《春秋》记载,公元前496年,“五月,於越败吴于槜李”,首次提到“槜李”两字,为地名。宋代诗人张尧同认为这一地名是由当地出产名李而来,是将果名用作了地名。清代王蓬辰专门撰写过《檇李谱》一书(1856—1857年),较详细地描述了槜李的特征特性,这是我国古籍中唯一对一种果树作谱的著作。1937年6月上海中央印刷公司出版了桐乡人朱梦仙先生著的新版《檇李谱》,他根据自己长期对槜李的观察提出了一些新见解,尤其对桐乡桃园槜李作了介绍。



醉贵妃是一个具有优良口感品质、可单一种植、产量稳定、适应性强的晚熟槜李新品种,从最初发现到获得认定历时超过20 a(年),是一个有较大潜力的优质李品种(图1)。

1 选育过程


2009—2011年,在秀洲区王店镇建立新的示范基地。种植密度为:株距×行距为1.5 m×4.0 m,同时种植桐乡槜李和其他多个槜李品系,并以青杆毛桃为砧木进行嫁接繁殖。2016—2018年,以桐乡槜李为对照,在嘉兴市秀洲区、绍兴市新昌县和嘉兴市嘉善县三个基地开展对比试验。对比试验表明醉贵妃产量表现优异,稳产,较桐乡槜李晚熟约半个多月。2019年,获浙江省林木良种认定,认定编号:浙R-SV-PS-006-2019。2021—2022年,仍以桐乡槜李为对照,继续开展品种比较试验。多年比较试验表明,醉贵妃表现品质优,产量显著高于桐乡槜李,稳产(表1)。


2 主要性状

2.1 果实主要经济性状

醉贵妃口感佳,经农业农村部农产品及加工品质量安全监督检验测试中心(杭州)检测可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)为16.0%,可溶性糖含量为11.3%,带皮测定可滴定酸含量为1.03%,固酸比为15.5,与对照桐乡槜李相当;维生素C含量为8.01 mg?100 g-1。平均单果质量69.4 g,视疏果情况单果质量会有差异,部分果实单果质量80~90 g,最高可超过100 g;成年树(6 a以上)平均单位面积产量8.1 t·hm-2(6.1~12.2 t·hm-2),比对照桐乡槜李平均产量5.9 t·hm-2(3.6~9.8 t·hm-2)增产37.3%;嘉兴地区一般在7月上旬或中旬成熟,比对照桐乡槜李迟约15 d左右,采摘时间可持续15~20 d,随着后期气温升高,糖分积累也更高,果肉会有凝固现象,口感也会有所下降。

2.2 植物学特征



花瓣5瓣,花白色,双子房花比例较高,有时高达20%,年度间有变化,花量大,成簇或成球、成串。通常3月中旬或下旬开花,花期一般7~10 d。

成年树在合理疏花疏果后,平均单果质量70 g,最高可达100 g。成熟果实底色黄绿,外皮不均匀分布深紫红色,并密布大小不等的灰白色果点,果粉中多;呈扁圆形,缝合线浅,两半部较为对称;果顶微凹陷,少部分有指甲狀裂痕(即民间流传的西施指甲印),梗洼中大;果肉橙黄色,成熟果实易化浆、可吸食,黏核,核仁常退化。

2.3 物候期

醉贵妃在嘉兴地区一般3月中旬开花,花期通常7 d左右,展叶期在4月上中旬,7月上旬或中旬成熟,有些年份会提早到6月下旬,落叶期在11月底。从始花到成熟的果实全发育期约113 d。

2.4 抗逆性


3 繁殖方法及栽培技术要点

3.1 建园

选择地势高、光照好、避风、无涝害的地块建园,一般以南北向挖定植沟或定植穴,沟深40 cm以上、宽50 cm,定植穴可挖深度和直径60~80 cm,施好底肥,每666.7 m2施腐熟的有机肥2000~2500 kg、钙镁磷肥50 kg,肥料和种植土混匀后施入种植沟或种植穴,再覆厚度约20 cm的表土,一般要高出畦面15 cm左右,然后放苗,培土,浇透定根水,并将苗木扶正,露出嫁接口。果园需挖排水沟,尽量做到深沟高畦。

3.2 定植

可按行株距(5~6) m×(3~4) m定植,每666.7 m2栽28~44株。定干高度50~70 cm,视立地条件和机械使用要求而定,平地可比坡地高,考虑农机使用的情况可高定干。同时,可间种一些亲和性好、花期相近的其他李子品种,以提高坐果率。

3.3 肥水管理


3.4 整形修剪

一般以开心形为基本树形,可以为3~4主枝,也可以为2主枝Y形。槜李树新梢一般分为春梢、夏梢和秋梢,可在每次抽梢至50 cm时,进行摘心处理,经过第一年的三次摘心,至年底就可以形成较为丰满的树冠。冬季落叶后,采用自然开心形进行修剪,或培育Y形树形。要确保树势中庸,对弱树进行重短截,促进其生长;对旺树要轻剪疏枝,以缓和树势。夏季修剪以拉枝为主,调整枝条角度。

3.5 疏果管理

要做好疏花疏果管理,尤其是疏果,需2~3次,保证疏果到位、结果均匀,可按10~15 cm挂1个果,或30~40枚叶片结1个果进行衡量。

3.6 防霜冻


3.7 病虫害防治

冬剪后和萌芽前喷3~5 °Bé石硫合剂进行综合防治。春季开花前,可喷布吡虫啉或啶虫脒防治蚜虫;7—8月要防治红蜘蛛危害;6月下旬至7月下旬,防治刺蛾;开花前后可用含性诱激素的迷向丝,预防或减轻后期梨小食心虫危害。对李红点病,当病叶率为5%时,可喷布甲基托布津防治;对李软腐病,发现有0.5%以上病果时,可喷布代森锌可湿性粉剂防治。

3.8 果实采收


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