【摘要】 目的 比較不同前驱感染阳性的吉兰-巴雷综合征(GBS)患者脑脊液蛋白-细胞分离现象以及蛋白水平差异,探讨前驱感染与GBS患者脑脊液蛋白升高的关系。方法 收集198例GBS患者的临床资料以及脑脊液分析结果,使用ELISA对患者血清进行14种感染性病原体血清学检测,分析不同前驱感染的GBS患者中脑脊液蛋白-细胞分离的比例及蛋白水平的差异。结果 55.1%(109/198)的GBS患者感染性病原体血清学阳性,主要为空肠弯曲菌23.7%(47/198)、甲型流感病毒20.7%(41/198)、乙型流感病毒15.2%(30/198),其中18.7%(37/198)的患者2种或以上病原体血清学阳性。73.7%(146/198)的患者存在脑脊液蛋白-细胞分离现象。在单一病原体血清学阳性患者中,空肠弯曲菌感染阳性患者的脑脊液蛋白-细胞分离现象为83.3%(25/30),甲型流感病毒感染阳性患者为100%(18/18),乙型流感病毒感染阳性患者为6/7,甲型肝炎病毒感染阳性患者为4/5,登革热病毒感染阳性患者为4/5,肺炎支原体感染阳性患者为4/4;EB病毒感染阳性、单纯疱疹病毒感染阳性、水痘带状疱疹病毒感染阳性患者各1例,均出现脑脊液蛋白-细胞分离现象;2种或以上病原体感染的患者中62.2%(23/37)出现脑脊液蛋白-细胞分离现象;无前驱感染者中66.3%(59/89)出现脑脊液蛋白-细胞分离现象。脑脊液蛋白-细胞分离现象在无前驱感染以及有不同类型前驱感染患者中的总阳性率比较差异有统计学意义(P = 0.007),但脑脊液蛋白水平比较差异无统计学意义(P >
0.05)。结论 GBS患者中脑脊液蛋白-细胞分离现象与前驱感染的类型有关,其中甲型流感病毒感染患者发生脑脊液蛋白-细胞分离现象的比例最高。
【关键词】 吉兰-巴雷综合征;前驱感染;脑脊液蛋白-细胞分离现象
Association between antecedent infection and albuminocytologic dissociation in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome Wang Zihao△, Song Jin, Hu Ming, Zhang Guorong, Shan Fangzhen, Xing Chunye, Song Yan, Qiao Baojun, Wang Yuzhong.△Qilu Medical College, Shandong University, Ji nan 250012, China
Corresponding author, Wang Yuzhong, E-mail: wangyuzhong_ni@163.com
【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the albuminocytologic dissociation in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and differences in CSF protein levels in Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS)patients with various types of antecedent infections and investigate the correlation between antecedent infections and increased CSF protein levels in GBS patients. Methods Clinical data and CSF analysis results of 198 GBS patients were collected. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was employed to detect 14 types of infectious pathogens in the serum of GBS patients. The proportion of albuminocytologic dissociation and the differences in CSF protein levels were analyzed in GBS patients with different antecedent infections. Results In total, 55.1% (109/198) of GBS patients had serological positivity for infectious pathogens, 23.7% (47/198) for Campylobacter jejuni, 20.7% (41/198) for Influenza A virus, 15.2% (30/198) for Influenza B virus. Among them, 18.7% (37/198) of GBS patients had serological positivity for two or more pathogens. In total, 73.7% (146/198) of GBS patients had albuminocytologic dissociation in CSF. Among single pathogen-positive patients, 83.3% (25/30) of Campylobacter jejuni positive patients showed albuminocytologic dissociation in CSF, 100% (18/18) of Influenza A virus patients, 6/7 of influenza B virus patients, 4/5 of Hepatitis A virus patients, 4/5 of Dengue virus patients, 4/4 of Mycoplasma pneumoniae patients, 1/1 of Epstein-Barr virus patients, 1/1 of herpes simplex virus patients, and 1/1 of Varicella-zoster virus patients had albuminocytologic dissociation in CSF. Among patients infected with two or more pathogens, 62.2% (23/37) showed albuminocytologic dissociation in CSF, while 66.3% (59/89) of GSB patients without antecedent infection had albuminocytologic dissociation in CSF. The positive rates of albuminocytologic dissociation in CSF exhibited significant differences among patients without and with various types of antecedent infections (P = 0.007), whereas no significant difference was noted in CSF protein levels (P > 0.05). Conclusion The albuminocytologic dissociation in CSF of GBS patients is correlated with the type of antecedent infection. The highest proportion of albuminocytologic dissociation in CSF is observed in patients with Influenza A virus infections.
【Key words】 Guillain-Barré syndrome; Antecedent infection; Albuminocytologic dissociation in cerebrospinal fluid
收集患者的临床资料,包括年龄、性别、入院时GBS残疾评分(GBS-DS)、高峰期GBS-DS、1年后GBS-DS,入院时医学研究理事会(MRC)评分、高峰期MRC评分、1年后MRC评分、从发病到高峰期的时间间隔、从发病到腰椎穿刺的时间间隔、脑脊液蛋白水平(参考值0.15~0.45 g/L)、脑脊液细胞数(<8×106/L)、电生理分型(Hadden标准)、高峰期腱反射、是否进行机械通气、是否存在感觉障碍、颅神经受累、疼痛等症状[9]。
采用GraphPad Prism 8.0.2进行数据分析。非正态分布的计量资料采用M(P25,P75)表示,组间比较采用秩和检验;计数资料采用例(%)表示,组间比较采用χ 2检验或Fisher确切概率法,两两比较用Bonferroni法。α=0.05,两两比较α=0.05/相互比较次数。
结 果
在单一感染阳性患者中,甲型流感病毒感染阳性患者脑脊液蛋白-细胞分离阳性率为100%(18/18),空肠弯曲菌感染阳性患者为83.3%(25/30),感染的病原体≥2种患者为62.2%(23/37),无前驱感染的患者为66.3%(59/89)。有前驱感染和无前驱感染患者的脑脊液蛋白-细胞分离阳性率比较差异有统计学意义(χ 2=12.081,P =
0.007)。有前驱感染和无前驱感染患者的脑脊液蛋白水平比较差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),见表2。感染不同病原体的患者和无前驱感染的患者在不同时间段发生脑脊液蛋白-细胞分离的构成比差异无统计学意义(χ 2 = 8.956,P = 0.441),见表3。
讨 论
本研究显示,55.1%的GBS患者有前驱感染,空肠弯曲菌、甲型流感病毒和乙型流感病毒是本组中国鲁西南地区GBS患者前驱感染的常见病原体。其中,空肠弯曲菌感染患者的比例与英国和荷兰报告的相似,但低于孟加拉国和90年代中国北方地区研究中的空肠弯曲菌感染比例[11-14]。由于空肠弯曲菌前驱感染与区域内卫生状况密切相关,其感染比例的下降反映了我国经济社会的快速发展、公民健康水平和居住环境的改善。目前已经证实,不同类型的病原体经分子模拟机制诱导机体产生针对不同靶抗原的自身免疫性抗体是导致GBS患者临床异质性的原因,例如,空肠弯曲菌胞壁上携带的脂多糖与人类周围神经轴索上表达的神经节苷脂(例如GM1和GD1a)存在结构相似性,即分子模拟,该种病原体感染人体后可诱导抗GM1、GD1a IgG抗体的产生,从而导致急性运动轴索型神经病的发生[15]。此外,巨细胞病毒感染可导致抗GM2抗体的产生而与脱髓鞘型GBS发病相关,肺炎支原体感染与抗半乳糖脑苷抗体则与儿童GBS有关[7, 16]。
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