殷霞 张士进 田明伟 刘红
中图分类号:TP212.3; TQ342.8
1 电阻式柔性触觉传感器的结构设计
1.1 一维纤维/纱线基传感器件
一维纤维/纱线结构因其柔软性、可编织性、形状适应性故具有优异的纺织加工性能,较多集成到纺织服装当中应用。大多数纤维/纱线通过采用湿法同轴、静电纺丝、对纤维/纱线进行特殊后处理(喷涂、浸渍、原位生长、化学气相沉积)的方法制备核壳结构。Hu等通过化学气相沉积(CVD)工艺制造以石墨烯纤维作为芯层,原位生长的碳纳米管分层作为壳层的碳杂化纤维(CHF),如图2(a)所示。具有核壳结构的纤维/纱线,纤维芯和外部的壳或包覆层可以相互作用,提高纤维材料的抗拉、抗压、抗弯等力学性能,也可以防止纤维芯受到外界环境的影响,同时可以根据需求调节其芯层或外壳的成分和厚度,从而使纤维材料可适应不同的应用领域和环境,且基于核壳结构的压阻式传感器件普遍具有较高的灵敏度和线性度。Zhong等通过湿法纺丝制备的芯层为镀银尼龙,壳层为表面具有微孔结构的碳纳米管(CNTs)/热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)的核壳压阻纱线,灵敏度高达84.5 N。利用同轴纺丝和后处理方法相结合的方式,可制备具有三层核壳结构的导电复合纤维。Wang等[将湿纺制备的已经具有核壳结构的纤维,又通过在纤维表层发生银镜反应,形成紧密堆叠的Ag纳米颗粒层,制备了具有三层核壳结构的导电复合纤维,如图2(b)所示。
1.2 二维平面结构传感器件
在这些微观结构中,因人类表皮的微观结构与砂纸表面具有相似的形貌,使用砂纸作为模板来制备的具有随机高度分布的棘突微结构,不仅可检测细微压力的极限且具有成本较低,制作工艺简单等优点。Sun等将石墨与聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)的混合液倒在砂紙模板上,直接形成具有棘突结构的导电膜。皱纹结构的开发同样是仿制人类皮肤的一种微结构设计,类似于褶皱的结构为传感器提供了可拉伸性。Jia等通过梯度减少氧化石墨烯(rGO)形成具有皱纹结构的导电层,制备的传感器表现出出色的灵敏度,如图3(a)所示。为了设计出合理的微观结构,将特殊的生物/植物表面微结构进行仿制,是一种便捷且能有效提高传感器灵敏度的方法。Yan等通过仿制银杏叶表面微结构制备的MXene基压力传感器,灵敏度高达403.46 kPa,如图3(c)所示。除了选择在织物、薄膜、凝胶等柔性基体表面进行微观结构设计,还可采用静电纺丝喷涂的方法,由于纤维的交错排列,同样可以在传感层表面形成精细的多层网络微结构。Gao等用柔性锡(IV)掺杂的SrTiO,采用溶胶-凝胶静电纺丝法制备的柔性陶瓷纳米纤维膜,在小于400 Pa的低压范围下灵敏度可达2.24 kPa,且表现出优异的稳定性,如图3(b)所示。
1.3 多维立体结构传感器件
多维立体结构设计的电阻式压力传感器,得益于其空间结构存在高孔隙且基材具有良好的弹性,相邻多孔骨架之间的“接触效应”可产生大幅度的电阻变化,使其总能在宽线性范围内具有高灵敏度。常见的制备多维立体空间结构的策略主要包括多层微结构叠加、赋予三维(3D)多孔基材传感性能、导电“骨架”团聚三维结构。多层微结构构筑的立体结构可以很好地优化传感器线性传感范围,相较于单层微结构,使传感器能够在大的压力范围下保持高灵敏度。Lee等堆叠多层具有互锁微圆顶结构设计的传感层,如图4(a)所示。由于逐层之间的应力分布,使传感器在0.001 3~353 kPa的宽压力范围内可线性响应。直接赋予三维(3D)多孔基材传感性能的策略,避免了逐层组装的麻烦,具有低成本、可大规模制备等优点。常用的多孔基材主要包括泡沫、海绵、热塑性弹性体(TPE)等,这些材料具有丰富的3D网络结构,便于将导电材料涂覆到其弹性体骨架上。Zhang等 在海绵上浸渍碳纳米管(CNT),上下電极采用银浆涂覆作为导电层,制作了一款价格低廉且具有高性能和简单制造工艺的传感器。其中,将海绵经预压缩处理后在其骨架上获得裂纹结构的设计,对于弹性三维微孔压阻材料来说具有重要研究意义。Zhang等 将通过导电纤维素纳米纤维(CNF)、AgNWs制备的导电海绵经预压缩处理后,在海绵骨架表面产生裂纹结构,如图4(b)所示(根据压缩速率不同,裂纹产生的密度也会随之变化),基于小应变的“裂纹效应”,该传感器的检测限可低至0.2%。虽然基于聚合物材料的传感器具有高灵敏度和较大的工作压力范围,但聚合物材料普遍存在弹性回复性差、恢复滞后等问题,因此继续探索其他新型材料构筑3D结构是必要的。Chen等将水性MXene油墨和植物纤维通过物理发泡的方法来制作类似于海绵的三维结构,再对其通过组装、浸涂、封装后制备的压阻式传感器表现出的可压缩应变达60%。
2 电阻式柔性触觉传感器在医养健康领域应用现状
2.1 临床医学及生命体征监测应用
随着医疗技术和条件的快速发展,多样化的传感器作为可穿戴医疗设备的重要组成部分,已经应用于各个方面。其中,电阻式柔性触觉传感器对微小应力变化非常敏感,可以检测到细微的触摸和压力信息,对临床应用兴起的机器人辅助微创手术的发展具有重要意义。Aubeeluck等将多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs)和热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)复合材料制备的油墨进行丝网印刷得到柔性薄膜,再将具有微结构的叉指电极薄膜进行多层叠加后进行封装,设计和制造了一种9 mm的超薄柔性电阻触觉传感器,用于机器人辅助微创手术中磁性微夹持器手术工具,提高了手术的安全性。
2.2 居家健康监测及康复治疗应用
3 结 论
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Research on resistive flexible tactile sensors and their current applications in the field of
medical and health care
YIN Xia, ZHANG Shijin, TIAN Mingwei, LIU Hong
(College of Textile & Clothing, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China)
Abstract:The working principle of resistive flexible tactile sensors is mainly based on the piezoresistive effect. When the sensor is subjected to external pressure, the external pressure is converted into a resistance signal, thereby generating an electrical output signal. In recent years, the advancement of wearable smart systems has created an urgent demand for flexible pressure sensors. Among them, resistive flexible tactile sensors have experienced rapid development due to their simple principle, ease of processing, and high integration efficiency. Although biomimetic electronic skins based on resistive flexible tactile sensors have been widely applied in various fields such as human-computer interaction, wearable medical devices, and smart robots, to obtain sensors with a wide pressure monitoring range and high sensitivity remains a challenge for researchers.
To address the aforementioned issues, in addition to selecting advanced functional materials and suitable substrate materials, optimizing sensor structure is also an important research direction. Rational structural design can not only significantly enhance the sensitivity and other performance parameters of the sensor but also flexibly adjust its sensitivity and response characteristics to meet specific application requirements. Currently, the structural design of resistive flexible tactile sensors can be divided into three dimensions: one-dimensional fiber/yarn-based sensor elements, two-dimensional planar structure sensor elements, and multi-dimensional three-dimensional structure sensor elements. Innovatively designing the sensor layers in different dimensions to change the contact resistance between conductive materials and the conduction paths in conductive elastic composites is currently an important research direction to improve the performance of resistive tactile sensors.
The existing structural design of one-dimensional fiber/yarn-based sensor elements is mainly based on the core-shell structure achieved through coaxial spinning. Although it exhibits high linearity, the sensitivity and resolution of the sensor elements are easily limited by the fiber diameter and length, resulting in lower accuracy in measuring micro changes. Additionally, fibers are prone to fatigue and damage during use, which affects the durability and stability of the sensor. Two-dimensional planar structure sensor elements are primarily designed and constructed with fine microstructures or nanoscale geometries on a two-dimensional conductive layer. Commonly used microstructures include protrusions, micro-domes, micro/nano-rod structures, micro-pyramid structures, hollow sphere microstructures, wrinkled structures, interlocking structures, micro-column structures, and various biomimetic microstructures. These microstructures provide abundant contact points between the two electrodes of the sensor, thereby improving the performance of the sensor. Specifically, resistive pressure sensors designed with multi-dimensional three-dimensional structures benefit from their high porosity and good elasticity of the substrate. The “contact effect” between adjacent porous frameworks can generate significant changes in resistance, enabling the sensor to have high sensitivity within a wide linear range. Common strategies for fabricating multi-dimensional spatial structure sensor elements include the stacking of multi-layer microstructures, endowing three-dimensional (3D) porous substrate with sensing performance, and aggregation of conductive “skeleton” in a three-dimensional structure. The multi-layer microstructure construction of three-dimensional structures optimizes the sensor’s linear sensing range, allowing it to maintain higher sensitivity over a wide pressure range compared to single-layer microstructures.
Resistive flexible tactile sensors are highly sensitive to micro changes in stress and can detect subtle touch and pressure information. By integrating resistive flexible tactile sensors with minimally invasive surgical devices, they have been applied in clinical robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery, enhancing the safety of surgical procedures. Combining resistive flexible tactile sensors with wearable medical devices not only enables the monitoring of physiological signals such as blood pressure, heart rate, and pulse but also assists doctors in building digital management platforms. They can also be utilized in home health monitoring devices and rehabilitation treatment equipment to provide long-term care support and personalized treatment plans for patients, which is of significant importance in the field of medical and health care.
Resistive flexible tactile sensors have significant advantages in the field of flexible wearables due to their simple principle and low cost. In designing the sensor structure, constructing “microstructures” to increase the contact points/gaps between the two electrodes is an effective strategy for improving sensor sensitivity. In addition to focusing on structural design, innovation can also be driven by material selection. Furthermore, although resistive flexible sensors have made significant progress in various fields such as flexible electronics, medical monitoring and human-computer interaction, there is still a need to improve the durability and stability of materials, address aging issues in resistive elements, and enhance sensor protection measures. In designing and manufacturing sensors, considering cost-effectiveness and production difficulties, developing low-cost and mass-producible sensors will be a key focus for future development.
Key words:resistive flexible tactile sensor; structure design; medical and health care; one-dimensional fiber/yarn-based sensor elements; two-dimensional planar structure sensor elements; multi-dimensional three-dimensional structure sensor elements; health monitoring