If you give a pig a party,
she’s going to ask for some balloons.
When you give her the balloons,
she’ll want to decorate(装点) the house.
When she’s finished,
she’ll put on her favorite dress.
Then she’ll call all her friends to invite them to the party.
Her friends won’t be home,
so you’ll go with her to look for them.
On the way, she’ll see a street fair.
She’ll want you to take her on the
bumper cars(碰碰车).
All her friends will be there.
Then you’ll have to take her on all the rides.
She’ll want to play all the games too.
When she’s done, she’ll ask you for some ice cream.
When she’s finished eating the ice cream,
she’ll need to change her clothes.
You’ll have to take her home.
She’ll ask her friends to come along.
On the way, she’ll start
a game of hide-and-seek.
When you finally get home,
you’ll have to make dinner.
Then she’ll want to have a sleepover(在外过夜).
You’ll have to find pajamas(睡衣) and blankets and pillows(枕头) for everyone.
When she sees the pillows, she’ll start a pillow fight.
Then she’ll make a fortress(堡垒) out of blankets.
Of course, when she’s finished,
she’ll want to decorate it.
So she’ll ask for some balloons.
And chances are, if you give her some balloons,
she’s going to ask you for a party.
小时候,你一定听过“从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个老和尚,正在给小和尚讲故事。老和尚说,从前有座山……”哈哈,这就是一个“Circular Tale”!不断重复的句式、夸张离奇的要求、回环往复的进展,都让读故事的孩子乐此不疲地追问:“然后呢?还有呢?”那么,你来把故事接着讲下去吧!