Where Are My Friends?我的朋友们在哪里

2024-01-21 05:50:47小乔/供稿
阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2023年12期




Sammy is a curious and energetic squirrel. One morning, he is out in the forest, running from tree to tree, collecting acorns(橡子) for winter. But something is different! His friends, Benny the Bear, Rosie the Hedgehog(刺猬), and Timmy the Tortoise , are nowhere to be seen.

Confused, Sammy asks his wise old friend, Mr Owl, “Do you see Benny, Rosie, and Timmy? They usually play with me, but today, theyre all missing!”

Mr. Owl blinks(眨眼) his big round eyes, and replies, “It seems youre not aware of something very important that happens in the forest during this time of year. Benny, Rosie, and Timmy are hibernating(冬眠).”

“Hiber-what-ing?” Sammy is curious.

“Hibernating,” explains Mr Owl, “is a long nap that some animals take during the cold winter months. They sleep in hidden places, conserving(储存) their energy and staying warm while theres not much food around.”

“A long nap? That sounds boring! Why would anyone want to do that? And Im not sleepy at all! I love playing and exploring, even in the winter. I dont want to hibernate.” Sammy cannot believe that.

Mr. Owl laughs, “Well, Sammy, not all animals hibernate. Some, like you, stay active all year round, but its important to understand that different animals have different ways of coping with(應对) the changing seasons. ”

Now Sammy knows where his friends are. He decides to draw a picture of the winter forest and share it with his friends when spring arrives.


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