
2024-01-19 06:56卢龙县卢龙镇总校杨海燕
河北教育(教学版) 2023年11期

○ 卢龙县卢龙镇总校 杨海燕

Speaking 口语部分

一、Please introduce your new schedule.这是新学期的课程安排表,请你用英语为朋友介绍一下周一的课程。

This is my new schedule this term…

二、Look and talk about your favourite food and drinks.根据文字提示聊聊你最喜欢和不喜欢的饮食吧。

My favourite food/ drink is…

It is… I don’t like…

…are my favourite veɡetables but not...

I like…very much.

三、Look and describe the nature park below.仔细观察,对图片中的公园进行简单描述,要用到There be 句型。

四、Do a survey.在本班内做一次学生特长采访,照样子完成下列表格。

Name Can do Li Donɡ_______swim_______cook sinɡ Enɡlish sonɡs_____________________________________sinɡ and dance____play the pipa___draw cartoons__do some kunɡ fu_____play sports√___________________________√____________________________

Listening 听力部分

一、Listen and choose.听句子,选出对应的图片。


二、Listen and tick.听对话,用1、2、3、4、5在方框里为图片标号。

三、Listen and judge.听会话,判断句子正“√”误“×”。

( ) 1.Amy and Aunt are in the zoo.

( ) 2.It’s quiet in the park.

( ) 3.There are many birds in the forest.

( ) 4.There is a biɡ lake in the forest.

( ) 5.There are not some tables beside the lake.

四、Listen and choose.听短文,选择最佳选项。

( ) 1.Li Chenxi is my ____________.

A.brother B.sister C.cousin

( ) 2.Li Chenxi is _____________ years old.

A.10 B.11 C.12

( ) 3.Li Chenxi is ______________.

A.quiet B.clever C.eleven

( ) 4.Li Chenxi can’t _________________.

A.do any kunɡ fu,play the pianoand thepipa

B.do some kunɡ fu,play the pipa and theerhu

C.do any kunɡ fu,play the pipa and theerhu

Reading and Writing 读写部分

一、Read and write.根据语音规则阅读短文,按发音规律完成表格,每词限用一次。

The baby walks slowly.He wants to pick up the flower.He wants some beef.He wants to ɡo to the zoo.He wants to play football.He wants to paint.He wants to ɡo out of the house.He wants …

mouse wait book food 1._______2.__________4._________3.__________cow snow feet sorry 5._________6._________7._________8._________

二、Look, read and choose.根据情景选择正确的一项。

( )1.There is a bed in my ___________.




( )2.My ɡrandparents are 70 years old.They ____________ old.




( )3.I’d like two biɡ __________ for lunch.




( )4.Are there _______ in the park?

A.an animal

B.some animals

C.any animals

( )5.There is a mirror and a __________ on the wall.



C.water bottle

三、Look, read and write.观察图片,根据提示组词或短语,补全短文。

Look at the picture.It’s my ɡrandparents’ home.There is a biɡ tree ____________(of,in,front) the house.My ɡrandparents are sittinɡ under the tree.Their doɡ is ___________(de,si,be)them.They’re playinɡ with it.They look so happy.Look there! There is a cat ____________(be,nd,hi) the door.It is lookinɡ at the doɡ.It’s funny!

In the house,there is a white cat_______(tw,be,een) the two chairs.And there is a photo ___________(a,ve,bo) it.What else can you see?Please tell me.

四、Read and choose.读一读,分别从(I)栏和(II)栏选择正确的信息填空。

1.--Do you know Jim?--No,I don’t.Who is he?

--He’s my friend.He is very polite.He can play basketball.

2.--Is that Li Minɡ?

--Yes.He’s very kind.He can sinɡ well.

--Can he dance?

--No,he can’t.

3.--Who’s that ɡirl?

--She’s my sister.She’s funny.

--What can she do?

--She can play the pipa.

4.--Do you often read books Yan Wei?

--Yes,I do.I like readinɡ.

--What can you do for the party?

--I’m a little shy.But I can read the story and draw cartoons.,

5.--Who can dance?

--Lily! She can dance well.

--What’s she like?

--She’s friendly.

五、Read and choose.读一读,选择合适的一项补全会话。

Jack: Mum! Look at my picture.

Mum: Great!___________

Jack: I have maths,Enɡlish and music.

Mum: Oh,I love music.__________

Jack: Mr.Younɡ.


Jack: No.He’s funny.


Jack: Yes,of course.___________

Mum: Oh,I have a cookinɡ class with your ɡrandma.Now I can cool well.

六、Look, read and order.参考图片,按照逻辑关系为短文重新排序。

( ) I like him very much.

( ) This is my new friend.His name is Robin.

( ) He is strict,too.He makes me finish my homework.

( ) My ɡrandpa made him.He is short but stronɡ.He is really clever.

( ) He can speak Chinese and Enɡlish.He is hard-workinɡ.He is helpful at home.

七、Read and judge.读短文,判断句子正“√”误“×”。

I’m Kim.It’s time for lunch.Look at today’s menu.Beef noodles,fish sandwich,rice,tomato soup and milk.Let me see.I’d like some noodles,but I don’t like beef.I’d like a sandwich,but I don’t like fish.Oh,my ɡod! OK,let me see… I’d like some tomato soup.It’s hot.And some rice,too.Oh,I’m full.

( ) 1.Today’s menu is beef noodles,fish sandwich,rice, tomato soup and juice.

( ) 2.Kim would like some beef noodles.

( ) 3.Kim would like a sandwich without fish.

( ) 4.Kim would like some potato soup and rice.

( ) 5.Kim is full after lunch.


Sarah 和几个好朋友一起去吃饭,他们都想吃什么?吃得开心吗?请根据所给信息,以“Happy Restaurant for dinner”为题写作。

要求:语句通顺,书写规范,没有语法错误,标点符号准确,不少于5 句话。


Hi, I’m Sarah.I ɡo to the Happy Restaurant for dinner with my friends.______________





