
2024-01-16 18:21王洋帆
孔子学院 2023年5期


青海省位于青藏高原东北部,地处东部亚洲腹地,全省面积72.23 万平方公里。在这片雄踞“世界屋脊”的高天厚土上,大自然以其大手笔、大气魄、独具匠心的设计造化出以“大”为特征的山川风貌,构成了壮美奇绝的生态区域和自然景观。现在,就让我们一起用四个“数字”来认识神秘的青海,走近这片未经“雕琢”的净土,感受它的魅力与风采,同时学习汉语中数字的正确使用方法。

Qinghai Province is situated in the northeastern partof the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the heartland of easternAsia, covering a vast area of 722,300 square kilometers.As a part of the renowned “Roof of the World,” theprovince boasts a breathtaking landscape sculpted bynature. Its immense size and unique characteristics havenurtured an ecosystem and natural scenery of unparalleledmagnificence. Now, let’s embark on a journey to explorethe enchanting land of Qinghai through four key numbers.These numbers will not only guide us through its pristinebeauty and charm but also help us understand the correctusage of numbers in the Chinese language.

6 860米—青海的高度

6,860 meters: Touching the sky in Qinghai

昆仑山脉在中华民族文化的历史中被誉为“万山之祖”。它气势雄伟,在青海境内的最高峰布喀达坂峰的海拔达到6 860 米。围绕着昆仑山脉, 有许多传说故事。中国古代地理名著《山海经》曾描述过一座名为“昆仑山”的神山。据传,它坐落于遥远的西方,是神仙在人间历练时的居所,其上有各种奇珍异宝、飞禽走兽。武侠小说《倚天屠龙记》《蜀山剑侠传》《江湖奇侠传》中也都出现了武侠教派“昆仑派”,按故事设定,该教派正是在昆仑山开门立派。

Known as the “Ancestor of Ten Thousand Mountains,” theKunlun Mountain range holds a significant place in Chineseculture. It is renowned for its majestic and awe-inspiringpeaks, with Bukadaban Feng, located within the province,reaching an impressive elevation of 6,860 meters. Throughout history, a multitude of legends and stories have revolvedaround this range. In the ancient Chinese geographicaltext, the Classic of Mountains and Seas, there is mention ofa sacred mountain known as the “Kunlun Mountain.” Itis believed to be situated in a distant western region andis regarded as a dwelling place for immortals during theirtemporary stay in the mortal world. It is a realm abundantwith rare treasures and is inhabited by a diverse array ofmystical birds and beasts. The “Kunlun Sect,” a martial arts faction, is prominently featured in iconic martial artsnovels such as The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, Legendof the Swordsmen of the Mountains of Shu, and Romance ofExtraordinary Swordsmen. In these captivating narratives,the sect is said to have been founded on the sacred groundsof the Kunlun Mountain.

昆侖山脉横贯青海全境。唐古拉山、祁连山横亘于青海省南北两翼。这些海拔4 000 米以上的大山,雪峰耸立,冰川广布,为中国的江河之源。

The Kunlun Mountain range traverses the entireQinghai territory. The Tanggula and Qilian mountainsstretch across the northern and southern wings of QinghaiProvince. These mountains, with elevations above 4,000meters, feature towering snowy peaks and expansiveglaciers that serve as the source of China’s rivers.

4 635平方公里—青海湖的广度

4,635 square kilometers: The expansive Qinghai Lake

位于青海省西寧市境内的青海湖是我国水域面积最大的内陆咸水湖泊,也是世界上较为著名的高海拔低温湖泊。近年来,随着青海省环湖地区退耕还林、退牧还草等生态保护措施的实施推进,截至2022 年3 月,青海湖的水体面积较十年前增加了220 平方公里,达到4 635 平方公里。此外,青海湖国家级自然保护区栖息着多达232 种鸟类和23 种猛禽,生长着445 种野生植物,是名副其实的“物种基因库”。政府设立青海湖国家级自然保护区,是推进水源涵养和生态保护的重要手段,也是建设绿色中国、美丽中国的重要途径。

Located in the jurisdiction of Xining City inQinghai Province, Qinghai Lake is China’s premierinland saline lake and is renowned worldwide as ahigh-altitude cold lake. In recent years, thanks tosuccessful ecological conservation efforts in QinghaiProvince, such as converting farmlands back to forestsand revitalizing grasslands by halting grazing, the lakehas seen significant growth in size. As of March 2022,it has expanded by 220 square kilometers comparedto a decade ago, now covering an area of 4,635 squarekilometers. Within its boundaries, the Qinghai LakeNational Nature Reserve provides a habitat for 232 birdspecies and 23 varieties of birds of prey and supports adiverse community of 445 wild plant species, making ita valuable “gene bank.” The government’s establishmentof this reserve not only plays a crucial role in waterconservation and ecological protection but alsorepresents a significant step toward realizing the visionof a greener and more beautiful China.


20,000 or 30,000 years: Qinghai’s journey through titime


Qinghai is celebrated not only for its breathtaking natural beauty but also for its vibrant history. Going backsome 30,000 years to the Paleolithic Age, early human communities had already lived in this region. Throughout themillennia, Qinghai has served as a melting pot of diverse cultures. Archaeological findings have solidified this fact, withevidence spanning from the Yangshao, Majiayao, and Zongri cultures to the Liuwan painted pottery tombs in LeduCounty, the Lajia site in Minhe County, and the Tibetan tombs in Dulan County. Moreover, Qinghai held a pivotal rolealong ancient trade routes of global significance. The Silk Road (dating as far back as 138 BCE, stretching from Xi’an inShaanxi to Rome, Italy), the Ancient Tangbo Road (established in the early 7th century, connecting Xi’an to Lhasa inXizang) and the Ancient Tea-Horse Road (founded in the late 6th century, linking the tea-producing regions aroundPu’er in Yunnan to Lhasa) all traversed Qinghai. These routes facilitated the convergence of Eastern and Westerncivilizations, giving rise to a distinctive plateau culture and a culturally diverse landscape in Qinghai.


Two power statitions of ten million kilowatttts: Qinghai’s renewable revolutition

青海—河南±800 千伏特高压直流工程起于青海省海南藏族自治州,经青海、甘肃、陕西、河南四省,最终到达河南省驻马店市,是世界首条以输送新能源为主的输电大通道。该项目于2018 年开工建设,历时两年建成投运。近年来,青海省大力发展光伏、风电和光热产业,建设中国清洁能源示范省,在海西、海南地区打造了两个千万千瓦级可再生能源基地。“绿色电脉”串联起青海、河南、湖北、江苏等多个省份,在促进环保能源资源的优化配置、推动中国现代化高质量发展中起到了举足轻重的作用。

The Qinghai-Henan ±800 kilovolt ultra-high-voltagedirect current (UHVDC) line starts in the HainanTibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province.It travels through Qinghai, Gansu, Shaanxi, and Henan,ultimately reaching the city of Zhumadian in HenanProvince. It is the world’s inaugural power line dedicatedto transferring renewable energy. Launched in 2018, itwas completed and became operational in two years. Inrecent years, Qinghai Province has vigorously promotedthe development of photovoltaic, wind energy, andsolar-thermal industries, striving to become a provincein China known for embracing clean energy solutions.To this end, the province has established two renewableenergy bases in Haixi and Hainan areas, each boastinga capacity of ten million kilowatts. The resulting “greenelectricity artery” not only serves the energy needsof Qinghai and Henan but also extends its reach toHubei and Jiangsu. It is instrumental in promoting thedistribution of green energy resources and fosteringhigh-quality development in modern China.


These four numbers serve as a thread weaving togetherthe natural scenery and cultural landscapes of Qinghai,offering a pathway to explore Qinghai’s profound historyand modern development. Have you noticed the diverseapplications of Chinese numerals in these contexts? Let’sdelve into this fascinating topic together!

首先,凡是用于计量的数字,即当数字与计量单位同时出现,表示高度、面积、体积、温度、重量等,尤其是当数值较为精确时,一般使用阿拉伯数字,例如“海拔6 860 米”“面积4 635平方公里”“重2.18 克”,这样可达到醒目、清晰的效果。同时,上下文的体例应保持统一。

To begin with, when we refer to measurements such asheight, area, volume, temperature, and weight, especiallywhen exact values are necessary, Arabic numerals arethe preferred choice. For example, utilizing them as in“an elevation of 6,860 meters” , “an area of 4,635 squarekilometers” or “a weight of 2.18 grams” delivers a clearand striking effect. Moreover, it is essential to maintain auniform format throughout the context.


Secondly, to indicate an approximate quantity using two adjacent numbers, Chinese characters come into play,and we avoid inserting commas between these numbers.Number using in phrases like “the Paleolithic Age 20,000or 30,000 years ago” , “three to five years later” or “in theirsixties or seventies” demonstrate this rule.


Lastly, the usage of er and liang is easily confused bylearners of Chinese. Er is used when indicating a numberor ordinal numbers, for instance, er fen zhi yi (onehalf ), di-er (second), or in specific nouns like erbo(second eldest paternal uncle). Conversely, liang shouldbe used with measure words and units of measurementor to represent both sides or approximations, forexample, liang fen dangao (two pieces of cake), lianggongli (two kilometers), liangquan-qimei (the best ofboth worlds), guo liang tian (in a couple of days), liangju hua (two sentences), etc.


Join us in a numerical exploration of Qinghai. Let us“count” our way through Qinghai’s breathtaking naturallandscapes and witness the transformative power ofgreen energy development in the region!

轻轻松松聊汉语 青海湖
青海 管放相宜 渐入佳境