What is a Desert?什么是荒漠?
A desert is an area that gets less than 10 *inches
(25.4 centimeters) of precipitation a year.
*inch /Int?/:英寸(复数:inches)。在荷兰语中的本意是大拇指,一英寸就是一节大拇指的长度。但因为每个人的大拇指长短不一,所以在14世纪时,英国国王爱德华二世颁布了“标准合法英寸”:从大麦穗中间选择三粒最大的麦粒并依次排成一行的长度就是一英寸。一般来说,1英寸约等于2.54厘米。
What is Precipitation?什么是降水?
Precipitation isnt just rain. It can be drizzle, rain, snow, ice crystals or hail.
desert /?dez?t/ n.荒漠;沙漠
precipitation /pr??s?p??te??(?)n/ n.降水
ice crystal冰晶
centimeter /?cent?mi∶t?(r)/ n.厘米
drizzle /?dr?z(?)l/ n.细雨,毛毛雨
hail /he?l/ n.冰雹
The Largest Lce Desert最大的白色荒漠
Not all deserts are hot. They can be in really cold areas too!
There is a desert at the South Pole, called Antarctica. Its the worlds largest ice desert. What makes Antarctica so different to other deserts? The answer is that the snow there never melts and goes away.
The Largest Sand Desert最大的沙漠
The largest sand desert in the world is the Sahara Desert in North Africa. There are lots of sand dunes. Some of them are as high as 500 *feet (152.4 meters). The Nile River flows through the Sahara Desert.
*foot /fut/:英尺(复数:feet)。在古代,因为没有国际公认的度量单位,所以英国人往往使用自己的脚来实地测量距离和面积。久而久之,一种基于成年男子单脚的长度就被公认为英国等国家认可的标准度量衡。一般来说,1 foot=12 inches。
No. During the day it can be extremely hot, but at night you need to dress up warm! It can get really cold. You have to take lots of different clothes if you are going to have a desert adventure.
South Pole南极
Antarctica /?n?tɑ∶kt?k?/ n.南极洲
melt /melt/ v.融化
the Sahara Desert撒哈拉沙漠
dune /dju∶n/ n.(由风吹积而成的)沙丘
The Nile River 尼罗河
extremely /?k?stri∶mli/ adv.非常地,极端地
adventure /?d?vent??(r)/ n.探险
A Few More Facts:更多关于荒漠的知识
More than one-sixth([1/6]) of the worlds population lives in desert regions.
About twenty percent(20%) of the worlds land surface is desert and Europe is the only continent with no large deserts.
In hot deserts, plants usually grow really long roots and get water from deep down in the ground.
population /?p?pju?le??(?)n/ n.人口 region /?ri∶d??n/ n.地区
surface /?s?∶f?s/ n.表面 Europe /?j??r?p/ n.欧洲
continent /?k?nt?n?nt/ n.洲,大陆 root /ru∶t/ n.根
Let's Try
1. The precipitation in the desert area is less than ____________inches a year.
A.10 B.24
2. About ____________ of the worlds land surface is desert.
A.20% B.30%
Know More:
撒哈拉沙漠(The Sahara Desert),位于非洲北部,約形成于250万年前,是世界第三大荒漠(仅次于南极和北极),也是世界上最大的沙质荒漠。该地区气候条件非常恶劣,是地球上最不适合生物生存的地方之一。
尼罗河(The Nile River),是世界上最长的河流。它流经非洲东部与北部,自南向北注入地中海。尼罗河有两条主要的支流:白尼罗河和青尼罗河。尼罗河河谷一直是棉田连绵、稻花飘香,就像一条处于撒哈拉沙漠和阿拉伯沙漠之间的绿色长廊,充满无限生机。尼罗河被印第安人称作“月亮的眼泪”。