Nurture nature for our future爱鸟护绿,共赢未来

2023-11-19 20:09何高伦
疯狂英语·新阅版 2023年3期



主题语境:野生动植物保护 篇幅:356词 建议用时:7分钟

1 Xu Liqiang, 42, the founder of a grass⁃roots wildlife protection group in ChengyangDistrict in Qingdao, has taken up the protectionof nature as his lifetime work.

2 He has devoted more than 20 years tosaving wild animals and plants, as well asraising social awareness of conserving biodiversity. His efforts have made a difference.From 2009 to 2020, more than 1,700 wild animals had been saved or sheltered. In addi⁃tion, more than 400 twilight lily (百合花) plants, an endangered mountainous floweringspecies found in China, have been saved and conserved.

3 Laoshan Mountain is a natural sanctuary (保護区) for many species of birds. Bornand raised in a village in the western foothills of the mountain, Xu had started to thinkabout wildlife protection from an early age. After he grew up, as a volunteer, he joined theefforts of the Wildlife Protection Society in Qingdao City when in college. After graduation,Xu worked for years in a local foreign trade company. But he quit his job in 2017 and de⁃cided to follow his passion for wildlife protection full⁃time. He sold the apartment his fam⁃ily lived in and used the money to build animal and plant shelters, nurseries and rescue sta⁃tions that he now uses for awareness campaigns.

4 His team members patrol by foot each day, stopping any illegal hunting of birds anddismantle bird⁃catching nets. Xu knows that the“power of an individual is limited”, so he has tried to get more people to join the wildlife drive. Now, his team of volunteers hasgrown to around 5,000 people that includes forest officials, police, students, teachers, busi⁃nessmen, reporters, local officials and residents.

5 Xu's“Home for Birds”campaign is dedicated to offering better spaces for the breed⁃ing of birds and overcoming the winter cold in the forests, wetlands and river estuaries (河口) in Qingdao. Over 20,000 artificial nests, made of recycled material, have been placedin the western Laoshan forests, Jiaozhou Bay wetland and Baisha River areas, offeringwarm shelters to over 1,500 wild birds.

6“Treasure wildlife as your own life, and the harmony between humans and naturewill be achieved,”Xu says.



1. What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A. Xus efforts to protect wildlife.

B. Xus family background.

C. The importance of wildlife protection.

D. Endangered mountainous flowers.

2. What can we know about Xu from the text?

A. He was born in the eastern foothills of Laoshan Mountain.

B. He showed interest in wildlife protection in college.

C. He once worked in a local foreign trade company.

D. He loved lily plants when he was a child.

3. Whichphrasecanreplacetheunderlinedword“dismantle”inparagraph 4?

A. Set up. B. Take apart.

C. Check up. D. Bring in.

4. Which word can best describe artificial nests?

A. Costly.

B. Time⁃consuming.

C. Meaningful.

D. Pollution⁃free.



Ⅰ. Useful expressions

lifetime work 终身工作

raise social awareness of 提升对……的社会意识

conserve biodiversity 保護生物多样性

a natural sanctuary 自然保护区

quit ones job 辞职

patrol by foot 步行巡逻

be dedicated to doing 致力于做……

offer warm shelters to wild birds 给野生鸟类提供温暖的庇护所

Ⅱ. 熟词生义

From 2009 to 2020, more than 1,700 wild animals had been saved or sheltered. 从2009年到2020年,有超过1,700只野生动物被拯救或保护。

shelter v. 保护;掩蔽

e.g. Trees shelter the house from the wind. 树给房子挡住了风。

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