主题三 音乐

2023-11-08 15:05本刊试题研究中心
疯狂英语·爱英语 2023年9期


Ⅰ. 閱读理解

Music is not just a set of sounds and rhythms. Its influence on the brain is much deeperthan any other human experience. Music always has amazing power.

A recent study suggests that preterm (早产的) babies appear to experience less painand feed more when listening to music. Experts led by Dr Manoj Kumar of the University ofAlberta, Canada, found that music had a beneficial effect on reducing pain for preterm babiesexperiencing painful medical tests. It also appeared to benefit full‑term babies duringoperations.

Many people experiencing brain damage have speech and movement‑related problems.Music can help recover from brain injuries. As a different and effective treatment,doctors often advise such patients to listen to good music to improve the parts of the brainresponsible for these two functions. When people with neurological (神经学的) disordershear a musical beat, it helps them to regain a balanced walk.

Though music cannot make deafness disappear, it really can stave off the loss of hearing.There was an experiment involving 163 people where 74 were musicians. Participantswere asked to do some listening tests. Musicians heard the sounds better than nonmusicians,and this difference gets clearer with age. This means that a 70‑year‑old musicianhears better than a 50‑year‑old non‑musician, even in a noisy environment.

Besides, music mends a broken heart. It is not about a thrown‑away love, but about aheart attack. The fact is that music can help people recover from a heart attack or heart operationby reducing blood pressure, slowing down the heartbeat rate, and reducing anxiety.Listening to the quality music produces positive emotions, improves the movement of blood,and expands blood vessels, thus, promoting quick recovery of the whole cardiovascular (心血管的) system.

1. How does music affect preterm babies?

A. It helps repair their neurological systems.

B. It helps develop their potential in music.

C. It helps improve their hearing systems.

D. It helps reduce their pain.

2. What does the underlined phrase“stave off”in paragraph 4 mean?

A. Prevent. B. Increase. C. Lead to. D. Break into.

3. Why can music mend a broken heart?

A. It helps make a person feel optimistic about life.

B. It can help people prevent diseases caused by anxiety.

C. It has a positive effect on human body systems work.

D. It can help patients recover in a slow way.

4. What can be the best title for the text?

A. How music affects our mind and body

B. The best time to listen to music

C. The way to choose quality music

D. Who can benefit from music

Ⅱ. 补全信息

The health benefits of music

Music can have a big impact on your mental health. 1 But it can actually domore than just change your state of mind—music has an impact on you physically, too.Here are just a few of the transformative effects of music on your health!

It improves the cardiovascular health. Good music may just help your heart to behealthier. 2 One study found that music reduced the levels of the stress hormonecortisol in people's systems, and reduced blood pressure.

If you're looking to take your exercise performance to the next level, youmay need to consider doing it with the help of music. Studies have found listening to musicas you exercise improves endurance, productivity and strength. If youve ever wonderedwhy professional athletes don't listen to music during a race, it's because they arent allowedto—for this very reason!

It boosts your immune system. With cold and flu season on the horizon, you may needto make sure you've got all your favorite songs downloaded.

It helps you sleep better. 5 A study showed that students who listened to relaxingclassical music for 45 minutes before turning in slept significantly better than before.If you're having trouble sleeping, try listening to a little soft music before bedtime.

It's safe to say the next time you need a little pick?me‑up, turning on your favorite tuneis the smartest option—and the healthiest, too!

A. It enhances your performance.

B. It might help improve your creativity.

C. Over 30% of Americans suffer from poor sleep.

D. There has been a link found between heart health and music.

E. It can make you relaxed, increase your focus and help you deal with stress.

F. Some studies have found that music can change how people look at their lives.

G. Studies have found that listening to music helps to prevent infection and illness.

Ⅲ. 完形填空

João, who is in his eighties, is a great Brazilian classical pianist. At the age of 8, hehad already won a contest 1 Bach. He could play 21 notes per second at the2 of his skills.

However, fortune wasnt 3 to João. At 24 years old, he suffered an accidentthat 4 the nerves in three of his fingers. And at 55, he was struck in the head,leaving him with brain injuries that completely paralyzed (使瘫痪) his 5 .

He had to abandon the piano, since he could 6 use his fingers. But paralyzedhands werent enough to make him 7 his musical career. João became a(n)8 in 2003. He couldnt turn the pages in the score or even swing the stick, so instead,he just committed every score to 9 , note by note—almost 5,000 score pages.

Luckily, an engineer who saw him playing live decided to 10 something tohelp him. After a concert, he 11 João with the first model of a pair of special artificialgloves.

After 12 several models, the perfect match was created. The gloves provide the necessary 13 for each finger and can even“tune”to what he plays. Aftermore than 20 years, João could finally 14 with his piano.

João knows that he might never recover his 15 of the past. But hes startingover, and he will keep pushing.

1. A. adapting B. reciting C. playing D. writing

2. A. mercy B. option C. drop D. peak

3. A. kind B. equal C. mean D. familiar

4. A. repaired B. damaged C. sustained D. touched

5. A. legs B. arms C. face D. chest

6. A. totally B. simply C. barely D. freely

7. A. pursue B. choose C. start D. quit

8. A. conductor B. director C. assistant D. operator

9. A. memory B. display C. paper D. trial

10. A. detect B. promote C. purchase D. invent

11. A. restricted B. approached C. directed D. released

12. A. showing off B. giving away C. setting up D. testing out

13. A. support B. guidance C. attention D. assignment

14. A. compare B. age C. reunite D. start

15. A. health B. speed C. vision D. strength

Ⅳ. 語法填空

The combination of music and study has long been 1. source of disagreementbetween adults and children. Parents and teachers alike maintain that 2. (silent)is important when learning, whereas youngsters insist that 3. (they) favouritesounds help them concentrate.

Now a study shows that the 4. (grown‑up) have been right all along. Psychologistsin Florida tested how fast students wrote essays 5. and without music in thebackground. They 6. (find) that the sounds slowed progress down by about sixtywords per hour.“This demonstrates 7. (clear) that it is difficult to cope with listeningand writing at the same time,”said Dr Sarah. She also came to the conclusion8. it is a myth that instrumental music is less disturbing than songs.“All types ofmusic had the same effect,”she said in her report.“One's ability to pay attention and write fluently is likely 9. (disturb) by both songs and instrumental music,”she added.

Dr Sarah claimed the research demonstrated that the idea that music could improveyour study performance remained to be seen.“Writing an essay is a complex task. You10. (recall) information and putting it in order. But what is particularly worryingis that more and more teenagers are studying in front of the television.”

Ⅴ. 书面表达

假定你是李华,你校将举办一次音乐周活动,请你以学生会主席的身份邀请外教Mr Smith参加音乐周的开幕式。


1. 时间和地点;

2. 活动内容。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mr Smith,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

Ⅵ. 读后续写


The whole class burst out laughing as Mohi rushed into the classroom. He was astrange sight. His half‑buttoned white shirt revealed a red striped pajama (睡衣) top underneath,and instead of white school shoes, he had on a pair of bright green sandals that weretwo sizes too big. The physics teacher's hand froze in the middle of writing a formula on theblackboard.

Mohi murmured,“Sorry, teacher.”and rushed to his seat. Mr Tan glared at the rest ofthe students. The chuckles (咯咯笑) quickly died down. Mohis classmates always lookedforward to Mondays. Nine times out of ten, they would be entertained by Mohis late arrivaland his odd appearance which usually included inappropriate clothing. That day, it was thepajama top and green sandals.

Mohi lived just a street away from the school. He walked to school daily. Studentspassing by in buses would yell his name at the same time just to see him jump and stop suddenly.When he spotted the merry crowd in the bus, he would wave good?naturedly. AlthoughMohi was likable, he was too lost in his own thoughts to make friends. His classmatesfound him amusing but they ignored him most of the time. Only Hamed, who sat nextto Mohi, tried to be his friend.

The following Monday, Mohi did not turn up at school. His classmates were a little disappointedbut quickly forgot about him. After school, Hamed decided to walk over to Mohishouse to check on him. As he approached the gate, he could hear violin music.“Mohi mustbe listening to music, since he had never played music at school,”Hamed thought. Hecalled Mohi's name a few times but there was no response. The gate was not locked. Hamedlet himself in. The music played on.


Paragraph 1:

As Hamed looked closely through a window, his eyes widened in surprise.

Paragraph 2:

When Teachers Day came around, Hamed convinced the class to let Mohi perform.
