主题语境:旅行 篇幅:332词 建议用时:6分钟
1 For some people, travelling represents one of the essential goals in life because it is aperfect mix of pleasure, curiosity, fun and recreation. It is considered by many to be arecreational activity, but for sure, it represents more than that.
2 Firstly, one of the most critical advantages that travelling is offering you is that itimproves your health. When you are travelling, you get the chance to become truly freefrom your life routine, and because of that, your stress level is going down, lowering yourchances of developing heart disease. It also helps you boost your confidence and youremotional well⁃being and also enables you to move over hard times that appear in your life.
3 Secondly, travelling makes you smarter. It makes you more present and moreconnected with the real world, becoming more curious about whats going on around you.For example, if you are travelling in a foreign country, for sure you will become curiousabout the lifestyle, specifics, people and daily habits of that place. You will also get out ofyour comfort zone, and you will start socializing more with people around you. Also,travelling offers you a great opportunity of learning new languages and new lifeperspectives, and you can use them for yourself in the future.
4 Another essential thing to take into consideration while you are travelling around theworld makes you more attractive as a person. Having different stories to tell your friendsand people you know will make your image better, making you a fascinating person toknow. Also, you develop a more emphatic human connection with others, and you can inspire them to start travelling too.
5 Travelling represents an essential aspect of each persons life, and we encourageeveryone to do it. It offers you great feelings, along with lots of great memories to make yourlife more and more impressive. Travelling is also significant for knowing yourself better, forself⁃confidence and also will make you aware of how great this world is.
1. What will happen when you are travelling in a foreign country according to the text?
A. You will learn a new language and experience a new life.
B. You will become more confident and more successful.
C. You will develop a closer connection with others.
D. You will make yourself more attractive than anyone else.
2. In which part of a magazine can we read the text?
A. Health. B. Economy. C. Education. D. Travel.
3. What can we know about travelling according to the text?
A. Travelling makes anyone smarter.
B. Travelling gives you better points.
C. Travelling is beneficial to your health.
D. Travelling is an essential goal in everyones life.
Difficult sentence in the text
Firstly, one of the most critical advantages that travelling is offering you is that itimproves your health. 首先,旅行給你带来的最重要的好处之一是它能改善你的健康状况。