Kay Day, an 87yearoldUK woman,adores elephants. But Day, who suffersfrom dementia (癡呆), rarely leaves hernursing home room and hasn't seen a realelephant for a really long time until now.
Day is so passionate about elephantsthat her room is decorated with elephantphotos and toys. Day dreamed of seeing anelephant up close again and never thoughtit would happen. On Wednesday, August9, 2023, Day's dream became a realityafter her nursing home took her on aspecial excursion to the Whipsnade Zoo.
“Day doesn't join in many activitiesand tends to spend quite a lot of timealone,” said Carla Blakelands, the Lodgeactivities manager. “So when we sat anddiscussed wishes and found out she wouldlove to see an elephant, we as a homediscussed different options. When wefound the Elephant Experience at Whip Whipsnadeand contacted them about our resident,we said it's got to happen to makeher dream come true.”
Day was so excited about going to thezoo. Since the Whipsnade Zoo is a conservationzoo that is working to protect wildlifeas well as connect people with nature,the staff runs a lot of programs includingvarious animal experiences and “Be aKeeper” days. Day was able to pet andfeed the Asian elephants and she said thatthe elephants' trunks are her favorite partof the massive animals. Day expressed hergratitude to the people who organized thetrip and said it was one of the best days ofher life.
Why was Kay Day so excited about going to the zoo?