Four Phases of the Moon月亮变脸啦

2023-10-24 09:15蓓儿
阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2023年9期


在城市的空气污染和灯光污染下,我们夜晚抬头已经很难再看到漫天的星星了。幸好,我们还能看到每晚都在变化的月亮。本期我们就先来认识一 月亮是怎么“变脸”的吧!


The moon’s sunlitchanges every night.People call this as moonphase. Moon phase’ ’schanges depend on theposition of the sun, themoon and the earth. Thefour major phases of themoon are: new, firstquarter, full and thirdquarter.


sunlit /ˈsʌnlɪt/ 名词,光照面

moon phase月相

phase /feɪz/ 名词,(月亮的)位相,盈亏

moon phase’s changes月相的变化(这里的’s是名词所有格,表示“……的”,如:Li Ming’s book李明的书)

depend on 依靠,取决于

depend /dɪˈpend/ 动词,依靠,取决于

position /pəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/ 名词,位置

major /ˈmeɪʤə(r)/ 形容词,主要的

New Moon

When the moon is positioned between the earth and the sun, the new moon occurs. People on the earth cannot normally see a new moon, because only the dark side of the moon faces the earth. Sometimes, if the moon fully blocks the sun, solar eclipse occurs.


position /pəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/ 動词,安置,使处于(过去分词:positioned)

occur /əˈkɜ∶(r)/ 动词,出现

normally /ˈnɔ∶məli/ 副词,通常地

face /feɪs/ 动词,面对,面向

fully /ˈfʊli/ 副词,完全地

block /blɒk/ 动词,挡住

solar eclipse日食

solar /ˈsəʊlə(r)/ 形容词,太阳的

eclipse /ɪˈklɪps/ 名词,日食,月食

first Quarter moon

During the first quarter, people on the earth can see half of the moon’s sunlit. In northern regions of the world, people can see the right part of the moon. But people in the southern regions can see the left part.

full moon

When the earth is between the moon and the sun, full moon occurs. People on the earth can see the moon’s entire sunlit. If the whole moon is in the earth’s shadow, a total lunar eclipse occurs.


northern /ˈnɔ∶ðən/ 形容词,北方的

region /ˈri∶ʤən/ 名词,地区

southern /ˈsʌðən/ 形容词,南方的

entire /ɪnˈtaɪə(r)/ 形容词,全部的,整个的

shadow /ˈʃædəʊ/ 名词,阴影

total /ˈtəʊt(ə)l/ 形容词,全部的,总的

total lunar eclipse月全食

lunar /ˈlu∶nə(r)/ 形容词,月亮的

thind Quarter moon

When the third quarter moon occurs, people on the earth can see the other half of the moon compared to the first quarter.

let's try!

Ⅰ. Choose the best answer.

(1) Solar eclipse(日食) may occur at the .

(2) Lunar eclipse(月食) may occur at the .

A. new moon B. first quarter moon

C. full moon D. third quarter moon

Ⅱ. Choose the right moon phases to complete the following picture.

New Moon First Quarter Moon

Full Moon Third Quarter Moon


Ⅰ. (1)A (2)C

Ⅱ. A. New Moon B. First Quarter Moon

C. Full Moon D. Third Quarter Moon
