Zibo Barbecue: Hustle and Bustle of the Secular Life淄博烧烤:体会人间烟火气

2023-10-03 14:57:12翟赛克
疯狂英语·初中天地 2023年8期


Whenever I went to other places to have a barbecue, I always feltthe same — They’re not as delicious as the barbecuein Zibo. For a long time, I was puzzled why Zibobarbecue was not known all over the country. But now, my expectation became a reality. Thepopularity of Zibo barbecue across thecountry, however, is both joyful and tragicfor me.

As a citizen of Zibo, I am very proudthat Zibo has become a hot city. I thinkthere are two main reasons. Firstly, thebarbecue in Zibo has a unique flavor. Quitedifferent from other places, in Zibo you canenjoy the meat as you grill it on a two-layerstove by yourself, so the meat won’t get cold, which can make peopletaste fresh and tender( 嫩的) roasted meat. Secondly, the hospitalityand enthusiasm of Zibo people has shown that Zibo not only has the goodbarbecue, but warm people.

Of course, the popularity of Zibo barbecue cannot be achievedwithout the determination and creativity of the government. In termsof funding, government has enabled outsiders to achieve “zero yuanpurchases”. For example, many hotels provide free accommodation foroutsiders, making guests feel at home.In terms of policy, considering that somevisitors are unfamiliar with the city,Zibo Municipal Government has issued21 fixed lines, which is more helpful forthose to better plan their own travelling.In addition, the government calls on local people to participate, so thattraveler can truly experience the enthusiasm of the people of Zibo. I haveseen that when traveler buy snacks, the grocery store owner will give themfree snacks. Seeing this, I couldn’t help but feel proud of my hometown.It is the concerted efforts of citizens and government that may improve along-term development.

Now every time I desire to enjoy the barbecue, it’s so difficult to finda table and I have to wait for a long time because there are so many diners,which is a little “tragic”. However, with more people, the disenchantedhustle and bustle of the secular life will become stronger and that is whatwe love.

“In ancient times, there was a gathering of heroes in Liangshan, butnow there are kind and enthusiastic people in Zibo.” Of course, as longas we don’t forget our original intention, keep diverse styles, affordableprices, the unique hustle and bustle ofthe secular life, and warm hospitality tocontinue our journey. I hope for a betterfuture for my hometown.

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