
2023-10-03 14:56张敏娇段飞
现代世界警察 2023年9期

张敏娇 段飞




















Northern China’s Ecological Security

By Zhang MinJiao&Duan Fei

Bayannur city is situated in the western part of China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, bordered by the Urad Grassland to the north and the Hetao Plain to the south, with the Yinshan Mountains in the center. In Mongolian "Bayannur"means "a rich lake." Bayannur boasts various tourist destinations, including Nalin Lake, the Yellow River's Hetao Plain, and the Jinghu Ecotourism Area. Over time, it has earned prestigious titles including “China International Cultural Tourism Destination"and “National Garden City".The public security organs in Bayannur are dedicated to safeguarding the ecosystems of the Yellow River Basin and protecting wildlife, native grasslands, and woodlands. Since 2022, they have handled 158 criminal cases related to environmental protection, and food and drug safety. Among these, authorities solved 137 cases, brought 143 individuals into custody, tried 73 people in 61 cases. Illegally obtained money involved in these cases amounted to 582 million yuan.

The Pearl North of the Great Wall

In June, Wuliang Suhai Lake is a picturesque sight with its clear blue sky, pristine waters, and flocks of birds. Chicks can be seen practicing their flying skills, searching for food, or finding a peaceful spot to rest in the gently swaying reeds along the lake. This is a harmonious and important ecological area.

In order to safeguard the ecological environment of the Yellow River Basin and vital conservation areas of the three lakes in Inner Mongolia, and to explore more effective approaches to investigating criminal cases, the Public Security Bureau and Water Conservancy Bureau of Bayannur collaborated to develop the "Administrative Law Enforcement-Criminal Justice Dual Corresponding Mechanism for Ecological Environmental Protection in the Yellow River Basin". Additionally, they established a regional cooperation mechanism in conjunction with the Ordos Public Security Bureau to enhance implementation of the mechanism. This cooperative mechanism encourages regional collaboration, intelligence exchange, and resource sharing to address various illegal activities in the Yellow River Basin, such as pollutant dumping, illegal occupation of agricultural land, illegal river sand mining, unauthorized discharge into rivers, improper disposal of hazardous and medical waste, and tampering with surveillance equipment.

Meanwhile, the mechanism is focused on the protection of wildlife and promotion of biodiversity in the Yellow River Basin. The Public Security Bureau of Bayannur consistently enhance patrolling, monitoring, and surveillance efforts along animal migration routes, including migratory bird passages, habitats, foraging areas, and breeding grounds. They systematically investigate illegal hunting devices and equipments like bird nets, poison baits, hunting guns, and traps within their jurisdiction. Such items are promptly removed from markets and confiscated to eliminate potential hazards that could threaten the lives of birds and other wild animals. In close collaboration with various administrative agencies, such as market supervision, forestry and grassland, transportation, and network safety, they conduct inspections at street markets, flower and bird markets, locations involved in wild animal domestication and breeding, business premises, restaurants, and online platforms within their jurisdiction. They vigorously combat illegal activities related to wild animal hunting, as well as the buying, selling, carrying, transportation, and consumption of wild birds and other animals and their by-products, through various legal channels and coordinated law enforcement efforts.

Wuliang Suhai Lake, situated at the upper bend of the Yellow River, is the largest wetland in the Yellow River Basin and a vital source of biodiversity. It serves various ecological functions in northern China, including acting as a natural ecological barrier mitigating the influx of sandstorms that threaten the Beijing and Tianjin metropolitan areas. A healthy ecosystem in the Wuliang Suhai Lake Basin holds immense importance in safeguarding the ecological security of northern China. The core principle guiding the management and protection of Wuliang Suhai Lake is that unwavering dedication and relentless efforts are necessary to shield this "pearl north of the Great Wall". By doing so, authorities can leave behind a beautiful homeland, blessed with verdant mountains, pristine waters, and pure air, for future generations to enjoy.

Han Fei, political commissar of the Wulateqian Banner Public Security Bureau, emphasized the Bureau's commitment to environmentally friendly development. The Bureau pledged to make sure the patrolling team are fully equipped and staffed, enabling them to conduct consistent surveillance around the Wuliang Suhai Lake. Their priority is to crack down on illegal fishing and other criminal activities that harm wild animal and plant resources. The Bureau has taken a proactive approach by conducting regular investigations and rectifications to address hidden hazards in key industries and enterprises in the Wuliang Suhai Lake area. These initiatives ensure better management and improvement of the ecological environment in the Wuliang Suhai River Basin. Moreover, it fosters a systematic approach to promote ecological restoration, comprehensive administrative regulation, and sustainable development for the region.

The Green Great Wall in Northern China

The Ulan Buh Desert, one of China's eight major deserts, spans a vast area of approximately 2.5 million acres, with nearly 0.7 million acres located in Dengkou county. Currently, over 20 private enterprises are involved in sand mining operations in the region. To combat desertification, extensive efforts have been made to plant saxaul trees, covering an impressive area of around 80 thousand acres. Additionally, the Chinese herb Cistanche has been cultivated through artificial grafting, occupying more than 20 thousand acres, and yielding an annual output of over 700 tons.

Early summer will find gentle breezes caress the Ulan Buh Desert. The landscape transforms into a stunning combination of golden sands intermingled with lush greenery. The lake glistens with the sun's rays, and the fusion of green grass, serene waves, and graceful water birds paints a captivating scene. As part of his routine duties, Bai Long, the director of the Ulan Buh Desert police station of Dengkou County Public Security Bureau, embarks on his patrol inspection early in the morning. Slowly driving his patrol car along the desert road, he observes the sand dunes adorned with straw passing by one after another.

Recently, Qin Jingfan, deputy chief of the Criminal Police Brigade in Dengkou County Public Security Bureau, received a report from a company situated in the remote heartland of the Ulan Buh Desert. The report indicated a theft of cistanche plants from the desert. Without hesitation, Qin promptly mobilized his colleagues and led them to the location, where they immediately apprehended nine individuals in the act. Their swift action recovered economic losses of 50,000 yuan for the company.

The Bayannur Public Security Bureau places a strong emphasis on safeguarding grasslands and woodlands, taking decisive action against any illegal or criminal activities that could pose a threat to the forest's environment. They are proactive in addressing potential criminal activities, intervening early to prevent any further harm to the environment and effectively curbing the destruction of grasslands and woodlands. One important success involved a criminal surnamed Yang. Yang was involved in unauthorized collection, storage, recycling, and disposal of used motor oil without the a hazardous waste business license. His illegal actions caused fires and air pollution.

To make ecological conservation sustainable, the Dengkou County Public Security Bureau established a collaborative mechanism with both the County Forestry and Grassland Administrative Bureau and the Ecological Environment Bureau. This mechanism was put in place to address illegal activities related to forest, grassland, and ecological protection. During the last three years, their combined efforts led to the investigation and resolution of more than 80 criminal cases involving the illegal occupation of grasslands and woodlands. This success has proven to be a powerful deterrent against potential future criminal activities.

"We must pursue a long-term strategy for environmental conservation with unwavering determination. Our work should revolve around the principle of preserving mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grasslands, and desert in a holistic manner. We must protect these natural assets as we care for our own eyes," emphasized He Rong, deputy county mayor of Dengkou County and director of the Public Security Bureau.

The Frontier Patrol Project

On June 12, in the jurisdiction of the Wuliji Border Police Station of the Bayannur Border Administrative Division, a car labeled “Frontier Patrol"came to a halt near the residence of border guard Burentegus. The police officers promptly got out of the car and handed him a stack of newspapers. They engaged in an enthusiastic discussion on ways to enhance their approach to patrolling, including collaboration between police and border guards, involving civilians in border defense, and future improvements in border control capabilities. After the discussion, Burentegus grabbed his binoculars, hopped onto his motorcycle, and joined the police in patrolling the border.

To the north of Wulji Police Station is the South Gobi Province of Mongolia. The station has jurisdiction over more than 140 permanent households, covering an area of 5,000 square kilometers. Sparsely populated, the region faces various challenges: intricate road conditions, and inadequate administration and border control management. To address these issues, the Bayannur Border Administrative Division initiated a comprehensive project called the Frontier Patrol Project. The project focuses on multiple aspects, such as conducting border inspections and gathering information, distributing legal information, intervening in civil disputes, preventing crime, handling overseas purchasing and package deliveries, and more. “The Stronger Border Defense Express Train visits our location almost weekly. In case of any trouble, we can rely on the police officers, and they will promptly resolve the issues for us. Their presence gives us a sense of security, and we are deeply grateful to them," expressed Su Yala, a herdsman from Wulijitu village.

Currently, Bayannur operates a fleet of 14 Stronger Border Defense Express Train cars, providing coverage to seven towns situated along the expansive border area of 34,000 square kilometers, where the border boundary runs for 369 kilometers. The fleet has responded to over 18,000 service calls, covering an astonishing distance of more than 2.7 million kilometers. Thanks to the efficiency and dedication of the police force, over 700 border-related cases have been successfully resolved, benefiting more than 140,000 people who have received police services. Notably, the city’s efforts have resulted in significant cost savings of nearly 10 million yuan for ordinary citizens in the region.

Huang Jian, director of Ganqimaodu Border Police Station and one of the "Top Ten National Boundary Guards" ,emphasizes the need to make constant improvement on their daily work: their responses efficiency, border security management, and cooperation among public security agencies. Leveraging the unique advantages of collaboration between the Party, government, army, police, and the public is crucial to bolstering border security. By strengthening these efforts, the station aims to contribute significantly to the establishment of a secure and stable national safety barrier along China’s northern border.

(Translated by Wei Dong)
