——以绘本Communication Then and Now的教学为例

2023-09-13 23:49:02叶莲芳
江苏教育 2023年22期


《义务教育英语课程标准(2022 年版)》指出:要“秉持在体验中学习、在实践中运用、在迁移中创新的学习理念,倡导学生围绕真实情境和真实问题,激活已知,参与到指向主题意义探究的学习理解、应用实践和迁移创新等一系列相互关联、循环递进的语言学习和运用活动中”。将先前所学的知识和技能运用到新情境中,解决新问题的能力就是迁移。格兰特·威金斯和杰伊·麦克泰格指出:影响迁移能力的是人们对知识的理解程度,而不仅仅是对事实的记忆或对固定流程的遵循。布鲁姆指出:理解是应用分析、综合、评价等方式,来明智、恰当地整理事实和技巧的能力。由此来看,理解是学习者建构意义的过程。学习者以自身原有的知识和经验为基础拓展对某个主题的认识、获得新知识并赋予知识以意义和价值。

基于主题的课内外融合教学不仅可以呈现语言和知识之间的逻辑结构,而且可以为学生创造真实、丰富的语言学习与应用环境,引导他们进行层进式的主题意义探究,进而深度理解知识的内涵意义。译林版《英语》六上Unit 4Then and now(Story time)讲述的是Mike 和家人过去以及现在的生活变化,属于人与社会的主题范畴。故事涉及的语言知识有一般现在时态和一般过去时态。从内容来看,它反映的是发生在个人身上的变化。为引导学生学会从不同层次和角度探究主题意义,建构对单元主题的深层认知,笔者开展了课内外融合的阅读教学,选择与教材主题相似的补充材料Communication Then and Now。补充材料为非虚构文本,主要阐述了人类交流方式及使用工具演变的历史,表达了随着科技的发展,交流正变得越来越便捷的观点。



T:Boys and girls,we’ve learned a story in Unit 4Then and now.Please discuss and then tell what the story is about.

S1:It’s about Mike,Mike’s grandpa and Mike’s parents.

S2:It’s about their life in the past and now.

T:Can you use a key word to describe the differences?


T:Right.The changes of the family.We can use a tool to show the changes.Look,what is it?

S4:It’s a line.

T:Yes.You can see some dots on the line.If the red dot is for the time now,what do you think of the grey dots?

S5:I think they are for the time before now.

T:Yes.So we call this line“Time Line”.We can use the time line to visualize how the life of Mike’s family has changed.Now let’s take an example of Mike’s grandpa.

T:Thirty years ago,Mike’s grandpa listened to the radio and read newspapers for news.Now he can read and watch news on the Internet.He can read e-books too.

T:Grandpa’s life is changing.What about Mike’s dad?


T:Drawing a time line helps us to organize the ideas.In this lesson we’ll use the time lines to show how communication has changed.

策略运用影响阅读理解。澳大利亚学者Allan Luke 和Peter Freebody 研制的四层读写能力模型将学生阅读文本的角色由低到高分为密码 破 解 者(Code Breaker)、意 义 建 构 者(Meaning Maker)、文本使用者(Text User)和文本评论者(Text Critic)。该模型同时揭示:读者层次越高,选择和使用策略的能力就越强,也越善于对理解程度进行监控。理解程度与策略运用之间是相互促进的关系。理解力强的学生更擅长使用阅读策略,并且他们也会因恰当地使用阅读策略而更深入地理解文本内容。策略是程序性知识,适宜在做中学,教师可以结合文本特点引导学生在具体的语言理解活动中接触、感知、体验、理解和运用策略。

Unit 4Then and now(Story time)和补充材料Communication Then and Now均按时间顺序讲述家庭和社会发生的变化。基于两个文本的共同特征,笔者将可视化阅读策略融进本单元的阅读教学中,在时间轴上有序呈现个人生活和人类交流方式的变化,把零散的知识结构化。教学前,笔者与学生一起回顾教材上的故事内容,引导他们提炼主题词changes。然后,围绕“时间”和“变化”两个关键词在时间轴上演示Mike祖父的今昔生活,笔者示范复述,旨在让学生获得初步印象,知道时间轴常用来记录事件变化和发展的轨迹。紧接着,学生模仿实践,根据时间轴上的内容提示依次复述Mike 和他父母的生活变化,在熟悉的内容中逐渐积累该结构图的使用经验。在此过程中,时间轴建构的文本框架向学生呈现了结构化的文本信息,使他们对熟悉的故事有了更加深入的理解。该语言活动同时也为学生迁移运用阅读策略做好了准备。


T:Look at the picture.The man is tapping on a machine.What about this girl?

S1:She is using a mobile phone.

T:Yes.The man and the girl are communicating.Today our topic is communication.But what is communication?Let’s read the sentences on Page 1 andfindout.

S2:Communication is sharing ideas and news.

T:How do people communicate?

S3:People communicate by talking and writing.

T:So when I ask questions and you answer,we communicate.You tell me what you see and hear on your way to school,we communicate.Sometimes we communicate through speech,sometimes through texts.

S4:People communicate with their bodies too.

T:So people use body languages.Do you know body languages?

T:(教师用手指放嘴唇边)For example,it means“Keep quiet”.This is a body language.Now look at the pictures.Please tell me whether the people are communicating or not.

T:(呈现聊天的图片)Look at the first one.Are they communicating?

S5:Yes.They talk to communicate.

T:(呈现小组合唱的画面)Next picture.Are these children communicating?

S6:Yes.They sing to communicate.

T:Well,do you think they are sharing ideas?


T:Are they sharing news?


T: So are they communicating?

S6:No,they aren’t.

T:Yes.Now let’s move on.Look at the third picture...


Communication 是抽象的概念。根据认知规律,小学生理解抽象概念通常要经历从具象到抽象的过程。因此,把学生的理解作为教学起点,将抽象概念具体化、形象化有助于他们更好地理解。为建立新知识与学生已有经验之间的关联,笔者以学生熟悉的生活场景为例解释什么是交流。之后,PPT 上呈现更加多样的生活画面:聊天、小组合唱、发送电子邮件、手语交流等等,笔者带领学生一起讨论、判断哪些行为属于交流,同时提炼交流行为所具有的共同特征,逐渐理解交流的抽象概念。围绕概念的形成,学生参与了对话、探究和理解等学习活动。这样,他们对交流这个抽象概念的理解就会因加工时间延长、参与程度加深而更加透彻。


T:Can you tell us how Mr Brown’s life has changed?

S1:Twenty years ago Mr Brown used telephones to call people.He used the telephones at home or in the office.Now he can call people everywhere.He alsowritesemails.

T:Please think about it: why did Mr Brown call people only at home or in the office twenty years ago?

No students raise hands.

T:I mean why Mr Brown couldn’t call people anywhere twenty years ago?

S2:Because he used old telephones.

T:What was the telephone like?

S2:The telephone had a cord.

T:Well,do mobile phones have cords?


T:What makes the changes?


T:So we can say technology makes life easier.

任何文本都包含作者明说和未明说的内容,隐藏在字里行间的观点能否被发现取决于读者的阅读状态。阅读越投入,理解就越深入。处于接受状态时,读者和文本、内容与内容之间缺乏联结,阅读仅仅是吸收信息,理解就停留在浅层次。相反,如果读者带着问题主动地与文本对话,就能接收更多作者想要传递的信息,理解作者的写作意图和立场。阅读教学的价值之一就在于教会学生从已有的知识、经验中提取与当下理解任务相关的内容并与文本互动,从对语言符号的理解上升至对内容意义的理解。当讨论Mike 父亲的生活变化时,笔者设计了三个不同层次的问题,引导学生将生活经验和已有知识融进理解活动。第一个问题“Can you tell me how Mr Brown’s life has changed?”,重温Mr Brown 的生活变化,指向事实性信息,同时为下一个话题做情境铺垫。随后的问题“Why couldn’t Mr Brown call people anywhere twenty years ago?”,转向Mr Brown 使用的通信工具,引导学生利用生活中获得的经验和常识谈谈telephone 和mobile phone 的差别,使其意识到生活中的有些变化不是自然而然的结果,而是得益于工具的迭代更新。最后一个问题“What makes the changes?”,促使学生进一步思考,领会作者想要表达的观点:科技发展与社会生活密切相关。三个问题从指向低阶认知的记忆与理解逐渐过渡到指向中阶认知的应用和分析。在上述过程中,学生原有的知识和经验与新的学习内容频繁地建立联接,知识框架得到重构组合,认知水平由此提升。


T:People communicate in different ways and communication is changing.What does the writer think of the changes? Please read Page 2 and tell us.

S1:Communication is better and faster now.

T:OK.This is the main idea.The writer uses some facts and details to support his main idea.Let’s take an example of getting news.How did people get news one hundred years ago?

S2:People got news on radio one hundred years ago.

T:Radios only make sounds.What about eighty years ago?

S3:People watched news on TV.

T:Which one do you think is better,on radio or on TV?

S4:On TV.


S4:Because people can watch and listen.

T:In what way can people get news now?

S5:They get news on the Internet.

T:Which one is better,on TV or on the Internet?

S5:On the Internet.


S5:It is very fast.

T:The writer uses the facts above to support his main idea just as the legs of a table support the top.Next,let’s read about sharing ideas.What did people do many years ago?

文本内容丰富多彩,但其结构特点通常有规律可循,且段落内和段落间还存在特定的逻辑关系。文本的这种结构特征和各要素之间的关系属于语篇知识的范畴。语篇知识对学生理解文本内涵具有重要意义。学生看清文本的结构和组织特点后就能整体把握篇章意义,进而提炼主题思想。Communication Then and Now采用的是总分的文本结构。文本一开始,作者即提出自己的观点“Communication is better and faster now.”,随后,作者用一系列事实陈述了交流方式变迁的历史。笔者深知如果不把文本的层次结构、逻辑关系呈现给学生,他们就容易迷失于琐碎的细节中,见木不见林。因此,进入文本阅读后,笔者先以问题“What does the writer think of the change?”引导学生寻找有关作者观点的句子,然后要求边阅读边思考——作者用了哪些事实来佐证自己的观点。在寻找事实信息的过程中,学生逐渐发现文本的组织结构和段落间的逻辑关系,意识到作者是如何围绕核心观点有条理地组织语言的。


T:What do you think of the communication now?

S1:It is better and faster.

T:Please use facts to support your idea.

S1:I use WeChat to talk with my friends now.

T:So you can see your friends when you talk with them on the mobile phone.Yes,that’s better.

S2:We can share news and ideas on Tiktok.

T:It’s much faster.What brings the changes?



S5:Time brings the change.

T:Yes,as time goes by we have new technology.


T:You mean people’s pursuit for a better life.Boys and girls,we know communication is changing but there is still something that never changes.What is it? Please discuss and tell me.

S7:People want to communicate.

T:Yes,people want to build connection with each other.

S8:The love.

T:Do you mean people communicate because they care about each other?


T:We say that’s mutual care.

课堂上,学生针对主题和内容进行的评价、讨论与现实生活中人们传播、分享信息时的社会交往活动类似。根据维果斯基的学习理论,通过语言进行的社会互动有助于发展学生的概念框架,使更深层次的理解和学习成为可能。为了交流表达,学生必须基于文本信息做出合乎逻辑的推理和判断,并在同伴的启发下不断地修正和完善原有观点。在本节课接近尾声时,笔者设计了几个开放性的问题“What do you think of the communication today? What brings the changes?Communication is changing,but what never changes? ”,鼓励学生自由表达。学生在教师的引导下逐渐学会从不同的角度分析、解释社会现象,对主题有了深层次的理解。他们从中获得的对自我和世界的认识充实了原有的知识框架,能为今后新的学习和理解奠定基础。


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