jiuzhaigou National Park九寨沟国家公园

2023-09-11 12:16:42张紫轩
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2023年7期


Jiuzhaigou National Park is in the north part of the Sichuan Province insouthwestern China. The park is 280 square miles (720 sq km) in size. It is aUNESCO World Heritage1 Site and a World Biosphere Reserve2.

九寨沟国家公园位于中国西南部四川省的北部。公园有280 平方英里(720 平方公里)大。它是联合国教科文组织世界遗产和世界生物圈保护区。

The elevation3 is from 6,600 to 14,800 feet (2,000 to 4,500m). TheJiuzhaigou valley4 is in the Min Mountains and the heart of the national park.The national park is famous for its beautifully colored lakes, the lots of layered5waterfalls, and peaks6 that are often snow-capped.

九寨沟的海拔从6600 英尺到14800 英尺(2000 到4500 米)不等,它位于岷山内,是国家公园的心脏地带。国家公园以其美丽的色彩湖泊、无数层层叠叠的瀑布和经常被积雪覆盖的山峰而闻名。

Long Lake is the lake at the highest elevation. It is also the deepest lakeshowing some of the most magnificent7 blue and green colors. The mountains looklike backdrops8 around it. It is so beautiful that people forget to go back. Thereare several other scenic9 lakes or bodies of water, such as the Five Colors Pond.


Jiuzhaigou Highlights


There are several beautiful colored lakes with spectacular10 blues andgreens. Five Flower Lake is special about the crisscrossed11 fallen trees. The lakesbecome even lovelier in the fall when the leaves turn orange, red, and yellow,making beautiful reflections12 in the water.


The Jiuzhaigou Waterfall is beautiful and is part of the reason for the parks name.There are other waterfalls, however, Jiuzhaigou may be the best of all.


There are only around 20 pandas in Jiuzhaigou National Park, and the bestthing is seeing them in the wild. The snub-nosed monkey is also few in number andgives fun when people come to visit them.

九寨沟国家公园中大熊猫的数量只有20 只左右,但最好的事情是在野外看到它们。仰鼻猴的数量也很少,但它们也为前来参观的人增添了乐趣。

Trails13 in Jiuzhaigou National Park


Jiuzhaigou is a stunning14 collection15 of mountains, lakes, and waterfalls. Hiking16among them is one of the best ways to find out what the national park is all about.There are many kinds of trails that you may use to run into the area.


Pearl Shoals Waterfall Trail: This is quite easy to come across 1.6 miles (2.57km) while going up to 524 feet (159.71m) out to visit Pearl Shoals Waterfall. This isone of the most beautiful waterfalls making the trail very popular.

珍珠滩瀑布小径:跨越1.6 英里(2.57 公里),攀登524 英尺(159.71 米)观赏珍珠滩瀑布是相当容易的。这是最美丽的瀑布之一,让这条小径非常受欢迎。

Long Lake Trail: This is a difficult trail that travels past a waterfall and lakesthat include17 Five Colored Pond and Long Lake. Both of these are beautiful lakeswith colors of blue and green in the clear waters. The trail is 3,658 feet (1,114.96m) long. It is very hard to walk, but the hike is worth it because of the beautifullandscapes18 youll see.

長湖步道:这是一个艰难的步道,穿越瀑布和湖泊,包括五色湖和龙湖。这两个湖都是非常美丽的湖泊,清澈的湖水是蓝色和绿色的。小径有3658 英尺(114.96 米),虽然很难走,但这次徒步旅行是值得的,因为你将会看到优美的风景。


1. heritage 遗产;传统

2. reserve 野生生物;保护区

3. elevation 高度;海拔

4. valley 山谷;流域;溪谷

5. layered 分层的;层状的

6. peak 巅峰;顶点;山顶

7. magnificent 宏伟的;壮丽的

8. backdrop 舞台的背景幕布;周围景物

9. scenic 风景优美的

10. spectacular 壮观的;令人惊叹的

11. crisscrossed 十字形地;十字交叉地

12. reflection 反射;影像;倒影

13. trail 乡间的小路;小径;特定路线;路径

14. stunning 极好的;极吸引人的;令人震惊的

15. collection 一堆东西;一群人

16. hiking 徒步旅行;远足 hike . 去……远足

17. include 包含

18. landscape 陆上;尤指乡村的;风景;景色

穿越“丝绸之路” 见证“一带一路”——记意大利徒步旅行家维娜·卡玛洛塔
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