A New Sister新来的妹妹

2023-09-11 02:49:21Lauren
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2023年7期


John was sitting on his bed and reading his favorite book when his mommycame in and read to him. Then his dad came into his room. Today it had been agood day for John. His mommy had let him eat his favorite chocolate cake afterlunch, and his dad had taken him to a baseball game and bought him a hot dogwith a big soda1. Then, his mommy had taken him shopping at the store for anew bike.

John was very happy and in a good mood2. Now it was late at night, andJohn was just about to go to bed. He was sleepy, and ready to ask his parents totell him a story for bed. But when Mommy and Dad came into his room, they didnot look like they were going to tell him to go to bed. They looked as if they wereabout to tell him something important. John could tell because his mommy washolding her hands and his dad looked very serious3. That always meant that theywere nervous4.

John sat back on his bed and put the book away. He looked straight at hisparents, and waited for the news that they were going to tell him. His mommy satdown on the chair next to the door and pushed5 her long brown hair out of hereyes. His dad sat down next to her. They looked at John and smiled in a happyway. His dad spoke first.“John, we have something very important to tell you, andwe do not want you to be worried because it is the best news of all.”His mommylooked at him and said,“We hope6 you will be as happy as we are.”




John couldnt wait any more. He wanted to know the news right now. Hethought about what would make him happier than he was right now. Were theygoing to the park tomorrow? Had his parents bought him a dog? He didnt have togo to school anymore?

At the end, his dad said,“We are very happy to tell you that you will begetting a little sister in a few days.”Johns mouth fell7 open. He was verysurprised to hear this news, because he had never thought that his parents wouldwant another child after him. As John thought about this news, he had a question.“When women have a child, I thought their stomachs8 became very big,”he saidto his mommy. His mommy laughed9 and said,“Yes, that is what happens10. Butyour new sister is already here. Another Mommy and Dad have her right now, butthey will be giving her to us very soon.”

John thought about this. “Why are they giving her away to another family?”

he asked. His dad told him that some parents were not able11 to care for theirchildren in the right way. So the children had to go to another family who wouldlove and care for them. Though12 John was surprised at this news, he couldnthelp feeling happy about getting a sister to play with and talk to.

Johns parents left and turned off the light. They were happythat their son was taking the news so well, and they looked forwardto13 meeting their new daughter. John closed his eyes and smiled. In afew days, he would have a new friend for life.






1. soda 汽水

2. mood 心境;情绪

3. serious 认真的;严肃的

4. nervous 神经紧张的;担忧的

5. push 推;按

6. hope 希望

7. fall 进入……某状态;开始变成

8. stomach 胃;腹部;肚子

9. laugh 笑;发笑

10. happen 发生

11. able 能够;有能力的

12. though 虽然;尽管;可是;不过

13. look forword to 盼望;期待

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