Lake Baikal 贝加尔湖

2023-09-06 04:52:46
时代英语·高二 2023年4期

Lake Baikal, a lake located in the southern part of eastern Siberia in Russia. It is the oldest existing freshwater lake on Earth, as well as the deepest continental body of water, having a maximum depth of 1,620 meters. Its area is some 31,500 km2, with a length of 636 km and a width of 48 km on average. It is also the worlds largest freshwater lake by volume, containing about one-fifth of the fresh water on Earths surface, some 23.6 trillion m3. Into Lake Baikal flow more than 330 rivers and streams, including the Selenga, Barguzin, Upper Angara, Chikoy, and Uda.

Baikal is surrounded by mountains, some of which rise more than 2,000 meters above the lakes surface. The sedimentary strata on the floor of the lake may be as much as 6,100 meters thick. In 1862, flood caused by a quake inundated about 200 km2 in the northern Selenga delta, creating a new bay in Baikal known as Proval Bay.

The lake hollow is not symmetrical, having steep slopes on the western shores and gentler slopes on the eastern. Baikal contains some 27 islets and islands. The influx of water into the lake is mainly from rivers, chiefly the Selenga. The only outflow is through the Angara River, a tributary of the Yenisey.

Baikals climate is much milder than that of the surrounding areas. Winter air temperatures are on average ?21℃, and August temperatures average 11℃. The lake surface freezes in January and thaws in May or June. The water temperature at the surface in August is between 10℃ and 12℃ and reaches 20℃ in the offshore shallows. Waves can be as high as 4.6 meters. The water is very clear, from the surface one can see to 40 meters. Its salinity is low, and it contains a few minerals.





Plant and animal life in the lake is rich and various. There are between 1,500 and 1,800 animal species at different depths, and hundreds of plant species live on or near the surface. The majority of the species are unique to Baikal. The one mammal species is the Baikal seal. There are more than 320 bird species in the Baikal area.

Industries along the shores of Baikal include mining (mica and marble), the manufacture of cellulose and paper, shipbuilding, fisheries, and timber. There are many mineral springs, and lots of visitors come here for the curative properties of the waters. A pulp and paper mill built on Lake Baikals southern shore in 1966 drew strong protests from local scientists because its wastes were polluting the water, and in 1971 the government adopted a law to protect the lake from polluting emissions.

The protection of natural resources in the area began with the establishment of the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve in 1916, subsequently there were added two nature reserves and two wildlife reserves, and two national parks. The Lake Baikal Coastal Protection Zone, covering the lake and its environs (a total of 88,000 km2), was created in 1987, and the same area was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.




Word Bank

volume /'v?lju?m/ n. 体积;容积

How do you measure the volume of a gas?

slope /sl??p/ n. 斜坡;坡地

thaw /θ??/ v. 解冻,融化

Its starting to thaw.

shallows /'??l??z/ n. (河海的)浅水处,浅滩

At dusk more fish come into the shallows.

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