An Icelandic1 town goes all out to save baby puffins2
As the town and its lights grew over the years, so did the number ofwrong-way puffins. Every year during the fledging3 season, people in anIcelandic town get to stay up very late and send the little puffins skyward tohelp them glide4 down to the sea below.
New robot can pick up a drop of liquid5
Engineers have built the first robot that can pick up and move a drop ofliquid. It is about the size and shape of a finger.
Two 2,000-year-old palace buildings discovered in China
中國发现两座有2000 年历史的宫殿建筑
The foundations of two palace buildings were discovered in Shaanxi Province.They could be dated back to more than 2,000 years ago. A toilet seat was also found atone of the sites.
在陕西省发现了两座宫殿建筑的地基。它们可以追溯到2000 多年前。在其中一个遗址中还发现了马桶座。
1. Icelandic 冰岛的
2. puffin 角嘴海雀;海鹦
3. fledge 长羽毛;养小鸟到能飞
4. glide 滑翔
5. liquid 液体;液态物