100?year?old widower finds new purpose百岁老人的新开端

2023-08-19 18:19CorinneSanders
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年7期

Corinne Sanders


When his wife of 72 years passedaway six years ago, Peter Davies admits hefelt like“a lost soul”. The 100?year?oldman from Macclesfield, England struggledto find meaning in his life, so when hisdaughter suggested he offer his help at thelocal elementary school, he decided to gofor it.“

I married for 72 years, and when mywife died, life changed dramatically,”Peter explained.“My daughter suggestedthat, to get some structure back into mylife, I do something Im capable of doing,because Im not very ambulatory, I cantwalk and run about these days, but I vestill got my marbles (智力).”

Peter uses those marbles to volunteerat Dean Valley Primary School, Bollington,and he is a huge hit with all of the childrenhe tutors. He makes reading into a fun game,and his new status as a grandfatherly figuremakes him feel more connected to hiscommunity than ever before.

“The kids are great; they are likesponges,”said Peter.“Im sure I get moreout of it than the children do. It is a lovelyand warm feeling. Im not this old man wholives on his own. I m part of the com?munity, which is great.”In 2023, Peterreceived an incredible honor due to hisyears of volunteering when he was namedas the oldest person on the Kings NewYears Honours List. In February, he re?ceived a British Empire Medal (BEM) fromKing Charles Ⅲ!

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