A love bench at a bus stop公交站的爱心长凳

2023-08-19 18:19:26CaitlinKane
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年7期

Caitlin Kane


James Warren was walking in hisDenver neighborhood when somethinggave him pause.“A woman was waiting forthe bus, sitting on the dirt. And I was like,‘Oh man, thats terrible.Thats not digni?fied at all. We need to do better for ourfellow city members,” Warren told areporter.“And so, I thought, I could dosomething about that, and I could build abench.”That moment led him to a missionto help his community.

Warren found some waste wood,thanks to construction sites in his neigh?borhood with piles of waste wood. Becausehis dad builds houses and he grew uparound architectural tools, he knew he hadthe basic skills needed to build a bench.

He built one at the beginning of theyear and put it back at that bus stop wherehe first got the idea. Since then, hes builteight custom benches and has placed themat bus stops around the area.

Each bench looks different, since hesusing waste wood for all of them. Each onetakes a few hours to build, and Warrenhand?delivers them to bus stops withoutsitting areas. While each bench is unique,Warren makes sure to carve the samemessage on all of them: Be kind.

“Sometimes it can feel really difficultto make a change in the world around us.But the truth is, anyone can be kind andmake a difference in the world. And thatdifference matters a lot,” he said and hehopes the benches continue to inspiremore and more people and perhaps expandto other cities.

Reading Check

What is the key significance ofWarrens bench building according to thetext?

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