1)人工智能与数字经济广东省实验室(深圳),广东 深圳 518107;2)深圳大学计算机与软件学院,广东 深圳 518060
在人工智能产业化浪潮席卷全球的今天,越来越多的企业开始采用人工智能解决方案来替代传统的人力资源工作,据中国国际发展知识中心2022年发布的《全球发展报告》预测,2020—2025 年全球约8 500 万个工作岗位将被机器替代.该趋势不仅会带来生产力和生产效率的提高,还会对整个社会的变革带来深刻影响.从2012 年“谷歌猫”的轰动全球到2016 年AlphaGo 的横空出世,从2017 年世界首位被授予公民身份的机器人,再到如今火爆的语言模型ChatGPT(chat generative pretrained transformer),每一次人工智能技术的革新必然会促进产业的转型与升级,对经济发展和社会进步带来巨大影响.
2017-07-08,国务院印发《新一代人工智能发展规划》(以下简称“人工智能规划”),指出人工智能发展进入新阶段,将成为国际竞争的新焦点和经济发展的新引擎,并带来社会建设的新机遇,进而提出到2020 年人工智能产业成为新的重要经济增长点,到2025 年人工智能成为带动国家产业升级和经济转型的主要动力,到2030 年智能经济、智能社会取得明显成效,跻身创新型国家前列和经济强国的3步走战略目标.该规划明确了发展人工智能的重点任务之一就是培育高端且高效的智能经济.
2021-12-12,国务院印发《“十四五”数字经济发展规划》,指出数字经济是继农业经济和工业经济后的主要经济形态,是以数据资源为关键要素,以现代信息网络为主要载体,以信息通信技术融合应用、全要素数字化转型为重要推动力,促进公平与效率更加统一的新经济形态,提出“到2025年,数字经济迈向全面扩展期,数字经济核心产业增加值占国内生产总值(gross domestic product,GDP)10%,数字化创新引领发展能力大幅提升,智能化水平明显增强,数字技术与实体经济融合取得显著成效”的发展目标.
在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想指引下,中国数字经济发展态势良好.2017 年12 月,麦肯锡“中国数字经济报告”显示,中国在多个数字经济领域的风险投资规模均位列全球前3,包括虚拟现实、自动驾驶、3D 打印、机器人、无人机和人工智能等.联合国《2019 年数字经济报告》指出,数字经济的经济地理未显示出传统的南北鸿沟,一直由美国和中国共同领导.中国数字经济规模持续增长,到2020年已达到39.2万亿元人民币,增速全球第1.预计到2025年,中国数字经济规模将突破60万亿元人民币,占GDP总值的50%左右.目前,中国正在大力发展数字经济,推动社会经济数字化转型.实施国家大数据战略,建设数字中国,发展数字经济是新时代的必然选择.
3 要素:数字内容、数字智能、数字产业(或为数据资源、基础设施、信息技术);
4 要素:数字价值、数字机构、数字技术、数字制度;
6 要素:数字技术、网络基础、信息通信技术产业、数据价值、转型融合、治理体系.
当前,以新一代人工智能技术驱动的数字经济正在成为深圳高质量发展的新引擎,2021年深圳数字经济核心产业增加值突破9 000 亿元人民币,占全市GDP比重30.5%,规模和质量在全国大中城市首位.在深圳市新一轮科技革命和产业变革的时代背景下,光明实验室应运而生.作为人工智能与数字经济领域的重大创新载体,光明实验室是广东省政府批准筹建的第3批广东省实验室之一,是深圳市承建的4个广东省实验室之一.光明实验室面向人工智能与数字经济的重大战略需求,由广东省政府统筹规划及顶层设计,深圳市政府主导建设、运营与管理,深圳大学作为牵头建设单位.光明实验室整合了深圳大学计算机与软件学院、建筑与城市规划学院、物理与光电工程学院等,以及上下游相关企业力量,面向世界人工智能与数字经济的前沿理论和未来技术发展趋势,瞄准国家重大发展战略和需求,依托中国深圳地区的产业优势、地缘优势和政策优势,致力于聚集全球研究力量,重点突破人工智能与数字经济相关的基础理论、核心算法与器件、关键系统与重大装备、产业化应用示范,产生具有原始创新和自主知识产权的重大科研创新成果,服务于大湾区经济发展,建造创新人才聚集和培养的基地.
YU Fei1,2, HE Yulin1, and HE Ying2
1) Guangdong Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy (SZ), Shenzhen 518107, Guangdong Province, P.R.China
2) College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, Guangdong Province, P.R.China
Key words:artificial intelligence; digital economy; digital industrialization; industrial digitization; intelligent economy;big data
Nowadays, due to the vigorous development of artificial intelligence, more and more enterprises are adopting artificial intelligence solutions to replace traditional human workforce.According to the "Global development report" of the Center for International Knowledge on Development, approximately 85 million jobs worldwide will be replaced by intelligent machines from 2020 to 2025.This trend will not only bring about improvements in productivity and efficiency, but also transform the entire society.From the introduction of Google Cat in 2012 to the emergence of AlphaGo in 2016, from the world's first robot granted citizenship in 2017 to the popular ChatGPT (chat generative pretrained transformer) language model, every innovation in artificial intelligence technology will inevitably lead to transformation and upgrades in the industry, which will eventually have a huge impact on economic development and social progress.
Artificial intelligence has become a key element to measure a country's comprehensive strength, and the more advanced artificial intelligence technology is, the more competitive a country will be in the world.Artificial intelligence will continuously support the intelligent, digital, and information-based development of industries, which is conducive to breaking down information barriers, facilitating information sharing among various industries, and promoting coordinated development of various industries.Nowadays, generative artificial intelligence techniques such as ChatGPT are leading a new wave of technological innovation.We are in an era of information and intelligence explosion, with a large amount of information and intelligence spreading globally at an unprecedented speed.Through artificial intelligence technology, enterprises and institutions can better understand consumer needs,obtain better market positioning, and provide better services.From agriculture, manufacturing to finance,healthcare and other fields, artificial intelligence is bringing revolutionary changes to our lives and work.
On December 12, 2021, the State Council issued"The 14th Five Year Plan" for the development of the digital economy.The plan stated that the digital economy is the new dominant economic form after the agricultural and industrial economies.It has data resources as key elements, modern information networks as the main carrier, integrated application of information and communication technologies, and all factor digital transformation as the important driving force to promote more fairness and efficiency.The plan set the development goals for the digital economy by 2025 as follows: to significantly improve the digital innovation capability and intelligence level, and to achieve remarkable results in the integration of digital technology and the real economy.
In the "Statistical classification of digital economy and its core industries (2021)" released by the National Bureau of Statistics on June 20, 2022, a basic definition of the digital economy was given.It divided the digital economy into two aspects.One is digital industrialization, which is the core industry of the digital economy,including digital product manufacturing, digital product services, digital technology applications, etc.The other is industrial digitization, which refers to improving the digital efficiency of the industry, covering digital application scenarios such as smart agriculture, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent transportation, smart logistics, digital finance, digital commerce, digital society,and digital government.Currently, China is actively developing the digital economy and advancing the digital transformation of social economy.Implementing the national big data strategy, building a digital China, and developing the digital economy are inevitable choices in the new era.
The key to artificial intelligence enabling the development of the digital economy is the effective integration of all elements of artificial intelligence with the digital economy.Although there is no consensus on what constitutes the elements of the digital economy and its data infrastructure, the digital technology and infrastructure are widely recognized as the key elements of the digital economy.The report "Global artificial intelligence strategy and policy observation(2020)" released by the China Academy of Information and Communication Technology believes that data resources, algorithmic frameworks, and computing power are the core elements of artificial intelligence.We have found that the main elements of the digital economy highly align with the core elements of artificial intelligence.
1) Using big data as a medium, artificial intelligence and digital economy will be deeply integrated around the efficient use of data.
2) Advanced artificial intelligence technology will serve as a driving force to push the digital economy into the real economy.
3) Artificial intelligence will boost digital industrialization and gradually help clarifying the development pattern of the digital economy.
In response to the national strategies for artificial intelligence and digital economy, Journal of Shenzhen University Science and Engineering in conjunction with Guangdong Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy (SZ) (hereinafter referred to as Guangming Laboratory) established a special committee on "Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy" to organize and screen a batch of excellent manuscripts, which will be published in the next few issues.In the future, the special committee will call for the high-quality academic papers from academia,industry and the government for a long time.We hope that this special committee can provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the interaction between artificial intelligence and the digital economy.
Guangdong Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy (SZ) is one of the third batch of Guangdong provincial laboratories approved by the provincial government and has been established as a public institution with the approval of the Shenzhen Municipal Government.Guangming laboratory is planned and designed by the Guangdong Provincial Government at the top level to face the major strategic needs of artificial intelligence and the digital economy.Shenzhen University is the leading construction unit of Guangming Laboratory, which has integrated the College of Computer Science and Software Engineering,School of Architecture & Urban Planning, College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, as well as the upstream and downstream related enterprise forces.Facing the cutting-edge theories and future technological development trends of artificial intelligence and the digital economy in the world.Guangming Laboratory aims at acting in response to the major national development strategies and needs by relying on the industrial, geographical, and policy advantages of Shenzhen.Focusing on breaking through the basic theories, core algorithms and devices, key systems and major equipment, and industrial application demonstrations related to artificial intelligence and the digital economy, Guangming Laboratory will produce a series of significantly scientific researches and innovations, serve the economic development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and build a base for gathering and cultivating the innovative talents.
We firmly believe that with the joint efforts of academia, industry, and the government, artificial intelligence will inject more vitality into the prosperity and development of the digital economy.In this era with infinite possibilities, we will collectively witness the astonishing changes brought to us by artificial intelligence.Through in-depth research and practice,we will continuously expand the application fields of artificial intelligence in the digital economy, promote technological innovation, industrial upgrades, and social progress.At the same time, we should also pay attention to potential issues that may arise in the development of artificial intelligence, such as data security, privacy protection, and the digital divide, and take measures to mitigate the negative impact of these issues on society.We hope to stimulate dialogue and cooperation among academia, industry, and the government through this special issue, and jointly promote the research and practice of artificial intelligence and the digital economy.
Finally, we would like to thank all the authors who participated in this special issue, as well as the editors,reviewers, and staff who have worked hard for this special issue.We hope that this special issue will be enlightening and helpful to researchers working on artificial intelligence and the digital economy.