My passion for climbs我的攀登情结

2023-07-28 09:18王木华
疯狂英语·新阅版 2023年2期



When I was 13, I climbed my firstmountain—a 1,200metrepeak. I loved thechallenge of overcoming something biggerthan myself. Soon Id climbed nearly 100peaks.

I often go climbing with my friendMel Olsen. Three years ago, on December30, the two of us drove to Oregon to climbMount Hood.

Its safer to start at night, when theresless risk of the sun melting the snowpack.We started at 3 am, following the pathsalongside the ski runs. It was about -10 ℃,and we wore easily removed layers, knowingwe didnt want to get too hot on the climb.

At around 9 am, we reached an icestep about a meter tall. I volunteered to goup ahead of Mel. Then suddenly a wholepiece of ice broke off the step, right undermy foot.

First, I fell backwards, and then Islid. I could hear Mel calling my name as Ibounced (反彈) off the rock face. My fightorflightresponse kicked in, and I stretchedout my arms and legs so I wouldnt roll downthe mountain.

When I hit the ground, I could feelmy bone slicing into my skin and muscle.As Mel made her way down, I started yellingfor help, and a group of other climberscame to assist me. They fixed my leg andcalled Portland Mountain Rescue. Melwaited beside me while I tried not toscream from the pain.

When we got to the bottom of MountHood, I was taken straight to a hospital.The doctors told me it would be a yearbefore I could climb again, but I was backon the mountain paths within six months.Im not going to let one fall—no matter howterrifying—keep me from doing my favoritething in the world.

Reading Check

Why did the writer start the climb atnight?
