
2023-07-27 16:50:18
中国科技教育 2023年6期


哺乳动物有各种各样的形状和大小,封面图上展示了一些最不为人所知和最不寻常的动物,从左上角顺时针方向开始分别是马岛长尾狸猫、霍氏树懒、马岛猬、白腹长尾穿山甲和指猴。Zoonomia项目对240 多种哺乳动物的基因组进行了测序,为理解哺乳动物的多样性、进化,以及人类本身铺平了前进的道路。

Mammals come in a widevariety of shapes and sizes, hererepresented by some of the leastwell known and most unusualcl o c k w i s e f r o m t o p l e f t : afossa, a Hoffmanns two-toedsloth, a lesser hedgehog tenrec,t w o t r e e ( o r whi t e - b e l l i e d )pangolins, and an aye-aye. TheZoonomia projects sequencingo f m o r e t h a n 2 4 0 m a m m a lgenomes is paving new roadsfor understanding mammaliand i v e r s i t y a n d e v o l u t i o n a n dourselves.



The immune system protectsus from cancer and infection usinga powerful armamentarium thatis kept in check by an array ofregulatory processes. When theyfail, the immune system can startattacking the host in a processknown as autoimmunity. Thisspecial issue highlights recentadvances in our understandingof autoimmune diseases and theregulation of immune tolerance.



S c a l l o p e d h a m m e r h e a dsharks (Sphyrna lewini) formdaytime schools near the oceanssurface and, at night, dive intocold, deep waters to hunt deepseaprey. They keep warm whiled e e p d i v i n g b y c l o s i n g t h e i rgills—effectively holding theirbreath. This foraging strategyis similar to strategies used bydeep-diving marine mammals.


在过去30 年里,世界上一半以上的大湖泊在逐渐缩小。究其根源,人类用水、气候变暖及沉积是主要原因。封面图中所展示的鲍威尔湖,其曾经淹没在水中的湖壁现在已经变成了白色的地表,就是这种干涸趋势的例证。世界上近四分之一的人口居住在湖泊逐渐干涸的盆地,这无疑突出了管理解决方案的重要性。

M o r e t h a n h a l f o ft h e w o r l d s l a r g e s t l a k e sh a v e d e c l i n e d o v e r t h e p a s tt h r e e d e c a d e s . Human w a t e rconsumption, warming climate,and sedimentation are largelyresponsible. Lake Powell, shownhere, with its once-submergedw a l l s t h a t n o w a p p e a r a swhitened surfaces, exemplifies thisdrying trend. Nearly one-quarterof the worlds population residesin a basin with a drying lake,which underscores the importanceof management solutions.

(陶 陶 编译)

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2 从最早的哺乳动物到人类
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