
2023-07-07 22:19:05
中国科技教育 2023年5期


一项新的分析表明,“大平原”部落获得马匹的时间比一些历史学家认为的要早得多,这与土著居民将马描述为长期与持久的伙伴关系保持一致。封面图上的这幅岩画来自美国怀俄明州南部的托拉尔遗址,推测可能绘制于17 世纪早期——现代马在北美广泛分布后不久的时候。

A n e w a n a l y s i s s h o w sthat Great Plains tribes acquiredh o r s e s m u c h e a r l i e r t h a nsome historians had thought,c o n s i s t e n t w i t h I n d i g e n o u sd e s c r i p t i o n s o f a l o n g a n denduring partnership with thehorse. This petroglyph, fromt h e T o l a r s i t e i n s o u t h e r nWyoming, probably dates fromsoon after the modern horsebecame widespread in NorthA m e r i c a i n t h e e a r l y 1 7 t hcentury.


封面图展示的是一个跨膜G 蛋白偶联受体GPR120, 它与一个Omega-3 脂肪酸配体二十碳五烯酸结合,以亮橙色表示。GPR120 通过膜内的紧束缚袋识别含有顺式双键的不饱和脂肪酸。有关配体身份的信息通过受体传递给G 蛋白或细胞内的其他信号伙伴。

Thi s i m a g e i l l u s t r a t e s atransmembrane G protein–coupledr e c e p t o r , G P R 1 2 0 , b o u n d t oan omega-3 fatty acid ligand,eicosapentaenoic acid, shown inbright orange. GPR120 recognizesunsaturated fatty acids, whichcontain cis double bonds, througha tight binding pocket withinthe membrane. Information aboutthe identity of the ligand ispropagated through the receptort o a G p r o t e i n o r t o o t h e rsignaling partners in the cell.



T h i s i m a g e d e p i c t s avariety of sperm trying to reacha n o o c y t e . S o m e s p e r m a r eabnormal, and some of those arepatched up—alluding to treatmentsthat can overcome some types ofsperm abnormalities to achieveviable offspring. Conversely,some healthy sperm are blockedb y w a l l s , w h i c h r e p r e s e n tcontraception.



This image illustrates thectenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi (inthe cydippid stage) with partof its internal nerve net shownin yellow and orange. Threedimensionalanalysis reveals thatneurons of the internal nervenet form a continuous membranenetwork rather than connectingthrough synaptic junctions. Thisfinding challenges the way weth in k ab out th e e volution ofnervous system connectivity andneurotransmission.

(陶 陶 編译)

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