Gengyu GE ,Yi ZHANG ,Wei WANG ,Lihe HU ,Yang WANG ,Qin JIANG
1School of Computer Science and Technology,Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Chongqing 400065,China
2School of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering,Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Chongqing 400065,China
3School of Information Engineering,Zunyi Normal University,Zunyi 563006,China
Abstract: Localization plays a vital role in the mobile robot navigation system and is a fundamental capability for autonomous movement.In an indoor environment,the current mainstream localization scheme uses two-dimensional (2D) laser light detection and ranging (LiDAR) to build an occupancy grid map with simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) technology;it then locates the robot based on the known grid map.However,such solutions work effectively only in those areas with salient geometrical features.For areas with repeated,symmetrical,or similar structures,such as a long corridor,the conventional particle filtering method will fail.To solve this crucial problem,this paper presents a novel coarse-to-fine paradigm that uses visual features to assist mobile robot localization in a long corridor.First,the mobile robot is remote-controlled to move from the starting position to the end along a middle line.In the moving process,a grid map is built using the laser-based SLAM method.At the same time,a visual map consisting of special images which are keyframes is created according to a keyframe selection strategy.The keyframes are associated with the robot’s poses through timestamps.Second,a moving strategy is proposed,based on the extracted range features of the laser scans,to decide on an initial rough position.This is vital for the mobile robot because it gives instructions on where the robot needs to move to adjust its pose.Third,the mobile robot captures images in a proper perspective according to the moving strategy and matches them with the image map to achieve a coarse localization.Finally,an improved particle filtering method is presented to achieve fine localization.Experimental results show that our method is effective and robust for global localization.The localization success rate reaches 98.8% while the average moving distance is only 0.31 m.In addition,the method works well when the mobile robot is kidnapped to another position in the corridor.
Key words: Mobile robot;Localization;Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM);Corridor environment;Particle filter;Visual features
Mobile robots are becoming more and more com‐mon as intelligent devices which can serve human beings.For instance,there are many commercial ser‐vice robots used for transporting goods in factory work‐shops,industrial parks,hotels,restaurants,hospitals,and so on.They were especially important during the COVID-19 epidemic (Wang XV and Wang,2021).With people needing to avoid close contact,a mobile robot becomes very valuable.Intelligence and auto‑nomy are first manifested in a mobile robot’s ability to move and navigate autonomously.In the navigation process,localization is the fundamental capability because it is the basis of path planning.Generally,localization refers to the process of finding the pose of a mobile robot given a map.It is divided into three categories: global localization,local localization,and the kidnapped robot problem (Meng et al.,2021).Global localization means that the mobile robot is powered on and started at an unknown initial posi‐tion.Many commercial robots require humans to give them an initial pose and the target location manually.The mobile robot then moves to its goal using a navi‐gation system.However,for an autonomous robot facing the future in an unmanned application scenario,autonomous localization is a necessary skill.There‐fore,finding feature information that can be located in the environment becomes very important.Local localization or pose tracking means that the mobile robot has a known initial pose and tracks the pose according to a given map and motion prediction.The kidnapped robot problem refers to a moving mobile robot being kidnapped to another place,and then need‐ing to recover its correct pose (Chen RJ et al.,2021).The kidnapped robot problem can be thought of as another global localization problem and the key is how to find itself when kidnapped.
Global positioning system (GPS) is an ideal posi‐tioning method in an outdoor environment and has high accuracy and robustness (Yousuf and Kadri,2021).However,in an indoor environment,the GPS signal may be denied or lose its effectiveness.To solve this crucial problem,researchers from different disciplines have proposed many different positioning methods.Some of them are beacon-based solutions,such as radio frequency identification (RFID) (Motroni et al.,2021),WiFi (Zhang et al.,2020),light emitting diode (LED) (Wu et al.,2017),ultra-wideband (UWB) tech‐nology (Djosic et al.,2021),and quick response (QR) codes (Katsikis et al.,2022),which can be used as ref‐erences for mobile robot localization.However,these methods require artificial beacons or landmarks to be placed in fixed locations in advance,which is not flexible.Besides,if the mobile robot’s task and moving route change,the beacon arrangement also needs to be changed.In contrast,other methods using onboard sen‐sors can actively perceive environmental information.The commonly used sensor is a laser light detection and ranging (LiDAR) or laser rangefinder which can mea‐sure distances from the robot to the obstacles (Kim and Chung,2016).Three-dimensional (3D) LiDAR can achieve abundant point clouds of the 3D space environ‐ment,and is usually used in outdoor driverless applica‐tion scenes,but the cost is very high (Chen XYL et al.,2020).Two-dimensional (2D) LiDAR scans the hori‐zontal plane at a certain height in the vertical direction,obtains a set of distance values,and builds an occupancy grid map using the laser-based simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) method (Hess et al.,2016).
Given a previously built map,a mobile robot can obtain a pose estimation by combining the laser scan observation and motion model prediction.Among all the localization algorithms,the particle filter is the most widely used,and can solve all the three localiza‐tion issues.Inspired by Monte Carlo thinking,a parti‐cle filter is a non-parametric and arbitrary distribution implementation scheme based on a Bayesian filter (Wang FS et al.,2018).If the environment has enough geometrical features,the particle filter can easily deal with the localization task.However,in real-world scenes,especially in man-made structures,there are many areas with similar,repeated,or symmetrical geomet‐rical features.The mobile robot will fail to estimate its pose in these areas without a known initial pose or the assistance of third-party tools.
By contrast with the 2D laser rangefinder sensor,a cheap and lightweight camera provides more dense information,such as point features,colors,textures,and lines.In addition,there is semantic information such as objects and texts that can be extracted from an image (Zhao ZQ et al.,2019;Long et al.,2021).It is one of the most valuable sensors that can be used to perceive the environment and localize the pose for mobile robots.However,due to the lack of metric infor‐mation,pure visual features are not suitable for flexi‐ble path planning and navigation.To solve the above problems,we propose an alternative scheme that uses a monocular camera to extract visual features of the indoor environment to assist mobile robot localization.In addition,if necessary,it can be extended to object detection and pedestrian tracking tasks using seman‐tic visual information.A coarse-to-fine paradigm is used in our method.It uses image retrieval to obtain a coarse position candidate and then an improved Monte Carlo localization (MCL) algorithm (Thrun et al.,2001) to achieve a fine pose.
The whole framework of the mapping and locali‑zation system is depicted in Fig.1.In the mapping phase,an image database consisting of keyframes and visual words is created along with the building of an oc‐cupancy grid map.In the localization phase,according to our proposed moving strategy,a coarse localiza‐tion is obtained using an image retrieval method,and then a fine localization is performed by employing an improved MCL approach.The main contributions of this work are as follows:
Fig.1 Framework of the mapping and localization system
1.A hybrid map consisting of screened images and an occupancy grid map is built when the mobile robot moves from one end of the corridor to the other.The screened images are keyframes that are selected based on a selection strategy.Compared with conventional visual SLAM methods,our strategy can achieve dense and stable keyframes.
2.Each keyframe is associated with a mobile robot’s pose relative to the global metric map.The asso‐ciations or geo-tagged indexes are associated with each other by timestamps.A compound two-tuple data struc‐ture is used to store the associated information and is convenient for later image-pose searching.
3.A coarse-to-fine paradigm is used to achieve twostage localization.According to the moving strategy,the mobile robot can find the best perspective to cap‐ture images and match them with the image database,to obtain a coarse localization.Based on the approxi‐mate location,an improved particle filtering approach is used to scatter the particles in a small range,instead of spreading them over the whole map.Experimental results show that our proposed approach is efficient and achieves a 98.8% successful localization rate where traditional MCL methods fail.
Localization usually needs to solve the question “Where am I?” and find the pose of the mobile robot according to a given map.Specifically,localization refers to a mobile robot achieving its position and orien‐tation relative to the world coordinate system,and usu‐ally has three modes which are global localization,local localization,and robot kidnapping (Fox et al.,1999b).With a constructed map,a mobile robot can accomplish navigation tasks through real-time localiza‐tion and path planning (Muhammad et al.,2022).To facilitate path planning and obstacle avoidance,the 2D probability occupancy grid map is the usual mode in an indoor environment (Qian et al.,2019;Xu et al.,2019).The occupancy grid map is a metric map that is constructed using a 2D laser rangefinder and laserbased SLAM solutions (Valente et al.,2019;Zhao JH et al.,2020,2021).
The Markov localization method is one of the earliest approaches proposed for solving the robot posi‐tioning problem (Fox et al.,1999a).The grid localiza‐tion approach employs histogram filters to estimate the mobile robot’s pose according to the grid decompo‐sition of a state space (Thrun et al.,2005).However,the computational load of the specific algorithm increases when the grid resolution increases.Consequently,this method is not suitable for real-time localization appli‐cations.The Kalman filter (KF) approach (Liu et al.,2021),especially its extended version,the extended Kalman filter (EKF) (Ullah et al.,2021),is usually employed to solve part of the localization problems based on a map with landmarks or features.However,the KF series solutions need the initial pose informa‐tion to process the pose tracking issue.In addition,this kind of method requires that the position and orienta‐tion obey a Gaussian distribution,which obviously does not conform to the actual situation in grid map localization.In contrast,the Monte Carlo approach uses a particle filter to realize a non-parametric imple‐mentation of the recursive Bayesian filter and can deal with these three localization modes.Thrun et al.(2005) used the MCL method to realize mobile robot localiza‐tion even when the sensor data are noisy.The MCL series methods can realize multi-modal beliefs and have many advantages over KF series methods.However,they still fail when encountering similar environments or repeated geometric structures.Therefore,it is necessary to introduce other sensor data or features to assist mobile robot localization.Ge et al.(2022) and Zimmer‐man et al.(2022) used text information to achieve initialization and a coarse global localization,and then used the improved MCL methods to achieve other local‐ization tasks.Ito et al.(2014) proposed a method that integrates WiFi and an RGB-D camera to solve the global localization problem.All those approaches have been compared with traditional MCL methods,and their localization results have better robustness and efficiency.As an alternative solution,we exploit visual features (Naseer et al.,2018) to assist the mobile robot localization in a long corridor.The system uses a visual camera which can be easily extended to semantic infor‐mation acquisition applications.
At the mapping stage,a hybrid map consisting of an occupancy grid map and an image map is built.The grid map is built by performing the laser SLAM in an online mode,while the image map is completed by extracting keyframes and computing visual words.The coordinate of each keyframe is associated with the robot’s pose where it performs laser SLAM and cap‐tures the images.At the navigation stage,the localiza‐tion module based on sensor data and the previously built map works in real time.To ensure that the cur‐rently captured image can always search for a matched one in the database,the mobile robot needs to follow a relatively fixed moving strategy,especially in a cor‐ridor environment.
First,we explain why the mobile robot needs a moving strategy rather than random moving.The camera used in visual SLAM or visual navigation ap‐plications is handheld or mounted on a driverless car,and consequently the moving routes are relatively fixed because of human subconscious behaviors.However,when it comes to the applications of autonomous mobile robots,for instance,the delivery robot moves in a corridor from one room to another and cannot ensure the same route every time.The result of changing the moving route is that the mobile robot fails to track the visual features built previously.A vivid description is shown in Fig.2.
Fig.2 Perspective of different positions: (a) different routes;(b) few and wrong matches using ORB features (References to color refer to the online version of this figure)
Three routes indicated by red dashed lines are shown in Fig.2a,and three positions are indicated by red points.The images captured from different posi‐tions in a lateral line have significant changes in perspec‐tive because the corridor is long and narrow.Although there are several robust image feature descriptors like SIFT,SURF,and ORB (Rublee et al.,2011),which can be used for place recognition,these features are invariant in a limited variation range.There are only a few matched pairs between the visual features extracted from the image captured in positionAand those ex‐tracted from the image captured in positionC.In Fig.2b,the left image is captured from positionAand the right from positionC.
ORB features are extracted from the two images,and then matched with each other.Only a few,and wrong,matching lines are achieved.Besides,the camera oriented in different directions has different matching results,even if it is in the same position.Therefore,if a mobile robot moves along the left red dashed line as the route,and maps the corridor using visual SLAM,it will fail to localize itself when moves along the right red dashed line in the subsequent process.Consequently,the mobile robot needs to move within a fixed route range,preferably the middle line of the corridor,like the middle red dashed line,shown in Fig.2a.
To make the mobile robot move along a relatively fixed route at different time points,range information relative to the walls on both sides of the corridor needs to be accurately known.The 2D LiDAR is used to mea‐sure the ranges from the center of the sensor to the obstacle.As shown in Fig.3a,the left detected distance plus the right one equals the width of the corridor.However,due to sensor noise and measurement error,the equation is not accurate and can be expressed by
Fig.3 Basic information and laser scans in a corridor environment: (a) annotation data;(b) valid and invalid laser scanning areas
wheredLmeans the shortest distance between the left wall and the center of the laser sensor,dRmeans the shortest one on the other side,wcorridoris the width of the corridor,ande1is the tiny error.When the robot passes through the doorway area,the following inequalities hold:
whereddameans the depth of the door frame recessed into the wall,ande2ande3are tiny errors.Inequality (2) represents the rooms and doors in a face-to-face layout,as in Fig.3a.Inequality (3) means that the doors on both sides of the corridor are staggered.
When a mobile robot knows itself to be in a cor‐ridor area,it is not difficult to move along the middle line of the corridor.The robot can slightly adjust its position and orientation,so that the data measured by the laser sensor satisfy the following inequality:
wheree4is a tiny error.Combined with inequalities (1)‒(3),the mobile robot can know whether it is near a doorway area and then decides whetherdLordRequals 0.5wcorridoror 0.5wcorridor+dda.
Another important problem that needs to be con‐sidered is how a robot can know that it is in a corridor area.In most indoor scenes,especially inside a room,the laser sensor can obtain the whole valid distance data around the robot.If it cannot,the invalid areas most likely exceed the limit of the LiDAR scanning radius,and there is a high probability that the robot is in a corridor,as shown in Fig.3b.To describe these prob‐lems objectively,we give the following definitions:
Definition 1Given a 2D laser rangefinder that has a measurement angle range of 360°,the maximum mea‐suring distance is defined asrmax,the minimum mea‐suring distance asrmin,and the angular resolution asϕmin.Then the raw data can be described by the follow‐ing formula (Fig.4a):
Fig.4 Laser scans description (a) and the angle of invalid laser scanning area (b)
whereNequals 360/ϕminand represents the total num‐ber of scanning pointsP={p1,p2,...,pN}.
Definition 2An invalid scan area angleθnullhas a dynamically variable range.The maximum valueθmaxis obtained when the laser sensor mounted on the robot is close to the wall,while the minimum valueθminis obtained when the robot is located on the middle line along the corridor.The two extreme values are defined as follows:
If the mobile robot is moving in a corridor,then inequality (8) holds,which is vividly shown in Fig.4b.
We record the first and last angles of the invalid area and compute the invalid area angleθnullaccording to Eq.(9):
whereϕimeans theithangle whose return distance value from the detected pointpiis invalid,andϕjrepresents thejthone.The constant angle range between these two also has invalid return distance values.
It is easy to find that the mobile robot is at the end of the corridor if only one invalid area satisfies inequal‐ity (8).Similarly,if two invalid areas satisfy inequality (8) and are distributed like that shown in Fig.3b,then the robot is most likely to be located away from the end of the corridor.According to the information ex‐tracted from the laser scanning data and the moving strategy described above,the mobile robot can autono‐mously move to the free area along a preset fixed route.
Keyframes are selected when the mobile robot moves along a middle line in a corridor.While the laser SLAM builds the grid map,continuous image frames are recorded by the camera mounted on the robot plat‐form.However,not all the images are used for build‐ing an image map or database because a large number of adjacent images have almost the same content.To cull the redundant frames,we need to decide which of them is not necessary.A keyframe selection strategy is designed based on the ORB features (Rublee et al.,2011) that are computed in every image.Then,the simi‐larity between two adjacent images is computed for the decision.The detailed description is as follows:
ORB features combine the orientated FAST detec‐tor with a rotated BRIEF descriptor,and have low com‐putational consumption,compared with SIFT and SURF features.To add an efficiently computed orientation to the FAST keypoint,an intensity centroid is designed for computing a vector.The moments of a patch around the FAST keypoint are defined as
where the values ofpandqare limited to 0 or 1,andI(x,y) is the pixel value of the pixel position (x,y).Then the intensity centroid is computed from those moments:
The orientation vector can be constructed by con‐necting two points.One of them is the center of the keypoint corner,and the other is the centroid of the patch.The orientation is then computed as
The work after keypoint detection is feature de‐scription which is convenient for feature matching.The original BRIEF descriptor is a variant of in-plane rota‐tion.It is a binary description of an image patch using a binary intensity testτwhich is defined as follows:
wherep(x) andp(y) are the intensities at pointsxandy,respectively.There are usually 256 pairs of points selected to express a keypoint.The descriptor is defined as a vector of 256 binary tests:
wherenequals 256.Then a learning method that uses principal component analysis (PCA) or other dimen‐sionality reduction strategy is used to assist in realizing a rotation-invariant BRIEF descriptor.The combina‐tion of oFAST and rBRIEF is called an ORB feature,and an example is shown in Fig.5.The center of a red cycle is the keypoint and the radius means the ori‐entation.In addition,the features are extracted mainly from the texture information such as bulletin boards,stickers,or room numbers on the wall.
Fig.5 ORB features extracted from an image (References to color refer to the online version of this figure)
The subsequent work is to decide which image can be thought of as a keyframe.Different from the monocular camera visual SLAM system which needs map initialization,the first image captured by the robot in our proposed method is treated as a keyframe by de‐fault.After that,a new image that is considered a key‐frame should meet the following conditions:
(1) The total number of ORB features extracted from the image needs to exceed the minimum threshold.To give an objective numeral rather than a random value,some preparation needs to be completed in advance.First,we record a video at a distance of 10 m in the corridor.Then,we calculate the number of features of each frame offline and take a parameterFminas the reference threshold which is expressed as Eq.(15),whereNis the total number of images,Iiis the number of features of theithimage,andIminis the image which has the minimum number of features.
(2) More than 10 frames must have passed from the last keyframe decision,due to the high frame rate of the camera and the low moving speed of the mobile robot.
(3) The current frame shares fewer than 90% but more than 70% matched points with the last keyframe.
(4) The mobile robot has moved about 0.02 m from the position of the last keyframe.
Fig.6 shows the results of different keyframe selection strategies in a corridor environment.The blue trapezoidal blocks are camera’s poses that represent the keyframes of those captured images and will be saved as one part of the image map.The green one indicates the current frame.Map points are indicated by the black and red points which are not saved in the image map in our proposed system.
Fig.6 Keyframes and map points: (a) ORB-SLAM;(b) improved strategy of keyframe selection (References to color refer to the online version of this figure)
Compared with the visual SLAM approach which refers to epipolar geometry and removes more redun‐dant images,the strategy of retaining only keyframe images reduces the computational workload of geomet‐ric transformation between two adjacent image frames.Moreover,the map points are not needed to be stored,which also reduces computing sources involving trian‐gulation.Table 1 is an extraction result compared with the ORB-SLAM method (Mur-Artal et al.,2015) by intercepting a section of 10 m from a corridor inside an office building in our university.Our strategy canobtain dense and uniform keyframes which are con‐ducive to later place recognition.
Table 1 Keyframes using different approaches
The achieved keyframes can be stored directly in an image database.However,when a newly captured image needs to be retrieved from the database,the workload of feature point matching between images is particularly large.A popular method is to use the bag-of-words technique to train a large number of images into a visual vocabulary at the offline stage and then convert a new image into a numerical vec‐tor at the online stage.The advantage of using the bag-of-words model is in reducing the time needed for image matching.
As shown in Fig.7,the right part is a visual vocabu‐laryk-dimensional tree (k-d tree) which is created by discretizing the ORB descriptor space intomvisual words.Using thek-means approach,the descriptors are clustered intokbranches in each iteration of thedtimes.Thekdleaf nodes are the visual words with weighting values according to the inverse document frequency (IDF).
Fig.7 Visual vocabulary tree and inverse index
After creating the bag-of-words vocabulary,the mobile robot moves in the environment and acquires new images continuously.Every newly selected key‐frame will be converted to a visual vectorvt={(wi,ηi)|i=1,2,...,m},wheremis the number of visual words in the vocabulary database.The weightηiis com‐puted from the product of term frequency TFiand the inverse document frequency IDFi:
wherenkis the number of all feature points in thekthimage,nikis the number of occurrences of theithword in thekthimage,TFirepresents the weight of theithword in thekthimage,Nis the total number of images of the training database used to build the vocabulary tree,andniis the number of occurrences of theithword in the database.Actually,ni/Nmeans the weight of this word in the database;the larger the value,the lower the recognition rate.Consequently,the suitable weight is replaced by IDFi.
In addition,an inverse index list is created to store a list of the most similar images for each wordwi,as the left part of Fig.7 shows.The scoring values(vA,vB) measures the similarity of two imagesAandBusing their vocabulary vector pattern,which is cal‐culated based on an L1-score as Eq.(17).Once a new image is captured to match with the visual word data‐base,the inverse index list improves the matching speed.
For many application scenarios,the mobile robot does not need to enter a specific room;for example,during the COVID-19 epidemic,the quarantined per‐sons in the hotel could open the room door after receiv‐ing the message,and then take away the items.There‐fore,it is not necessary to acquire images inside the rooms.We remotely control the mobile robot to move from one end of the corridor along the middle line to the other end.A loosely coupled hybrid map is con‐structed in the moving process.
The hybrid map consists of an image map and an occupancy grid map.The former consists of keyframes and visual words.The latter is the probability-occupied grid map constructed by the laser SLAM method.The link between these two is the timestamp which can be achieved by the robot operating system (ROS) software.Through time alignment,a keyframe can be associated with the pose coordinates of the robot.The geo-tagged index associates a keyframe with a mobile robot’s pose,and is defined as follows:
The schematic diagram is shown in Fig.8.
Fig.8 Hybrid map based on the timestamp
Given a known map,the localization mode uses a coarse-to-fine paradigm to achieve the mobile robot’s pose.Fig.9 gives a framework of the paradigm: the left part is a visual image retrieval process that can acquire a coarse candidate location,and the right part is a fine pose estimation process that combines laser data,odometry data,and the occupancy grid map.
Fig.9 Localization mode (MCL: Monte Carlo localization)
In the left part of Fig.9,after the mobile robot is powered on,initialized,or recovered from a fault,it will adjust to a suitable position according to the mov‐ing strategy described in Section 3.1,and then start to capture images and handle them.A newly captured image will be transformed into a visual bag-of-words vector.Then a similarity value is computed by match‐ing the visual vector with those in the image map.The vector and keyframe with the highest score are what we are looking for.According to Eq.(18),the pose of the mobile robot is obtained by looking up the geo‐tagged index.However,the actual situation is not per‐fect,and most of the time,multiple high-score key‐frames are retrieved which will lead to longitudinal errors.Due to the observation errors of the sensors,lateral errors also occur.Consequently,the image re‐trieval part obtains only a candidate location with a small range of uncertainty.
In the right part of Fig.9,an improved MCL method is used to obtain a fine pose estimation.In the particle initialization phase,different from a traditional MCL method which generates particles uniformly throughout the whole grid map,we initialize the par‐ticles in a small range as Fig.10 shows.The particles are shown as the red dots and spread evenly inside an ellipse,where the mobile robot is most likely located according to the image retrieval result.Then,the robot executes the classical particle filter localization mode.To detect the kidnapped robot problem and successfully recover the correct pose from the abduction,a fixed time interval of image retrieval strategy is used.
Fig.10 Potential area of particle initialization (References to color refer to the online version of this figure)
The blue star in Fig.10 means the mobile robot’s pose with the maximum probability,and the probabili‐ties of other particles which are represented by red cir‐cles decrease towards the edge of the ellipse.Due to the moving strategy in Section 3.1,the directions of particles are consistent and have less uncertainty.Based on prior knowledge,the initial weights are set based on the Gaussian density function:
where (xk,yk,θk) is the most likely pose of the mobile robot,and the weight of each particle is set depending on its distance from (xk,yk).σxandσyare the variances in thexandydirections,respectively.After the initial‐ization,the iterative filtering scheme is used to com‐plete the fine positioning work.A detailed description is shown in Algorithm 1.
Our experimental mobile robot is a modified twowheel differential driving chassis based on a Kobuki robot (Yujin Robot Company,Korea),which is also introduced in the ROS community.The mobile robot shown in Fig.11a is equipped with an RPLIDAR A2 laser LiDAR (SLAMTEC Company,China),a monocu‐lar camera with 1280×960 resolution and 30 frames per second,and a microcomputer with 1.5 GHz ARM Cotex-A72 CPU and 8 GB RAM.The laser LiDAR has a 360° rotation range and an effective measurement radius of 8‒10 m.It is noteworthy that the camera is mounted lower than the LiDAR sensor to avoid block‐ing the LiDAR beam.The experimental environment is a long corridor with many symmetrical and similar areas inside an office building next to our laboratory (Fig.11b).The length of the corridor is 36.10 m,the width is 2.17 m,and the depth of the door frames is 0.07 m.There are two types of door-frame widths,1.00 and 2.25 m.The ground truths of the signed positions and the distances are measured manually using a tape ruler.
Fig.11 Experimental setup and environment: (a) the mobile robot platform used to verify the proposed method;(b) a long corridor inside an office building
We removed items such as fire extinguishers and garbage cans in the corridor to reduce the impact on the experiments.The mobile robot was remotecontrolled to move from the building entrance to the other end of the corridor,and a probabilistic occupancy grid map was built using the Gmapping SLAM solu‐tion (Grisetti et al.,2007).It should be noted that the mobile robot did not reach the wall at the endpoint,but stopped at a position about 0.8 m away from it.Fig.12 shows the mapping result,and the red solid rectangles represent the door-frame areas.Inside the dashed parallelograms are several geometrically simi‐lar areas.In addition,357 images were extracted and determined as the keyframes using our keyframe selec‐tion strategy.
Fig.12 Occupancy grid map the environment
In the global localization experiment,we chose 10 different initial locations (marked with red dots in Fig.12) to test our proposed localization method and the traditional MCL method.To obtain the average and generality of the experimental results,each of the methods in each specific location was tested 10 times.The mobile robot was placed in the fixed positions and restarted from there.Fig.13 shows an experiment of the global localization process using the traditional adaptive Monte Carlo localization (AMCL) method.The mobile robot restarted from position #8 and scat‐tered particles evenly on the whole map to realize ini‐tialization.Due to the randomness,the pose of the robot that shown in Fig.13a is not the real one.After the mobile robot moved a short distance as shown in Fig.13b,the particles gradually converged to many clusters which were the potential poses.In Fig.13c,the mobile robot moved to an area near position #10,and the particles had converged into a single cluster.Unfortunately,the final localization result was wrong.
Fig.13 Global localization results of the adaptive Monte Carlo localization (AMCL) method: (a) initialization of the particles;(b) particle distribution after moving a short distance;(c) wrong localization when particles converged
Fig.14 is the initialization of our proposed method.The mobile robot restarted from position #5 and ad‐justed its pose to a suitable position.According to our proposed moving strategy and the laser scan data,the mobile robot moved through a small range to the middle line of the corridor.Then the robot captured images and matched them with the image database.The most similar ones were the candidate areas where the mobile robot was most likely to be.Finally,the particle initialization was performed based on Fig.10 and Eq.(19).After several iterations,the particles were more concentrated and the position with the maximum weight was the estimated pose of the mobile robot.
Fig.14 Initialization of the proposed method
We recorded the number of iterations when the particles converged to a single cluster in each of the 10 experiments and computed the average value.If the mobile robot did not move,but stayed where it was,the particles could not be converged.Therefore,the mobile robot had to move around to find the salient geometric or visual features for localization.Similarly,the average moving distance was recorded and com‐puted when the particles had converged.When the par‐ticles had converged to a cluster,we considered that a global localization task was completed.A successful global localization criterion is that the pose difference of the mobile robot between the map and that of the real-world environment is within a small range.The dis‐tance threshold is 0.05 m and the angle threshold is 0.5°.
Table 2 shows the statistical results of our pro‐posed method and the AMCL approach.The results show that the conventional AMCL method needs the mobile robot to move a relatively long distance to obtain particle convergence and has a low successful locali‑zation rate.The situation did not improve significantly,even though more particles were added.By contrast,our proposed method achieved a high,98.8%,success rate while the average moving distance was 0.31 m.
Table 2 Statistical results of our proposed method and the AMCL approach
As shown in Fig.12,there are several areas that are geometrically similar,for instance,the area near position #6 and the area near position #7,which are inside the red parallelogram dashed line boxes.There are another two areas near position #2 and position #4 which are similar in the opposite direction.These two areas are inside the blue parallelogram dashed line boxes.To perform the kidnapped robot experiment,we placed the mobile robot in the corridor and controlled the robot’s moving from the entrance to the toilet posi‐tion.When the mobile robot moved to position #6 where we placed a marker in advance,we lifted it up and placed it at position #7.We used both our pro‐posed method and the traditional AMCL method to test the pose recovery experiment.
Fig.15 shows the recovery results of these two different methods.TheX-axis is the time intervalafter the kidnapping event and theY-axis is the longitu‐dinal error.A lateral error was not considered in this ex‐periment because the width of the corridor was limited and the error came mainly from the laser accuracy,not the algorithm.Commonly,the longitudinal error was about 0.19 m.We defined the moment when the robot kidnapping occurred as time 0.When the robot was ab‐ducted,the actual longitudinal error came to an average of 5.34 m.The traditional AMCL method could not find the difference,and the error would continue as shown in Fig.15b.By contrast,our proposed method found the difference after 5 s which was set as a trigger mecha‐nism.Then,the newly captured image was matched with the image database to trigger a new particle initializa‐tion process,as described in Algorithm 1.We found that the longitudinal error of the mobile robot returned to about 0.19 m after 5 s.The mobile robot successfully recovered its pose from the kidnapping problem.
Fig.15 Recovery from the kidnapped robot problem: (a) result of the proposed method;(b) result of the traditional adaptive Monte Carlo localization (AMCL) method
In this work,we propose a novel approach that uses visual features to assist mobile robot localization in a long corridor.A coarse-to-fine paradigm is used to realize the localization task,and the system is divided into two phases.In the mapping phase,we control the mobile robot moving along the middle line from the entry position to the end of the corridor.A hybrid map consisting of an occupancy grid map and an image data‐base is built in the moving process.The image data‐base includes keyframes which are screened according to an image selection strategy and visual words that are converted from the features of keyframes using the bag-of-words approach.The geo-tagged index between a keyframe and the associated robot’s pose is decided by the timestamp.In the localization phase,the mobile robot adjusts its pose to find the best perspective to capture images and match them with the image data‐base.The matching result provides a rough initial po‐sition candidate which is a coarse localization.Then,an improved AMCL method is used to realize a fine localization by scattering particles according to the reference position.The results indicate that our pro‐posed method performs well in a corridor environment and can solve both global localization and kidnapped robot problems.
In the future,we will integrate more location areas into our research work,for example,the multiple simi‐lar bookshelf areas in the library or the different car‐riages of a train,and further expand to environments inside the 2D geometrically similar rooms.In addi‐tion,more visual features can be extracted from the image to assist robot localization or perception tasks,such as objects and texts.
Gengyu GE designed the research.Gengyu GE,Yi ZHANG,and Wei WANG proposed the methods.Gengyu GE,Lihe HU,and Yang WANG conducted the experiments.Gengyu GE pro‐cessed the data.Wei WANG participated in the visualization.Gengyu GE drafted the paper.Yi ZHANG and Qin JIANG re‐vised and finalized the paper.
Compliance with ethics guidelines
Gengyu GE,Yi ZHANG,Wei WANG,Lihe HU,Yang WANG,and Qin JIANG declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Data availability
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering2023年6期