(1. 天津大学电气自动化与信息工程学院,天津 300072;2. 天津职业技术师范大学电子工程学院,天津 300222)
显著性检测可通过计算机模拟人类视觉系统,快速分析输入图像并保留最引人注意的区域.广泛应用在图像检索[1]、目标检测[2]、行为识别[3]、图像分 割[4]和目标识别[5]等计算机视觉任务.
基于单数据集的多任务检测网络一般设计两个并行网络分别检测显著性目标区域和显著性目标边界,两个网络均使用DUTS数据集[6]进行监督学习.Wei等[7]通过数学运算将输入图像分解为边界图和目标区域图,并设计两个子网络分别学习.Song 等[8]提出一种多层次边界细化的显著性检测网络,先获得粗糙的显著性预测图,后对显著性边界进行细化.该类方法由于利用边界检测算子在计算过程中存在误差,导致提取的边界不完整.因此,一些学者使用多个数据集对网络进行监督训练来提升显著性判别能力和边界提取能力.Wu等[9]采用边界检测和显著性检测多任务联合训练方式,提升网络的特征提取能力;然而该方法没有考虑多个检测任务之间的协作问题,导致提取的目标区域和边界特征不完整.在此基础上,Liu等[10]增加了骨架检测任务,通过对3个任务联合训练,提升网络边界检测能力和中心定位能力.该方法使用权重共享策略交换多任务信息,忽略了不同检测任务之间的差异,导致预测图不完整.
图1 网络整体结构
1.1.1 金字塔卷积模块
图2 金字塔卷积模块结构
1.1.2 特征增强模块
图3 特征增强模块
表1 不同显著性目标检测方法的客观指标
Tab.1 Objective metrics of different saliency detection methods
图4 所提方法和其他方法的主观比较
表2 本文所提方法与其他方法在平均速度上的比较
Tab.2 Comparison of the proposed method with other methods in terms of average speed
为了验证所提方法中金字塔卷积模块(PCM)的作用,进行了消融实验.共包括如4个实验:实验1为浅层特征和深层特征均不使用PCM(without PCM,WPCM);实验2为仅浅层特征使用PCM (shallow PCM,SPCM);实验3为仅深层特征用PCM(deep PCM,DPCM);实验4为浅层特征和深层特征均用PCM(both PCM,BPCM).
为了验证所提方法中特征增强模块(FEM)的有效性,在4个数据集上进行消融实验,分别为:浅层特征和深层特征均不使用FEM(without FEM,WFEM)(实验1);仅浅层特征使用FEM(shallow PCM,SFEM)(实验2);仅深层特征用FEM(deep FEM,DFEM)(实验3);浅层特征和深层特征均用FEM(both FEM,BFEM)(实验4);不同模型是否使用FEM的值和MAE的结果如表5所示.
表3 消融实验结果
Tab.3 Ablation results
表4 金字塔卷积模块的消融实验结果
Tab.4 Ablation results on the pyramid convolutional module
表5 特征增强模块的消融实验结果
Tab.5 Ablation results on the feature enhancement module
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Saliency Detection Network Based on Edge Detection and Skeleton Extraction
Yang Aiping1,ChengSimeng1,Wang Jinbin1,Song Shangyang1,Ding Xuewen2
(1. School of Electrical and Information Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;2. School of Electronic Engineering,Tianjin University of Technology and Education,Tianjin 300222,China)
Recently,considerable progress has been made in salient object detection based on joint multitask learning. However,false detection and leak detection persist owing to differences in optimization objectives and feature domains among different tasks. Therefore,current networks are incapable of identifying features such as saliency and object boundaries. Herein,we proposed an assisted multitask saliency detection network based on edge detection and skeleton extraction,comprising a feature extraction subnetwork,edge detection subnetwork,skeleton extraction subnetwork,and saliency filling subnetwork. The feature extraction subnetwork extracts multilevel features of images using ResNet101 pretrained model. The edge detection subnetwork selects the first three layers for feature fusion to retain the salient edge completely. The skeleton extraction subnetwork selects the last two layers for feature fusion to locate the center of the salient object accurately. Unlike the current networks,we train two subnetworks on edge detection dataset and skelecton extraction dataset to preserve the best models separately,which are used as pretrained models to assist with saliency detection tasks. Furthermore,to reduce the discrepancy between optimization objects and feature domains,the saliency filling subnetwork is designed to make the fusion and non-linear mapping for extracted edge and skeletal features. Experimental results for four datasets show that the proposed method can not only restore the missing saliency regions effectively but also outperform other methods.
edge detection;skeleton extraction;multitask;saliency detection network
杨爱萍(1977— ),女,博士,副教授.Email:m_bigm@tju.edu.cn
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 62071323,No. 61632018,No. 61771329),Tianjin Science and Technology Planning Project(No. 20YDTPJC01110).