
2023-06-19 15:59YaismelMegret古巴史聪一
国际人才交流 2023年5期

文/Yaismel Megret(古巴) 译/史聪一





The study of the just-concluded National People’s Congress (NPC) and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) (from now on referred to as the “Two Sessions”) has allowed me to continue to understand the nation’s work strategies and strength of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.

From my poi nt of view: t he open i ng of the session,with a government report and the announcement of an economic expansion by 2023.The new financial growth schemes were proposed to raise the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth that decreased during the past year (2022),mainly due to the impact of Covid-19 on productive activity and services and the effects of international pressure.Mark a directive in the strategy to follow to fulfill the proposed objectives.

As Premier Li Keqiang reported,to work for the sake of stability in economic growth,the focus will be on stimulating domestic or consumer demand and promoting new structures by encouraging private investment.Hence,recent reforms to strengthen supply and boost demand,aims to have sustainable development around new stability measures.

During the years that I have been working in the country,I have demonstrated the growth in digital technologies and the work of the government in the continuous modernization of the industrial system.Moreover,as Premier Li mentioned: there is a detailed plan to attract more foreign investment,close new trade agreements at the regional level,and expand business opportunities to entrepreneurs around the world.



自中华人民共和国成立以来,初期在毛泽东主席的坚强领导下,彻底消除贫困一直是中国最珍视的目标之一。为了实现这一宏伟的目标,一代代中国人民斗志昂扬,并将所有心血倾注其中。在今年两会期间即新中国成立74年后,李克强总理庄严宣告:“我们如期打赢脱贫攻坚战,巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果。”这不仅标志着自1949年10月1日中华人民共和国成立以来,中国共产党圆满地完成了第一代领导人在天安门城楼上许下的庄重承诺,还宣告着中国实现了从“站起来” “富起来”到“强起来”的伟大飞跃。

I come from the Cuban socialist nation,where the government has maintained friendly and diplomatic relations with the Chinese country for more than 60 years.The Cuban government works for the continuous increase of the welfare of the people.One of the points analyzed during the sessions,which fills me with satisfaction: because of the close relationship that unites our nations,is to see the commitment of the Chinese government to provide better living conditions for its citizens: birth incentive actions,plans to optimize health services.

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,under the determined leadership of Mao Zedong,one of the most cherished goals has been eradicating poverty.To the achievement of this ambitious purpose,they have devoted all their energies.During the framework of the sessions,74 years after that grand event,Premier Li Keqiang solemnly declared before the legislators the“successful culmination” of the last stretch of the objective set by the Communist Party of China of the self-imposed task on October 1,1949,in Tiananmen Square.







In the “battle of assault of strongholds in the elimination of poverty,” thus characterized by Li himself,the government prioritized the investment of funds in the fields of industrial,labor,ecological,educational,health,social security,etc.,which has resulted in an increase in the quality of life of the people (with particular emphasis on the inhabitants of rural areas) and the consequent eradication of absolute poverty in the term set.

This feat,which requires hard work and demon st rates once again the government’s commitment to the people,with a good combination of centralized scientific planning,the centralization of information in the Office of the Leading Group for Poverty Alleviation and Development of the State Council that allowed to identify essential households,vulnerable and prioritize their attention,as well as monitor their evolution,to avoid an undesirable“relapse” in the situation of vulnerability.It is worth noting the active participation of government officials and CPC cadres whose integrity and commitment prompted them to move to the most inhospitable places in China to realize the desired dream under the strict supervision of the CPC Central Committee.

President Xi Jinping,speaking at the NA’s closing,affirmed that he would fulfill the Constitution’s responsibilities,the nation’s needs,and the people’s interests in his new presidential administration.

He also urged further progress in people’s democracy and upheld the unity of the leadership of the Communist Party of China and law-based governance.And he emphasized the priority given to the welfare of the people as the country implements its development plans,seeks to revitalize itself,and becomes a modern socialist state by mid-century.He called for strengthening and expanding unity among the country’s inhabitants,their ethnic groups,and the diaspora to mobilize all favorable factors,and we will form a powerful force that will facilitate the construction of a great modern socialist country and the advancement of national revitalization.

He considered it vital to adopt a people-centered development philosophy so that the achievements of modernization fairly benefit each person and there are more remarkable and substantive results in promoting shared prosperity.

All in all,I regard the Two Sessions as a summary of remarkable achievements made in the past years,a new opening of another higher step that China will steadily head to,and a clear direction of guidance from the state level.I am looking forward to the immeasurable achievements that Chinese people could make in the near future with the spirits of the Two Sessions.

李克强 全力组织抢险救援和救治伤员